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%1$s removed %2$s as an address for this room.
%1$s removed %2$s as addresses for this room.

Plural formula: n != 1

Key English Swahili State
notice_direct_room_leave_with_reason_by_you You left. Reason: %1$s Uliondoka. Sababu: %1$s
notice_room_reject_with_reason %1$s rejected the invitation. Reason: %2$s %1$s alikataa mwaliko. Sababu: %2$s
notice_room_reject_with_reason_by_you You rejected the invitation. Reason: %1$s Ulikataa mwaliko. Sababu: %1$s
notice_room_remove_with_reason %1$s removed %2$s. Reason: %3$s %1$s kuondolewa %2$s. Sababu: %3$s
notice_room_remove_with_reason_by_you You removed %1$s. Reason: %2$s Umeondoa %1$s. Sababu: %2$s
notice_room_unban_with_reason %1$s unbanned %2$s. Reason: %3$s %1$s haijazuiriwa %2$s. Sababu: %3$s
notice_room_unban_with_reason_by_you You unbanned %1$s. Reason: %2$s Haujazuiriwa %1$s. Sababu: %2$s
notice_room_ban_with_reason %1$s banned %2$s. Reason: %3$s %1$s marufuku %2$s. Sababu: %3$s
notice_room_ban_with_reason_by_you You banned %1$s. Reason: %2$s Ulipiga marufuku %1$s. Sababu: %2$s
notice_room_third_party_registered_invite_with_reason %1$s accepted the invitation for %2$s. Reason: %3$s %1$s alikubali mwaliko wa %2$s. Sababu: %3$s
notice_room_third_party_registered_invite_with_reason_by_you You accepted the invitation for %1$s. Reason: %2$s Ulikubali mwaliko wa %1$s. Sababu: %2$s
notice_room_withdraw_with_reason %1$s withdrew %2$s's invitation. Reason: %3$s %1$salikataa %2$s's mwaliko. Sababu: %3$s
notice_room_withdraw_with_reason_by_you You withdrew %1$s's invitation. Reason: %2$s Ulijiondoa %1$s's mwaliko. Sababu: %2$s
notice_room_aliases_added %1$s added %2$s as an address for this room. %1$s aliongeza %2$s kama anwani ya chumba hiki.
notice_room_aliases_added_by_you You added %1$s as an address for this room. Uliongeza %1$s kama answani ya chumba hiki.
notice_room_aliases_removed %1$s removed %2$s as an address for this room. %1$s Uliondoa %2$s kama anwani ya chumba hiki.%1$s uliondoa %2$s kama anwani za chumba hiki.
notice_room_aliases_removed_by_you You removed %1$s as an address for this room. Umeondoa %1$s kama anwani ya chumba hiki.
notice_room_aliases_added_and_removed %1$s added %2$s and removed %3$s as addresses for this room. %1$s aliongeza %2$s na kuondolewa %3$s kama anwani za chumba hiki.
notice_room_aliases_added_and_removed_by_you You added %1$s and removed %2$s as addresses for this room. Umeongeza %1$s na kuondoa %2$s kama anwani za chumba hiki.
notice_room_canonical_alias_set %1$s set the main address for this room to %2$s. %1$s weka anwani kuu ya chumba hiki %2$s.
notice_room_canonical_alias_set_by_you You set the main address for this room to %1$s. Umeweka anwani kuu ya chumba hiki %1$s.
notice_room_canonical_alias_unset %1$s removed the main address for this room. %1$s Umeondoa anwani kuu ya chumba hiki.
notice_room_canonical_alias_unset_by_you You removed the main address for this room. Umeondoa anwani kuu ya chumba hiki.
notice_room_canonical_alias_alternative_added %1$s added the alternative address %2$s for this room. %1$s aliongeza anwani mbadala%2$s kwa chumba hiki.
notice_room_canonical_alias_alternative_added_by_you You added the alternative address %1$s for this room. Umeongeza anwani mbadala%1$s kwa chumba hiki.
notice_room_canonical_alias_alternative_removed %1$s removed the alternative address %2$s for this room. %1$s umeondoa anwani mbadala %2$s kwa chumba hiki.
notice_room_canonical_alias_alternative_removed_by_you You removed the alternative address %1$s for this room. Umeondoa anwani mbadala %1$s kwa chumba hiki.
notice_room_canonical_alias_alternative_changed %1$s changed the alternative addresses for this room. %1$s ulibadilisha anwani mbadala za chumba hiki.
notice_room_canonical_alias_alternative_changed_by_you You changed the alternative addresses for this room. Ulibadilisha anwani mbadala za chumba hiki.
notice_room_canonical_alias_main_and_alternative_changed %1$s changed the main and alternative addresses for this room. %1$s ilibadilisha anwani kuu na mbadala za chumba hiki.
notice_room_canonical_alias_main_and_alternative_changed_by_you You changed the main and alternative addresses for this room. Alibadilisha anwani kuu na mbadala za chumba hiki.
Key English Swahili State
notice_made_future_room_visibility %1$s made future room history visible to %2$s %1$s ilifanya historia ya baadaye ya chumba ionekane kwa %2$s
notice_made_future_room_visibility_by_you You made future room history visible to %1$s Ulifanya historia ya baadaye ya nafasi ionekane kwa %1$s
notice_member_no_changes %1$s made no changes
notice_member_no_changes_by_you You made no changes
notice_placed_video_call %s placed a video call. %s alipiga simu ya video.
notice_placed_video_call_by_you You placed a video call. Ulipiga simu ya video.
notice_placed_voice_call %s placed a voice call. %s alipiga simu
notice_placed_voice_call_by_you You placed a voice call. Ulipiga simu.
notice_power_level_changed %1$s changed the power level of %2$s. %1$s ilibadilisha kiwango cha nguvu %2$s.
notice_power_level_changed_by_you You changed the power level of %1$s. Umebadilisha kiwango cha nguvu cha%1$s.
notice_power_level_diff %1$s from %2$s to %3$s %1$s kutoka %2$s kwa %3$s
notice_room_aliases_added %1$s added %2$s as an address for this room. %1$s aliongeza %2$s kama anwani ya chumba hiki.
notice_room_aliases_added_and_removed %1$s added %2$s and removed %3$s as addresses for this room. %1$s aliongeza %2$s na kuondolewa %3$s kama anwani za chumba hiki.
notice_room_aliases_added_and_removed_by_you You added %1$s and removed %2$s as addresses for this room. Umeongeza %1$s na kuondoa %2$s kama anwani za chumba hiki.
notice_room_aliases_added_by_you You added %1$s as an address for this room. Uliongeza %1$s kama answani ya chumba hiki.
notice_room_aliases_removed %1$s removed %2$s as an address for this room. %1$s Uliondoa %2$s kama anwani ya chumba hiki.%1$s uliondoa %2$s kama anwani za chumba hiki.
notice_room_aliases_removed_by_you You removed %1$s as an address for this room. Umeondoa %1$s kama anwani ya chumba hiki.
notice_room_avatar_changed %1$s changed the room avatar %1$s alibadilisha avatar ya chumba
notice_room_avatar_changed_by_you You changed the room avatar Ulibadilisha avatar ya chumba
notice_room_avatar_removed %1$s removed the room avatar %1$s iliondolewa avatar ya chumba
notice_room_avatar_removed_by_you You removed the room avatar Umeondoa avatar ya chumba
notice_room_ban %1$s banned %2$s %1$s huruhusiwi %2$s
notice_room_ban_by_you You banned %1$s Huruhusiwi %1$s
notice_room_ban_with_reason %1$s banned %2$s. Reason: %3$s %1$s marufuku %2$s. Sababu: %3$s
notice_room_ban_with_reason_by_you You banned %1$s. Reason: %2$s Ulipiga marufuku %1$s. Sababu: %2$s
notice_room_canonical_alias_alternative_added %1$s added the alternative address %2$s for this room. %1$s aliongeza anwani mbadala%2$s kwa chumba hiki.
notice_room_canonical_alias_alternative_added_by_you You added the alternative address %1$s for this room. Umeongeza anwani mbadala%1$s kwa chumba hiki.
notice_room_canonical_alias_alternative_changed %1$s changed the alternative addresses for this room. %1$s ulibadilisha anwani mbadala za chumba hiki.
notice_room_canonical_alias_alternative_changed_by_you You changed the alternative addresses for this room. Ulibadilisha anwani mbadala za chumba hiki.
notice_room_canonical_alias_alternative_removed %1$s removed the alternative address %2$s for this room. %1$s umeondoa anwani mbadala %2$s kwa chumba hiki.


