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Fetching backup version…
Key English Icelandic State
keys_backup_setup_step3_copy_button_title Save Recovery Key Vista endurheimtulykil
keys_backup_setup_step3_share_recovery_file Share Deila
keys_backup_setup_step3_save_button_title Save as File Vista sem skrá
recovery_key_export_saved The recovery key has been saved. Endurheimtulykillinn hefur verið vistaður.
keys_backup_setup_override_backup_prompt_tile A backup already exist on your homeserver Öryggisafrit er þegar til staðar á heimaþjóninum þínum
keys_backup_setup_override_backup_prompt_description It looks like you already have setup key backup from another session. Do you want to replace it with the one you’re creating?
keys_backup_setup_override_replace Replace Skipta út
keys_backup_setup_override_stop Stop Stöðva
keys_backup_setup_step3_please_make_copy Please make a copy Gera afrit
keys_backup_setup_step3_share_intent_chooser_title Share recovery key with… Deila endurheimtulykli með…
keys_backup_setup_step3_generating_key_status Generating Recovery Key using passphrase, this process can take several seconds.
recovery_key Recovery Key Endurheimtulykill
unexpected_error Unexpected error Óvænt villa
keys_backup_setup_skip_title Are you sure? Ertu viss?
keys_backup_setup_skip_msg You may lose access to your messages if you log out or lose this device.
keys_backup_restore_is_getting_backup_version Fetching backup version… Næ í útgáfu öryggisafrits…
keys_backup_restore_with_passphrase Use your recovery passphrase to unlock your encrypted messages history
keys_backup_restore_use_recovery_key use your recovery key notað endurheimtulykilinn þinn
keys_backup_restore_with_passphrase_helper_with_link Don’t know your recovery passphrase, you can %s. Ef þú veist ekki lykilsetningu fyrir endurheimtu, geturðu %s.
keys_backup_restore_with_recovery_key Use your Recovery Key to unlock your encrypted messages history
keys_backup_restore_key_enter_hint Enter Recovery Key Settu inn endurheimtulykil
keys_backup_restore_with_key_helper Lost your recovery key? You can set up a new one in settings.
keys_backup_passphrase_error_decrypt Backup could not be decrypted with this passphrase: please verify that you entered the correct recovery passphrase.
keys_backup_restoring_waiting_message Restoring backup: Endurheimti úr öryggisafriti:
keys_backup_restoring_computing_key_waiting_message Computing recovery key… Reikna endurheimtulykil…
keys_backup_restoring_downloading_backup_waiting_message Downloading keys… Næ í dulritunarlykla…
keys_backup_restoring_importing_keys_waiting_message Importing keys… Flyt inn dulritunarlykla…
keys_backup_unlock_button Unlock History Aflæsi ferli
keys_backup_recovery_code_empty_error_message Please enter a recovery key Settu inn endurheimtulykil
keys_backup_recovery_code_error_decrypt Backup could not be decrypted with this recovery key: please verify that you entered the correct recovery key.
keys_backup_restore_success_title Backup Restored %s ! Öryggisafrit endurheimti %s !
Key English Icelandic State
keys_backup_banner_in_progress Backing up your keys. This may take several minutes…
keys_backup_banner_recover_line1 Never lose encrypted messages Tapaðu aldrei dulrituðum skilaboðum
keys_backup_banner_recover_line2 Use Key Backup Nota öryggisafrit af lykli
keys_backup_banner_update_line1 New secure message keys Nýjir lyklar fyrir örugg skilaboð
keys_backup_banner_update_line2 Manage in Key Backup Sýsla með í öryggisafriti dulritunarlykla
keys_backup_get_version_error Failed to get latest restore keys version (%s).
keys_backup_info_keys_all_backup_up All keys backed up Allir lyklar öryggisafritaðir
keys_backup_info_keys_backing_up Backing up %d key…
keys_backup_info_title_algorithm Algorithm Reiknirit
keys_backup_info_title_signature Signature Undirritun
keys_backup_info_title_version Version Útgáfa
keys_backup_passphrase_error_decrypt Backup could not be decrypted with this passphrase: please verify that you entered the correct recovery passphrase.
keys_backup_passphrase_not_empty_error_message Please delete the passphrase if you want ${app_name} to generate a recovery key.
keys_backup_recovery_code_empty_error_message Please enter a recovery key Settu inn endurheimtulykil
keys_backup_recovery_code_error_decrypt Backup could not be decrypted with this recovery key: please verify that you entered the correct recovery key.
keys_backup_restore_is_getting_backup_version Fetching backup version… Næ í útgáfu öryggisafrits…
keys_backup_restore_key_enter_hint Enter Recovery Key Settu inn endurheimtulykil
keys_backup_restore_success_description_part1 Restored a backup with %d key. Endurheimti öryggisafrit með %d lykli.
keys_backup_restore_success_description_part2 %d new key has been added to this session. %d nýjum lykli hefur verið bætt við þessa setu.
keys_backup_restore_success_title Backup Restored %s ! Öryggisafrit endurheimti %s !
keys_backup_restore_success_title_already_up_to_date Keys are already up to date!
keys_backup_restore_use_recovery_key use your recovery key notað endurheimtulykilinn þinn
keys_backup_restore_with_key_helper Lost your recovery key? You can set up a new one in settings.
keys_backup_restore_with_passphrase Use your recovery passphrase to unlock your encrypted messages history
keys_backup_restore_with_passphrase_helper_with_link Don’t know your recovery passphrase, you can %s. Ef þú veist ekki lykilsetningu fyrir endurheimtu, geturðu %s.
keys_backup_restore_with_recovery_key Use your Recovery Key to unlock your encrypted messages history
keys_backup_restoring_computing_key_waiting_message Computing recovery key… Reikna endurheimtulykil…
keys_backup_restoring_downloading_backup_waiting_message Downloading keys… Næ í dulritunarlykla…
keys_backup_restoring_importing_keys_waiting_message Importing keys… Flyt inn dulritunarlykla…
keys_backup_restoring_waiting_message Restoring backup: Endurheimti úr öryggisafriti:


Fetching backup version…
Næ í útgáfu öryggisafrits…
2 years ago
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English Icelandic
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Source information

String age
3 years ago
Source string age
3 years ago
Translation file
library/ui-strings/src/main/res/values-is/strings.xml, string 1133