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Upgrades a room to a new version
Key English Chinese (Simplified) State
dev_tools_edit_content Edit Content 编辑内容
dev_tools_send_custom_state_event Send Custom State Event 发送自定义状态事件
dev_tools_form_hint_type Type 类型
dev_tools_form_hint_state_key State Key 状态键
dev_tools_form_hint_event_content Event Content 事件内容
dev_tools_error_no_content No content 无内容
dev_tools_error_no_message_type Missing message type 消息类型缺失
dev_tools_error_malformed_event Malformed event 事件格式错误
dev_tools_success_event Event sent! 事件已发送!
dev_tools_success_state_event State event sent! 状态事件已发送!
dev_tools_event_content_hint Event content 事件内容
command_description_create_space Create a Space 创建空间
command_description_add_to_space Add to the given Space 添加至给定的空间
command_description_join_space Join the Space with the given id 使用给定的id加入空间
command_description_leave_room Leave room with given id (or current room if null) 离开给定id的房间(如果为null则为当前所处的房间)
command_description_upgrade_room Upgrades a room to a new version 将房间升级到新版本
event_status_a11y_sending Sending 正在发送
event_status_a11y_sent Sent 已发送
event_status_a11y_failed Failed 失败
event_status_a11y_delete_all Delete all failed messages 删除失败的消息
event_status_cancel_sending_dialog_message Do you want to cancel sending message? 你确定要取消发送消息吗?
event_status_failed_messages_warning Messages failed to send 消息发送失败
event_status_delete_all_failed_dialog_title Delete unsent messages 删除未发送的消息
event_status_delete_all_failed_dialog_message Are you sure you want to delete all unsent messages in this room? 你确定要删除此房间中所有未发送的消息吗?
public_space Public space 公开空间
private_space Private space 私有空间
add_space Add space 添加空间
your_public_space Your public space 你的公开空间
your_private_space Your private space 你的私有空间
create_spaces_choose_type_label What type of space do you want to create? 你想要创建哪种类型的空间?
create_spaces_you_can_change_later You can change this later 你可以稍后更改
Key English Chinese (Simplified) State
command_description_nick_for_room Changes your display nickname in the current room only 仅在当前房间更改你的显示昵称
command_description_op_user Define the power level of a user 定义用户的权限等级
command_description_part_room Leave room 离开房间
command_description_plain Sends a message as plain text, without interpreting it as markdown 以纯文本形式发送消息,而不将其解释为 markdown
command_description_rainbow Sends the given message colored as a rainbow 给给定的消息和彩虹一样上色后发送
command_description_rainbow_emote Sends the given emote colored as a rainbow 和彩虹一样给给定的表情上色后发送
command_description_remove_user Removes user with given id from this room 从此房间移除指定ID的用户
command_description_room_avatar Changes the avatar of the current room 更改当前房间的头像
command_description_room_name Sets the room name 设置房间名称
command_description_shrug Prepends ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ to a plain-text message 在明文消息前添加 ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
command_description_spoiler Sends the given message as a spoiler 将给定信息作为剧透发送
command_description_table_flip Prepends (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ to a plain-text message 将 (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ 添加到纯文本消息中
command_description_topic Set the room topic 设置房间话题
command_description_unban_user Unbans user with given id 按照 ID 解禁用户
command_description_unignore_user Stops ignoring a user, showing their messages going forward 停止忽略用户,继续显示他们的消息
command_description_upgrade_room Upgrades a room to a new version 将房间升级到新版本
command_description_whois Displays information about a user 显示用户信息
command_error Command error 命令错误
command_not_supported_in_threads The command "%s" is recognized but not supported in threads. 命令“%s”可被识别但在消息列中不被支持。
command_problem_with_parameters The command "%s" needs more parameters, or some parameters are incorrect. 指令 %s 需要更多参数,或者有些参数不正确。
command_snow Sends the given message with snowfall 将下雪效果和给定消息一起发送
compression_opt_list_choose Choose 选择
compression_opt_list_large Large
compression_opt_list_medium Medium
compression_opt_list_original Original 原始
compression_opt_list_small Small
confirm_your_identity Confirm your identity by verifying this login from one of your other sessions, granting it access to encrypted messages. 通过从你的其它会话验证此登录确认你的身份,授权它访问你的加密消息。
confirm_your_identity_after_update Secure messaging has been improved with the latest update. Please re-verify your device. 最新更新改进了安全消息传递。 请重新验证你的设备。
confirm_your_identity_quad_s Confirm your identity by verifying this login, granting it access to encrypted messages. 验证此登录来确认你的身份,授权其访问加密消息。
contact_admin_to_restore_encryption Please contact an admin to restore encryption to a valid state. 请联系管理员将加密还原到有效状态。


Upgrades a room to a new version
a year ago
Upgrades a room to a new version
2 years ago
Browse all component changes


English Chinese (Simplified)
room 房间 Element Android

Source information

String age
2 years ago
Source string age
2 years ago
Translation file
library/ui-strings/src/main/res/values-zh-rCN/strings.xml, string 2171