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Key English Chinese (Simplified) State
permissions_rationale_msg_record_audio ${app_name} needs permission to access your microphone to perform audio calls. ${app_name} 需要权限以访问你的麦克风来进行语音通话。
permissions_rationale_msg_camera_and_audio ${app_name} needs permission to access your camera and your microphone to perform video calls.

Please allow access on the next pop-ups to be able to make the call.
${app_name} 需要权限以访问你的摄像机和麦克风来进行视频通话。

permissions_rationale_msg_notification ${app_name} needs permission to display notifications. Notifications can display your messages, your invitations, etc.

Please allow access on the next pop-ups to be able to view notification.

permissions_denied_qr_code To scan a QR code, you need to allow camera access. 如需扫描QR码,你须允许相机访问权限。
permissions_denied_add_contact Allow permission to access your contacts. 允许访问你的联系人。
yes YES
no NO
_continue Continue 继续
list_members Members 成员
room_jump_to_first_unread Jump to unread 跳到未读
room_title_members %d member %d 个成员
room_participants_leave_prompt_title Leave room 离开房间
room_participants_leave_prompt_msg Are you sure you want to leave the room? 确定要离开房间吗?
room_participants_leave_private_warning This room is not public. You will not be able to rejoin without an invite. 此房间不公开。没有邀请,你将无法重新加入。
room_participants_header_direct_chats Direct Messages 私聊
room_participants_action_invite Invite 邀请
room_participants_action_cancel_invite Cancel invite 取消邀请
room_participants_action_ban Ban 封禁
room_participants_action_unban Unban 解除封禁
room_participants_action_remove Remove from chat 从聊天移除
room_participants_action_mention Mention 提及
room_participants_power_level_prompt You will not be able to undo this change as you are promoting the user to have the same power level as yourself.
Are you sure?
room_participants_power_level_demote_warning_title Demote yourself? 降低你自己的级别?
room_participants_power_level_demote_warning_prompt You will not be able to undo this change as you are demoting yourself, if you are the last privileged user in the room it will be impossible to regain privileges. 你正在降低你的级别,此操作无法撤销。如果你是房间中最后一个特权用户,你将无法恢复特权。
room_participants_power_level_demote Demote 降级
room_participants_action_ignore_title Ignore user 忽略用户
room_participants_action_ignore_prompt_msg Ignoring this user will remove their messages from rooms you share.

You can reverse this action at any time in the general settings.

room_participants_action_ignore Ignore 忽略
room_participants_action_unignore_title Unignore user 取消忽略用户
room_participants_action_unignore_prompt_msg Unignoring this user will show all messages from them again. 取消忽略此用户将重新显示来自他们的全部消息。
room_participants_action_unignore Unignore 取消忽略
Key English Chinese (Simplified) State
room_message_autocomplete_users Users 用户
room_message_notify_everyone Notify the whole room 通知整个房间
room_message_placeholder Message… 消息……
room_new_messages_notification %d new message %d 条新消息
room_no_active_widgets No active widgets 没有活动的小部件
room_notification_more_than_two_users_are_typing %1$s, %2$s and others %1$s、%2$s与其他人
room_notification_two_users_are_typing %1$s and %2$s %1$s与%2$s
room_one_user_is_typing %s is typing… %s正在输入……
room_participants_action_ban Ban 封禁
room_participants_action_cancel_invite Cancel invite 取消邀请
room_participants_action_cancel_invite_prompt_msg Are you sure you want to cancel the invite for this user? 你确定想要取消邀请此用户吗?
room_participants_action_cancel_invite_title Cancel invite 取消邀请
room_participants_action_ignore Ignore 忽略
room_participants_action_ignore_prompt_msg Ignoring this user will remove their messages from rooms you share.

You can reverse this action at any time in the general settings.

room_participants_action_ignore_title Ignore user 忽略用户
room_participants_action_invite Invite 邀请
room_participants_action_mention Mention 提及
room_participants_action_remove Remove from chat 从聊天移除
room_participants_action_unban Unban 解除封禁
room_participants_action_unignore Unignore 取消忽略
room_participants_action_unignore_prompt_msg Unignoring this user will show all messages from them again. 取消忽略此用户将重新显示来自他们的全部消息。
room_participants_action_unignore_title Unignore user 取消忽略用户
room_participants_ban_prompt_msg Banning user will remove them from this room and prevent them from joining again. 封禁用户会把他们移出此房间并阻止他们再次加入。
room_participants_ban_reason Reason to ban 封禁理由
room_participants_ban_title Ban user 封禁用户
room_participants_header_direct_chats Direct Messages 私聊
room_participants_leave_private_warning This room is not public. You will not be able to rejoin without an invite. 此房间不公开。没有邀请,你将无法重新加入。
room_participants_leave_prompt_msg Are you sure you want to leave the room? 确定要离开房间吗?
room_participants_leave_prompt_title Leave room 离开房间
room_participants_power_level_demote Demote 降级
Component Translation Difference to current string
This translation Propagated Translated Element Android/Element Android App
The following string has different context, but the same source.
Translated Element Android/Element Android App


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English Chinese (Simplified)
invite 邀请 Element Android

Source information

String age
3 years ago
Source string age
3 years ago
Translation file
library/ui-strings/src/main/res/values-zh-rCN/strings.xml, string 478