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Direct Messages
Key English Chinese (Traditional) State
send_suggestion_failed The suggestion failed to be sent (%s) 無法傳送建議(%s)
beta_title_bottom_sheet_action BETA Beta 測試版
send_feedback_space_title Spaces feedback 聊天空間回饋
feedback Feedback 回饋
send_feedback_space_info You’re using a beta version of spaces. Your feedback will help inform the next versions. Your platform and username will be noted to help us use your feedback as much as we can. 您正在使用聊天空間的 Beta 測試版本。您的回饋有助於改善未來的版本。我們將會紀錄您的平台與使用者名稱以協助我們使用您的回饋。
you_may_contact_me You may contact me if you have any follow up questions 如果您有任何後續的問題,歡迎聯絡我
feedback_sent Thanks, your feedback has been successfully sent 謝謝,您的回饋已成功傳送
feedback_failed The feedback failed to be sent (%s) 無法傳送回饋(%s)
give_feedback Give Feedback 給予回饋
give_feedback_threads Give Feedback 給予回饋
send_feedback_threads_title Threads Beta feedback 「討論串」功能 Beta 測試回饋
send_feedback_threads_info Threads are a work in progress with new, exciting upcoming features, such as improved notifications. We’d love to hear your feedback! 「討論串」是一項正在進行中的工作,包含了即將推出令人興奮的新功能(例如改善後的通知)。我們想要聽到您的回饋!
beta BETA Beta 測試版
settings_labs_show_hidden_events_in_timeline Show hidden events in timeline 在時間軸中顯示隱藏的事件
settings_labs_show_complete_history_in_encrypted_room Show complete history in encrypted rooms 在加密聊天室顯示完整歷史紀錄
bottom_action_people_x Direct Messages 私人訊息
send_file_step_idle Waiting… 正在等待…
send_file_step_encrypting_thumbnail Encrypting thumbnail… 正在加密縮圖…
send_file_step_sending_thumbnail Sending thumbnail (%1$s / %2$s) 正在傳送縮圖(%1$s / %2$s)
send_file_step_encrypting_file Encrypting file… 正在加密檔案…
send_file_step_sending_file Sending file (%1$s / %2$s) 正在傳送檔案(%1$s / %2$s)
send_file_step_compressing_image Compressing image… 正在壓縮圖片…
send_file_step_compressing_video Compressing video %d%% 正在壓縮影片 %d%%
downloaded_file File %1$s has been downloaded! 檔案 %1$s 已下載!
edited_suffix (edited) (已編輯)
message_edits Message Edits 訊息編輯紀錄
no_message_edits_found No edits found 找不到編輯
room_filtering_filter_hint Filter conversations… 過濾對話…
room_filtering_footer_title Can’t find what you’re looking for? 找不到您要尋找的東西?
room_filtering_footer_create_new_room Create a new room 建立一間新聊天室
room_filtering_footer_create_new_direct_message Send a new direct message 傳送新的私人訊息
Key English Chinese (Traditional) State
bootstrap_loading_title Setting up recovery. 設定復原。
bootstrap_migration_backup_recovery_key Key Backup recovery key 金鑰備份復原金鑰
bootstrap_migration_enter_backup_password Enter your Key Backup Passphrase to continue. 輸入您的金鑰備份安全密語以繼續。
bootstrap_migration_use_recovery_key use your Key Backup recovery key 使用您的金鑰備份復原金鑰
bootstrap_migration_with_passphrase_helper_with_link Don’t know your Key Backup Passphrase, you can %s. 若不知道您的金鑰備份安全密語,可以 %s。
bootstrap_progress_checking_backup Checking backup Key 正在檢查備份金鑰
bootstrap_progress_checking_backup_with_info Checking backup Key (%s) 正在檢查備份金鑰 (%s)
bootstrap_progress_compute_curve_key Getting curve key 正在取得曲線金鑰
bootstrap_progress_generating_ssss Generating SSSS key from passphrase 從安全密語產生 SSSS 金鑰
bootstrap_progress_generating_ssss_recovery Generating SSSS key from recovery key 從復原金鑰產生 SSSS 金鑰
bootstrap_progress_generating_ssss_with_info Generating SSSS key from passphrase (%s) 從安全密語產生 SSSS 金鑰(%s)
bootstrap_progress_storing_in_sss Storing keybackup secret in SSSS 正在將金鑰備份的秘密資訊儲存至 SSSS 中
bottom_action_favourites Favorites 我的最愛
bottom_action_notification Notifications 通知
bottom_action_people People 聯絡人
bottom_action_people_x Direct Messages 私人訊息
bottom_action_rooms Rooms 聊天室
bottom_sheet_save_your_recovery_key_content Store your Security Key somewhere safe, like a password manager or a safe. 將您的安全金鑰儲存在安全的地方,如密碼管理員或保險櫃。
bottom_sheet_save_your_recovery_key_title Save your Security Key 儲存您的安全金鑰
bottom_sheet_setup_secure_backup_security_key_subtitle Generate a security key to store somewhere safe like a password manager or a safe. 產生安全金鑰後,請儲存在密碼管理員或保險箱等安全的地方。
bottom_sheet_setup_secure_backup_security_key_title Use a Security Key 使用安全金鑰
bottom_sheet_setup_secure_backup_security_phrase_subtitle Enter a secret phrase only you know, and generate a key for backup. 輸入只有您知道的安全密語,並生成備份的金鑰。
bottom_sheet_setup_secure_backup_security_phrase_title Use a Security Phrase 使用安全密語
bottom_sheet_setup_secure_backup_submit Set up 設定
bottom_sheet_setup_secure_backup_subtitle Safeguard against losing access to encrypted messages & data by backing up encryption keys on your server. 請在您的伺服器上備份加密金鑰,確保您不會失去對加密訊息與資料的存取權限。
bottom_sheet_setup_secure_backup_title Secure backup 安全備份
bug_report_error_too_short The description is too short 描述太短了
call Call 通話
call_active_status Active call · %1$d 通進行中的通話。
call_camera_back Back 上一步
Component Translation Difference to current string
This translation Propagated Translated Element Android/Element Android App
The following strings have different contexts, but the same source.
Translated Element Android/Element Android App
Translated Element Android/Element Android App


Direct Messages
a year ago
Direct Messages
a year ago
Direct Messages
a year ago
Direct Messages
a year ago
Direct Messages
a year ago
Direct Messages
2 years ago
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English Chinese (Traditional)
No related strings found in the glossary.

Source information

String age
3 years ago
Source string age
3 years ago
Translation file
library/ui-strings/src/main/res/values-zh-rTW/strings.xml, string 1294