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Due to decryption errors, some votes may not be counted
Key English Icelandic State
poll_end_action End poll Ljúka könnun
end_poll_confirmation_title End this poll? Ljúka þessari könnun?
end_poll_confirmation_description This will stop people from being able to vote and will display the final results of the poll. Þetta mun birta lokaniðurstöður könnunarinnar og koma í veg fyrir að fólk geti kosið.
end_poll_confirmation_approve_button End poll Ljúka könnun
poll_response_room_list_preview Vote cast Atkvæði greitt
poll_end_room_list_preview Poll ended Könnuninni er lokið
delete_poll_dialog_title Remove poll Fjarlægja könnun
delete_poll_dialog_content Are you sure you want to remove this poll? You won't be able to recover it once removed. Ertu viss um að þú viljir ljúka þessari könnun? Þú munt ekki geta endurheimt hana ef hún hefur einu sinni verið fjarlægð.
edit_poll_title Edit poll Breyta könnun
poll_type_title Poll type Tegund könnunar
open_poll_option_title Open poll Opna könnun
open_poll_option_description Voters see results as soon as they have voted Kjósendur sjá niðurstöðurnar þegar þeir hafa kosið
closed_poll_option_title Closed poll Lokuð könnun
closed_poll_option_description Results are only revealed when you end the poll Niðurstöður birtast einungis eftir að þú hefur lokað könnuninni
ended_poll_indicator Ended the poll. Lauk könnuninni.
unable_to_decrypt_some_events_in_poll Due to decryption errors, some votes may not be counted
room_polls_active Active polls Virkar kannanir
room_polls_active_no_item There are no active polls in this room
room_polls_active_no_item_for_loaded_period There are no active polls for the past day.
Load more polls to view polls for previous days.
room_polls_ended Past polls Fyrri kannanir
room_polls_ended_no_item There are no past polls in this room
room_polls_ended_no_item_for_loaded_period There are no past polls for the past day.
Load more polls to view polls for previous days.
room_polls_wait_for_display Displaying polls Birting kannana
room_polls_load_more Load more polls Hlaða inn fleiri könnunum
room_polls_loading_error Error fetching polls. Villa við að sækja kannanir.
room_poll_details_go_to_timeline View poll in timeline
location_activity_title_static_sharing Share location Deila staðsetningu
location_activity_title_preview Location Staðsetning
a11y_static_map_image Map Landakort
a11y_location_share_pin_on_map Pin of selected location on map Pinni með valinni staðsetningu á landakorti
a11y_location_share_locate_button Zoom to current location Renna að núverandi staðsetningu
Key English Icelandic State
title_activity_settings Settings Stillingar
tooltip_attachment_contact Open contacts Opna tengiliði
tooltip_attachment_file Upload file Hlaða inn skrá
tooltip_attachment_gallery Send images and videos Senda myndir og myndskeið
tooltip_attachment_location Share location Deila staðsetningu
tooltip_attachment_photo Open camera Opna myndavél
tooltip_attachment_poll Create poll Búa til könnun
tooltip_attachment_sticker Send sticker Senda límmerki
tooltip_attachment_voice_broadcast Start a voice broadcast Byrjaðu talútsendingu
too_many_pin_failures Too many errors, you've been logged out Of margar villur, þú hefur verið skráð/ur út
topic_prefix Topic: Umfjöllunarefni:
trusted Trusted Treyst
two 2 2
two_and_some_others_read %1$s, %2$s and %3$d other read %1$s, %2$s og %3$d til viðbótar lásu
two_users_read %1$s and %2$s read %1$s og %2$s lásu
unable_to_decrypt_some_events_in_poll Due to decryption errors, some votes may not be counted
unable_to_send_message Unable to send message Gat ekki sent skilaboð
unencrypted Unencrypted Ódulritað
unexpected_error Unexpected error Óvænt villa
unifiedpush_distributor_background_sync Background synchronization Samstilling í bakgrunni
unifiedpush_distributor_fcm_fallback Google Services Google þjónustur
unifiedpush_getdistributors_dialog_title Choose how to receive notifications
unignore Unignore Hætta að hunsa
universal_link_malformed The link was malformed Tengillinn er ekki rétt formaður
unknown_error Sorry, an error occurred Því miður, villa kom upp
unnamed_room Unnamed Room Nafnlaus spjallrás
unrecognized_command Unrecognized command: %s Óþekkt skipun: %s
updating_your_data Updating your data… Uppfæri gögnin þín…
upgrade Upgrade Uppfæra
upgrade_private_room Upgrade private room Uppfæra einkaspjallrás


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English Icelandic
No related strings found in the glossary.

Source information

String age
a year ago
Source string age
a year ago
Translation file
library/ui-strings/src/main/res/values-is/strings.xml, string 2373