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Live broadcast
Key English Lithuanian State
voice_message_tap_to_stop_toast Tap on your recording to stop or listen Bakstelėkite įrašą, kad sustabdytumėte arba klausytumėte
error_voice_message_unable_to_play Cannot play this voice message Negalima paleisti šios balso žinutės
error_voice_message_unable_to_record Cannot record a voice message Negalima įrašyti balso žinutės
error_voice_message_cannot_reply_or_edit Cannot reply or edit while voice message is active Negalima atsakyti ar redaguoti, kol veikia balso žinutė
error_voice_message_broadcast_in_progress Cannot start voice message
error_voice_message_broadcast_in_progress_message You can’t start a voice message as you are currently recording a live broadcast. Please end your live broadcast in order to start recording a voice message
voice_message_reply_content Voice Message (%1$s) Balso žinutė (%1$s)
a11y_audio_message_item %1$s, %2$s, %3$s %1$s, %2$s, %3$s
a11y_audio_playback_duration %1$d minutes %2$d seconds %1$d minutės %2$d sekundės
a11y_play_audio_message Play %1$s Paleisti %1$s
a11y_pause_audio_message Pause %1$s Pristabdyti %1$s
error_audio_message_unable_to_play Unable to play %1$s Nepavyko paleisti %1$s
audio_message_reply_content %1$s (%2$s) %1$s (%2$s)
audio_message_file_size (%1$s) (%1$s)
voice_broadcast_live Live
voice_broadcast_live_broadcast Live broadcast
voice_broadcast_buffering Buffering…
a11y_resume_voice_broadcast_record Resume voice broadcast record
a11y_pause_voice_broadcast_record Pause voice broadcast record
a11y_stop_voice_broadcast_record Stop voice broadcast record
a11y_play_voice_broadcast Play or resume voice broadcast
a11y_pause_voice_broadcast Pause voice broadcast
a11y_voice_broadcast_fast_backward Fast backward 30 seconds
a11y_voice_broadcast_fast_forward Fast forward 30 seconds
error_voice_broadcast_unauthorized_title Can’t start a new voice broadcast
error_voice_broadcast_permission_denied_message You don’t have the required permissions to start a voice broadcast in this room. Contact a room administrator to upgrade your permissions.
error_voice_broadcast_blocked_by_someone_else_message Someone else is already recording a voice broadcast. Wait for their voice broadcast to end to start a new one.
error_voice_broadcast_already_in_progress_message You are already recording a voice broadcast. Please end your current voice broadcast to start a new one.
error_voice_broadcast_unable_to_play Unable to play this voice broadcast.
error_voice_broadcast_no_connection_recording Connection error - Recording paused
error_voice_broadcast_unable_to_decrypt Unable to decrypt this voice broadcast.
Key English Lithuanian State
verify_new_session_compromized Your account may be compromised
verify_new_session_notice Use this session to verify your new one, granting it access to encrypted messages.
verify_new_session_was_not_me This wasn’t me
verify_not_me_self_verification One of the following may be compromised:

- Your password
- Your homeserver
- This device, or the other device
- The internet connection either device is using

We recommend you change your password & recovery key in Settings immediately.
verify_this_session Verify the new login accessing your account: %1$s
video_call_in_progress Video Call In Progress… Vaizdo skambutis vyksta…
video_call_with_participant Video call with %s Vaizdo skambutis su %s
video_meeting Start video meeting Pradėti vaizdo susitikimą
view_decrypted_source View Decrypted Source Peržiūrėti iššifruotą šaltinį
view_download_replacement_app_subtitle Faster, more secure, and packed with powerful collaboration tools.
view_download_replacement_app_title Download %1$s
view_in_room View In Room Peržiūrėti kambaryje
view_source View Source Peržiūrėti šaltinį
voice_broadcast_buffering Buffering…
voice_broadcast_live Live
voice_broadcast_live_broadcast Live broadcast
voice_broadcast_recording_time_left %1$s left
voice_message_n_seconds_warning_toast %1$ds left %1$ds liko
voice_message_release_to_send_toast Hold to record, release to send Laikykite, kad įrašytumėte, atleiskite, kad išsiųstumėte
voice_message_reply_content Voice Message (%1$s) Balso žinutė (%1$s)
voice_message_slide_to_cancel Slide to cancel Pastumkite, kad atšauktumėte
voice_message_tap_to_stop_toast Tap on your recording to stop or listen Bakstelėkite įrašą, kad sustabdytumėte arba klausytumėte
warning_room_not_created_yet The room is not yet created. Cancel the room creation? Kambarys dar nesukurtas. Atšaukti kambario kūrimą?
warning_unsaved_change There are unsaved changes. Discard the changes? Yra neišsaugotų pakeitimų. Atmesti pakeitimus?
warning_unsaved_change_discard Discard changes Atmesti pakeitimus
widget_delete_message_confirmation Are you sure you want to delete the widget from this room? Ar tikrai norite ištrinti valdiklį iš šio kambario?
widget_integration_failed_to_send_request Failed to send request. Nepavyko išsiųsti užklausos.
widget_integration_missing_parameter A required parameter is missing. Trūksta reikalingo parametro.
widget_integration_missing_room_id Missing room_id in request. Užklausoje trūksta room_id.
widget_integration_missing_user_id Missing user_id in request. Užklausoje trūksta user_id.


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English Lithuanian
No related strings found in the glossary.

Source information

String age
2 years ago
Source string age
2 years ago
Translation file
library/ui-strings/src/main/res/values-lt/strings.xml, string 2316