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Enable Live Location Sharing
Key English Vietnamese State
location_share_live_select_duration_option_3 8 hours
location_not_available_dialog_title ${app_name} could not access your location
location_not_available_dialog_content ${app_name} could not access your location. Please try again later.
location_share_external Open with
location_timeline_failed_to_load_map Failed to load map
location_share_loading_map_error Unable to load map
This home server may not be configured to display maps.
location_share_live_enabled Live location enabled
location_share_live_started Loading live location…
location_share_live_ended Live location ended
location_share_live_view View live location
location_share_live_until Live until %1$s
location_share_live_stop Stop
location_share_live_remaining_time %1$s left
live_location_sharing_notification_title ${app_name} Live Location
live_location_sharing_notification_description Location sharing is in progress
labs_enable_live_location Enable Live Location Sharing
labs_enable_live_location_summary Temporary implementation: locations persist in room history
live_location_bottom_sheet_last_updated_at Updated %1$s ago
live_location_not_enough_permission_dialog_title You don’t have permission to share live location
live_location_not_enough_permission_dialog_description You need to have the right permissions in order to share live location in this room.
live_location_share_location_item_share Share location
live_location_description Live location
message_bubbles Show Message bubbles Hiển thị bong bóng tin nhắn
tooltip_attachment_photo Open camera
tooltip_attachment_gallery Send images and videos Gửi ảnh và phim
tooltip_attachment_file Upload file
tooltip_attachment_sticker Send sticker
tooltip_attachment_contact Open contacts
tooltip_attachment_poll Create poll
tooltip_attachment_location Share location
tooltip_attachment_voice_broadcast Start a voice broadcast
Key English Vietnamese State
keys_backup_unable_to_get_keys_backup_data An error occurred getting keys backup data Lỗi xảy ra khi nhận được dữ liệu sao lưu khóa
keys_backup_unable_to_get_trust_info An error occurred getting trust info Lỗi xảy ra khi nhận được thông tin xác thực
keys_backup_unlock_button Unlock History Mở khóa Lịch sử
key_share_request Key Share Request Yêu cầu Chia sẻ Khóa
labs_allow_extended_logging Enable verbose logs. Bật nhật ký verbose.
labs_allow_extended_logging_summary Verbose logs will help developers by providing more logs when you send a RageShake. Even when enabled, the application does not log message contents or any other private data. Nhật ký verbose sẽ giúp các nhà phát triển bằng cách cung cấp thêm nhật ký khi bạn lắc mạnh thiết bị. Ngay cả khi được bật, ứng dụng không ghi lại nội dung tin nhắn hoặc bất kỳ dữ liệu riêng tư nào khác.
labs_auto_report_uisi Auto Report Decryption Errors.
labs_auto_report_uisi_desc Your system will automatically send logs when an unable to decrypt error occurs Hệ thống sẽ tự động gửi nhật ký khi nào xảy ra lỗi giải mã tin nhắn
labs_enable_client_info_recording_summary Record the client name, version, and url to recognise sessions more easily in session manager.
labs_enable_client_info_recording_title Enable client info recording
labs_enable_deferred_dm_summary Create DM only on first message Chỉ tạo cuộc trò chuyện riêng cho tin nhắn đầu tiên
labs_enable_deferred_dm_title Enable deferred DMs Bật trì hoãn cho các tin nhắn riêng
labs_enable_element_call_permission_shortcuts Enable Element Call permission shortcuts
labs_enable_element_call_permission_shortcuts_summary Auto-approve Element Call widgets and grant camera / mic access
labs_enable_latex_maths Enable LaTeX mathematics
labs_enable_live_location Enable Live Location Sharing
labs_enable_live_location_summary Temporary implementation: locations persist in room history
labs_enable_msc3061_share_history MSC3061: Sharing room keys for past messages
labs_enable_msc3061_share_history_desc When inviting in an encrypted room that is sharing history, encrypted history will be visible.
labs_enable_new_app_layout_summary A simplified Element with optional tabs Element đã được đơn giản hóa với các mục tùy chọn
labs_enable_new_app_layout_title Enable new layout Sử dụng bố cục mới
labs_enable_rich_text_editor_summary Try out the rich text editor (plain text mode coming soon) Thử trình soạn thảo văn bản phong phú (sẽ có chế độ văn bản thuần)
labs_enable_rich_text_editor_title Enable rich text editor Bật trình soạn thảo văn bản phong phú
labs_enable_session_manager_summary Have greater visibility and control over all your sessions. Hiển thị và kiểm soát các phiên của bạn tốt hơn.
labs_enable_session_manager_title Enable new session manager
labs_enable_thread_messages Enable threaded messages
labs_enable_thread_messages_desc Note: app will be restarted
labs_enable_voice_broadcast_summary Be able to record and send voice broadcast in room timeline.
labs_enable_voice_broadcast_title Enable voice broadcast
labs_show_unread_notifications_as_tab Add a dedicated tab for unread notifications on main screen. Thêm tab dành riêng cho các thông báo chưa đọc trên màn hình chính.


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English Vietnamese
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Source information

String age
2 years ago
Source string age
2 years ago
Translation file
library/ui-strings/src/main/res/values-vi/strings.xml, string 2413