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Key English Slovak State
live_location_share_location_item_share Share location Zdieľať polohu
live_location_description Live location Poloha v reálnom čase
message_bubbles Show Message bubbles Zobraziť správy v bublinách
tooltip_attachment_photo Open camera Otvoriť kameru
tooltip_attachment_gallery Send images and videos Posielajte obrázky a videá
tooltip_attachment_file Upload file Nahrať súbor
tooltip_attachment_sticker Send sticker Odoslať nálepku
tooltip_attachment_contact Open contacts Otvoriť kontakty
tooltip_attachment_poll Create poll Vytvoriť anketu
tooltip_attachment_location Share location Zdieľať polohu
tooltip_attachment_voice_broadcast Start a voice broadcast Spustiť hlasové vysielanie
attachment_type_selector_gallery Photo library Knižnica fotografií
attachment_type_selector_sticker Stickers Nálepky
attachment_type_selector_file Attachments Prílohy
attachment_type_selector_voice_broadcast Voice broadcast Hlasové vysielanie
attachment_type_selector_poll Polls Ankety
attachment_type_selector_location Location Poloha
attachment_type_selector_camera Camera Kamera
attachment_type_selector_contact Contact Kontakt
attachment_type_selector_text_formatting Text formatting Formátovanie textu
message_reaction_show_less Show less Zobraziť menej
message_reaction_show_more %1$d more %1$d ďalšia
room_message_notify_everyone Notify the whole room Upozorniť celú miestnosť
room_message_autocomplete_users Users Používatelia
room_message_autocomplete_notification Room notification Oznámenie miestnosti
screen_sharing_notification_title ${app_name} Screen Sharing Zdieľanie obrazovky aplikácie ${app_name}
screen_sharing_notification_description Screen sharing is in progress Prebieha zdieľanie obrazovky
unifiedpush_getdistributors_dialog_title Choose how to receive notifications Vyberte si spôsob prijímania oznámení
unifiedpush_distributor_fcm_fallback Google Services Služby Google
unifiedpush_distributor_background_sync Background synchronization Synchronizácia na pozadí
settings_notification_method Notification method Spôsob oznamovania
Key English Slovak State
app_desktop_web ${app_name} Web
${app_name} Desktop
${app_name} Web
${app_name} Desktop
app_ios_android ${app_name} iOS
${app_name} Android
${app_name} iOS
${app_name} Android
are_you_sure Are you sure? Ste si istí?
attachment_type_camera Camera Kamera
attachment_type_contact Contact Kontakt
attachment_type_dialog_title Add image from Pridať obrázok z
attachment_type_file File Súbor
attachment_type_gallery Gallery Galéria
attachment_type_location Location Poloha
attachment_type_poll Poll Anketa
attachment_type_selector_camera Camera Kamera
attachment_type_selector_contact Contact Kontakt
attachment_type_selector_file Attachments Prílohy
attachment_type_selector_gallery Photo library Knižnica fotografií
attachment_type_selector_location Location Poloha
attachment_type_selector_poll Polls Ankety
attachment_type_selector_sticker Stickers Nálepky
attachment_type_selector_text_formatting Text formatting Formátovanie textu
attachment_type_selector_voice_broadcast Voice broadcast Hlasové vysielanie
attachment_type_sticker Sticker Nálepka
attachment_type_voice_broadcast Voice Broadcast Hlasové vysielanie
attachment_viewer_item_x_of_y %1$d of %2$d %1$d z %2$d
audio_call_with_participant Audio call with %s Hlasový hovor s %s
audio_meeting Start audio meeting Začať audio schôdzu
audio_message_file_size (%1$s) (%1$s)
audio_message_reply_content %1$s (%2$s) %1$s (%2$s)
audio_video_meeting_description Meetings use Jitsi security and permission policies. All people currently in the room will see an invite to join while your meeting is happening. Pre schôdze platia bezpečnostné politiky Jitsi. Počas prebiehajúcej schôdze sa všetkým členom v miestnosti bude zobrazovať pozvanie s možnosťou pridať sa k schôdzi.
auth_accept_policies Please review and accept the policies of this homeserver: Prosím prečítajte si a odsúhlaste zmluvné podmienky tohoto domovského servera:
auth_biometric_key_invalidated_message Biometric authentication was disabled because a new biometric authentication method was recently added. You can enable it again in Settings. Biometrické overovanie bolo vypnuté, pretože nedávno bola pridaná nová metóda biometrického overovania. Môžete ho opäť povoliť v Nastaveniach.
auth_email_already_defined This email address is already defined. Táto emailová adresa sa už používa.


a year ago
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English Slovak
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Source information

String age
a year ago
Source string age
a year ago
Translation file
library/ui-strings/src/main/res/values-sk/strings.xml, string 2433