%1$s removed %2$s as an address for this room.
%1$s removed %2$s as addresses for this room.
%1$s Uliondoa %2$s kama anwani ya chumba hiki.%1$s uliondoa %2$s kama anwani za chumba hiki.
%1$s Uliondoa %2$s kama anwani ya chumba hiki.%1$s uliondoa %2$s kama anwani za chumba hiki.
10 months ago
%1$s removed %2$s as an address for this room.
%1$s removed %2$s as addresses for this room.
%1$s Uliondoa %2$s kama anwani ya chumba hiki.
%1$s uliondoa %2$s kama anwani za chumba hiki.
11 months ago
%1$s removed %2$s as an address for this room.
%1$s removed %2$s as addresses for this room.
%1$s Uliondoa %2$s kama anwani ya chumba hiki.
%1$s uliondoa %2$s kama anwani za chumba hiki.
11 months ago
Browse all component changes

Things to check

Same plurals

Some plural forms are translated in the same way


Has been translated

Last translation was "%1$s Uliondoa %2$s kama anwani ya chumba hiki.%1$s uliondoa %2$s kama anwani za chumba hiki.%1$s Uliondoa %2$s kama anwani ya chumba hiki.%1$s uliondoa %2$s kama anwani za chumba hiki.".

Fix string



English Swahili
No related strings found in the glossary.

Source information

String age
2 years ago
Source string age
3 years ago
Translation file
library/ui-strings/src/main/res/values-sw/strings.xml, string 178