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Join the Space with the given id
Key English Latvian State
dev_tools_send_state_event Send State Event Nosūtīt stāvokļa notikumu
dev_tools_state_event State Events Stāvokļa notikumi
dev_tools_edit_content Edit Content Labot saturu
dev_tools_send_custom_state_event Send Custom State Event Nosūtīt pielāgotu stāvokļa notikumu
dev_tools_form_hint_type Type Tips
dev_tools_form_hint_state_key State Key Stāvokļa atslēga
dev_tools_form_hint_event_content Event Content Notikuma saturs
dev_tools_error_no_content No content Nav satura
dev_tools_error_no_message_type Missing message type Trūkst ziņas veida
dev_tools_error_malformed_event Malformed event Nepareizi veidots notikums
dev_tools_success_event Event sent! Notikums ir nosūtīts.
dev_tools_success_state_event State event sent! Stāvokļa notikums ir nosūtīts.
dev_tools_event_content_hint Event content Notikuma saturs
command_description_create_space Create a Space Izveidot Telpu
command_description_add_to_space Add to the given Space Pievienot dotajai Telpai
command_description_join_space Join the Space with the given id Pievienoties Telpai ar doto ID
command_description_leave_room Leave room with given id (or current room if null) Pamest istabu ar norādīto identifikatoru (vai pašreizējo istabu, ja tāda nav)
command_description_upgrade_room Upgrades a room to a new version Atjaunina istabu uz jaunu versiju
event_status_a11y_sending Sending Nosūta
event_status_a11y_sent Sent Nosūtīta
event_status_a11y_failed Failed Neizdevās
event_status_a11y_delete_all Delete all failed messages Izdzēst visas kļūdainās ziņas
event_status_cancel_sending_dialog_message Do you want to cancel sending message? Vai vēlaties atcelt ziņu nosūtīšanu?
event_status_failed_messages_warning Messages failed to send Ziņas neizdevās nosūtīt
event_status_delete_all_failed_dialog_title Delete unsent messages Izdzēst nenosūtītās ziņas
event_status_delete_all_failed_dialog_message Are you sure you want to delete all unsent messages in this room? Vai tiešām izdzēst visas nenosūtītas ziņas šajā istabā?
public_space Public space Publiska Telpa
private_space Private space Privāta Telpa
add_space Add space Pievienot Telpu
your_public_space Your public space Tava publiskā vieta
your_private_space Your private space Tava privātā vieta
Key English Latvian State
closed_poll_option_title Closed poll Aizvērta aptauja
command_confetti Sends the given message with confetti Nosūta doto ziņu ar konfeti
command_description_add_to_space Add to the given Space Pievienot dotajai Telpai
command_description_avatar_for_room Changes your avatar in this current room only Maina Tavu iemiesojumu tikai šajā istabā
command_description_ban_user Bans user with given id Liedz pieeju lietotājam ar norādīto id
command_description_clear_scalar_token To fix Matrix Apps management Lai salabotu Matrix Apps vadību
command_description_create_space Create a Space Izveidot Telpu
command_description_deop_user Deops user with given id Atceļ operatora statusu lietotājam ar norādīto Id
command_description_devtools Open the developer tools screen Atvērt izstrādātāja rīku skatu
command_description_discard_session Forces the current outbound group session in an encrypted room to be discarded Piespiež pašreizējās izejošās kopuma sesijas šifrētā istabā atmešanu
command_description_discard_session_not_handled Only supported in encrypted rooms Atbastīta tikai šifrētās istabās
command_description_emote Displays action Parāda darbību
command_description_ignore_user Ignores a user, hiding their messages from you Neņem vērā lietotāju, slēpjot tā ziņojumus
command_description_invite_user Invites user with given id to current room Uzaicina lietotāju ar norādīto id uz pašreizējo istabu
command_description_join_room Joins room with given address Pievienojas istabai ar norādīto adresi
command_description_join_space Join the Space with the given id Pievienoties Telpai ar doto ID
command_description_leave_room Leave room with given id (or current room if null) Pamest istabu ar norādīto identifikatoru (vai pašreizējo istabu, ja tāda nav)
command_description_lenny Prepends ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) to a plain-text message Pievieno ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) parasta teksta ziņai
command_description_markdown On/Off markdown Iespējo/atspējo markdown
command_description_nick Changes your display nickname Nomaina Tavu attēlojamo segvārdu
command_description_nick_for_room Changes your display nickname in the current room only Maina attēlojamo segvārdu tikai pašreizējā istabā
command_description_op_user Define the power level of a user Definē lietotāja statusu
command_description_part_room Leave room Pamest istabu
command_description_plain Sends a message as plain text, without interpreting it as markdown Nosūta ziņu vienkāršā tekstā, nepielietojot markdown
command_description_rainbow Sends the given message colored as a rainbow Nosūta doto ziņu izkrāsotu varavīksnes krāsās
command_description_rainbow_emote Sends the given emote colored as a rainbow Nosūta doto ziņu uzsvērti izkrāsotu varavīksnes krāsās
command_description_remove_user Removes user with given id from this room Padzen lietotāju ar norādīto id
command_description_room_avatar Changes the avatar of the current room Nomaina šīs istabas avatāru
command_description_room_name Sets the room name Iestata istabas nosaukumu
command_description_shrug Prepends ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ to a plain-text message Pievieno ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ vienkārša teksta ziņas sākumā


Join the Space with the given id
Pievienoties Telpai ar doto ID
3 years ago
Browse all component changes


English Latvian
No related strings found in the glossary.

Source information

String age
3 years ago
Source string age
3 years ago
Translation file
library/ui-strings/src/main/res/values-lv/strings.xml, string 2172