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Invitations sent to %1$s and one more
Invitations sent to %1$s and %2$d more

Plural formula: n % 10 != 1 || n % 100 == 11

Key English Icelandic State
error_forbidden_digits_only_username The homeserver does not accept username with only digits. Heimaþjónn notandans samþykkir ekki notendanöfn einungis með tölustöfum.
external_link_confirmation_title Double-check this link Yfirfarðu þennan tengil
external_link_confirmation_message The link %1$s is taking you to another site: %2$s.

Are you sure you want to continue?
Tengillinn %1$s fer með þig yfir á annað vefsvæði: %2$s.

Ertu viss um að þú viljir halda áfram?
create_room_dm_failure We couldn't create your DM. Please check the users you want to invite and try again.
add_members_to_room Add members Bæta við meðlimum
add_people Add people Bæta við fólki
invite_users_to_room_action_invite INVITE BJÓÐA
inviting_users_to_room Inviting users… Býð notendum…
invite_users_to_room_title Invite Users Bjóða notendum
invite_friends Invite friends Bjóða vinum
invite_friends_text Hey, talk to me on ${app_name}: %s Halló, talaðu við mig á ${app_name}: %s
invite_friends_rich_title 🔐️ Join me on ${app_name} 🔐️ Vertu með mér á ${app_name}
invitation_sent_to_one_user Invitation sent to %1$s Boð var sent til %1$s
invitations_sent_to_two_users Invitations sent to %1$s and %2$s Boð voru send til %1$s og %2$s
not_a_valid_qr_code It's not a valid matrix QR code Þetta er ekki gildur QR-kóði á Matrix
invitations_sent_to_one_and_more_users Invitations sent to %1$s and one more Boð voru send til %1$s og eins til viðbótar
invite_users_to_room_failure We could not invite users. Please check the users you want to invite and try again.
invite_unknown_users_dialog_content Unable to find profiles for the Matrix IDs listed below. Would you like to invite them anyway?

invite_unknown_users_dialog_submit Invite anyway
user_code_scan Scan a QR code Skanna QR-kóða
user_code_share Share my code Deila kóðanum mínum
user_code_my_code My code Kóðinn minn
user_code_info_text Share this code with people so they can scan it to add you and start chatting. Deildu þessum kóða með fólki svo viðkomandi geti skannað hann, bætt þér við og byrjað að spjalla.
choose_locale_current_locale_title Current language Núverandi tungumál
choose_locale_other_locales_title Other available languages Önnur tiltæk tungumál
choose_locale_loading_locales Loading available languages… Hleð inn tiltækum tungumálum…
open_terms_of Open terms of %s Opna notkunarskilmála %s
disconnect_identity_server_dialog_content Disconnect from the identity server %s? Aftengjast frá auðkennisþjóninum %s ?
identity_server_error_outdated_identity_server This identity server is outdated. ${app_name} support only API V2.
identity_server_error_outdated_home_server This operation is not possible. The homeserver is outdated. Þessi aðgerð er ekki möguleg. Heimaþjónninn er úreltur.
identity_server_error_no_identity_server_configured Please first configure an identity server. Stilltu fyrst auðkennisþjón.
Key English Icelandic State
initial_sync_request_content ${app_name} needs to perform a clear cache to be up to date, for the following reason:

Note that this action will restart the app and it may take some time.
${app_name} þarf að hreinsa skyndiminnið til að haldast uppfært, af eftirfarandi ástæðu:

Athugaðu að þessi aðgerð mun endurræsa forritið og það getur tekið nokkurn tíma.
initial_sync_request_reason_unignored_users - Some users have been unignored - Sumir tengiliðir hafa verið afhunsaðir
initial_sync_request_title Initial sync request Upphafleg samstillingarbeiðni
initial_sync_start_downloading Initial sync:
Downloading data…
Upphaf samstillingar:
Sæki gögn…
initial_sync_start_importing_account Initial sync:
Importing account…
Upphaf samstillingar:
Flyt inn notandaaðgang…
initial_sync_start_importing_account_crypto Initial sync:
Importing crypto
Upphaf samstillingar:
Flyt inn dulritunargögn
initial_sync_start_importing_account_data Initial sync:
Importing account data
Upphaf samstillingar:
Flyt inn gögn úr notandaaðgangi
initial_sync_start_importing_account_invited_rooms Initial sync:
Importing invited rooms
Upphaf samstillingar:
Flyt inn boð í spjallrásir
initial_sync_start_importing_account_joined_rooms Initial sync:
Loading your conversations
If you've joined lots of rooms, this might take a while
Upphaf samstillingar:
Hleð inn samtölunum þínum
Þetta getur tekið dálítinn tíma ef þú tekur þátt í mörgum spjallrásum
initial_sync_start_importing_account_left_rooms Initial sync:
Importing left rooms
Upphaf samstillingar:
Flyt inn yfirgefnar spjallrásir
initial_sync_start_importing_account_rooms Initial sync:
Importing rooms
Upphaf samstillingar:
Flyt inn spjallrásir
initial_sync_start_server_computing Initial sync:
Waiting for server response…
Upphaf samstillingar:
Bíð eftir svari frá netþjóni…
invalid_qr_code_uri Invalid QR code (Invalid URI)! Ógildur QR-kóði (ógild slóð)!
invitation_sent_to_one_user Invitation sent to %1$s Boð var sent til %1$s
invitations_header Invites Boðsgestir
invitations_sent_to_one_and_more_users Invitations sent to %1$s and one more Boð voru send til %1$s og eins til viðbótar
invitations_sent_to_two_users Invitations sent to %1$s and %2$s Boð voru send til %1$s og %2$s
invite_by_email Invite by email Bjóða með tölvupósti
invite_by_link Share link Deila tengli
invite_by_username_or_mail Invite by username or mail Bjóða með notandanafni eða tölvupóstfangi
invited Invited Boðið
invited_by Invited by %s Boðið af %s
invite_friends Invite friends Bjóða vinum
invite_friends_rich_title 🔐️ Join me on ${app_name} 🔐️ Vertu með mér á ${app_name}
invite_friends_text Hey, talk to me on ${app_name}: %s Halló, talaðu við mig á ${app_name}: %s
invite_just_to_this_room Just to this room Aðeins á þessa spjallrás
invite_just_to_this_room_desc They won’t be a part of %s Þau munu ekki vera hluti af %s
invite_people_menu Invite people Bjóða fólki
invite_people_to_your_space Invite people to your space Bjóddu fólki inn á svæðið þitt
invite_people_to_your_space_desc It’s just you at the moment. %s will be even better with others. Í augnablikinu ert þetta bara þú. %s verður enn betri með fleirum.


Invitations sent to %1$s and one more
Invitations sent to %1$s and %2$d more
Boð voru send til %1$s og eins til viðbótar
Boð voru send til %1$s og %2$d til viðbótar
2 years ago
Browse all component changes


English Icelandic
No related strings found in the glossary.

Source information

String age
4 years ago
Source string age
4 years ago
Translation file
library/ui-strings/src/main/res/values-is/strings.xml, string 1978