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Your unverified session '%s' is requesting encryption keys.
Key English Portuguese State
widget_integration_must_be_in_room You are not in this room. Não se encontra nesta sala.
widget_integration_no_permission_in_room You do not have permission to do that in this room. Não tem permissão para fazer isso nesta sala.
widget_integration_missing_room_id Missing room_id in request. O _id da sala está em falta no pedido.
widget_integration_missing_user_id Missing user_id in request. O user_id está em falta no pedido.
widget_integration_room_not_visible Room %s is not visible. Sala %s não se encontra visível.
widget_integration_missing_parameter A required parameter is missing. Falta um parâmetro obrigatório.
room_add_matrix_apps Add Matrix apps Adicionar apps Matrix
room_manage_integrations Manage Integrations
room_no_active_widgets No active widgets
settings_labs_native_camera Use native camera Usar a câmara nativa
settings_labs_native_camera_summary Start the system camera instead of the custom camera screen.
widget_integration_review_terms To continue you need to accept the Terms of this service.
timeline_error_room_not_found Sorry, this room has not been found.
Please retry later.%s
you_added_a_new_device You added a new session '%s', which is requesting encryption keys. Adicionou um novo dispositivo '%s', que está a pedir as chaves de criptografia.
you_added_a_new_device_with_info A new session is requesting encryption keys.
Session name: %1$s
Last seen: %2$s
If you didn’t log in on another session, ignore this request.
your_unverified_device_requesting Your unverified session '%s' is requesting encryption keys. O seu dispositivo não-verificado '%s' está a pedir as chaves de criptografia.
your_unverified_device_requesting_with_info An unverified session is requesting encryption keys.
Session name: %1$s
Last seen: %2$s
If you didn’t log in on another session, ignore this request.
start_verification Start verification Começar a verificação
share_without_verifying_short_label Share
key_share_request Key Share Request
ignore_request_short_label Ignore
command_error Command error Erro de comando
unrecognized_command Unrecognized command: %s Comando desconhecido: %s
command_problem_with_parameters The command "%s" needs more parameters, or some parameters are incorrect.
command_not_supported_in_threads The command "%s" is recognized but not supported in threads.
command_description_emote Displays action Mostra a acção
command_description_ban_user Bans user with given id Bane o utilizador com o ID fornecido
command_description_unban_user Unbans user with given id Desfaz o banimento do utilizador com o ID fornecido
command_description_ignore_user Ignores a user, hiding their messages from you
command_description_unignore_user Stops ignoring a user, showing their messages going forward
command_description_op_user Define the power level of a user Define o grau de poder de um utilizador
Key English Portuguese State
widget_integration_positive_power_level Power level must be positive integer. Nível de utilizador tem que ser um inteiro positivo.
widget_integration_review_terms To continue you need to accept the Terms of this service.
widget_integration_room_not_visible Room %s is not visible. Sala %s não se encontra visível.
widget_integration_unable_to_create Unable to create widget. Não foi possível criar o widget.
wrong_pin_message_last_remaining_attempt Warning! Last remaining attempt before logout!
wrong_pin_message_remaining_attempts Wrong code, %d remaining attempt
x_plus +%d %d+
x_selected %1$d selected
you_added_a_new_device You added a new session '%s', which is requesting encryption keys. Adicionou um novo dispositivo '%s', que está a pedir as chaves de criptografia.
you_added_a_new_device_with_info A new session is requesting encryption keys.
Session name: %1$s
Last seen: %2$s
If you didn’t log in on another session, ignore this request.
you_are_invited You are invited
you_may_contact_me You may contact me if you have any follow up questions
your_private_space Your private space
your_public_space Your public space
your_unverified_device_requesting Your unverified session '%s' is requesting encryption keys. O seu dispositivo não-verificado '%s' está a pedir as chaves de criptografia.
your_unverified_device_requesting_with_info An unverified session is requesting encryption keys.
Session name: %1$s
Last seen: %2$s
If you didn’t log in on another session, ignore this request.


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English Portuguese
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Source information

String age
4 years ago
Source string age
4 years ago
Translation file
library/ui-strings/src/main/res/values-pt/strings.xml, string 1022