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Key English Icelandic State
choose_locale_loading_locales Loading available languages… Hleð inn tiltækum tungumálum…
open_terms_of Open terms of %s Opna notkunarskilmála %s
disconnect_identity_server_dialog_content Disconnect from the identity server %s? Aftengjast frá auðkennisþjóninum %s ?
identity_server_error_outdated_identity_server This identity server is outdated. ${app_name} support only API V2.
identity_server_error_outdated_home_server This operation is not possible. The homeserver is outdated. Þessi aðgerð er ekki möguleg. Heimaþjónninn er úreltur.
identity_server_error_no_identity_server_configured Please first configure an identity server. Stilltu fyrst auðkennisþjón.
identity_server_error_terms_not_signed Please first accepts the terms of the identity server in the settings.
identity_server_error_bulk_sha256_not_supported For your privacy, ${app_name} only supports sending hashed user email addresses and phone numbers.
identity_server_error_binding_error The association has failed.
identity_server_error_no_current_binding_error There is no current association with this identifier.
identity_server_user_consent_not_provided The user consent has not been provided. Samþykki notandans hefur ekki verið gefið.
identity_server_set_default_notice Your homeserver (%1$s) proposes to use %2$s for your identity server Heimaþjónninn þinn (%1$s) stingur upp á að nota %2$s sem auðkenningarþjón fyrir þig
identity_server_set_default_submit Use %1$s Nota %1$s
identity_server_set_alternative_notice Alternatively, you can enter any other identity server URL Annars geturðu sett inn slóð á hvaða auðkennisþjón sem er
identity_server_set_alternative_notice_no_default Enter the URL of an identity server Settu inn slóðina á auðkennisþjón
identity_server_set_alternative_submit Submit Senda inn
power_level_edit_title Set role Stilla hlutverk
power_level_title Role Hlutverk
a11y_open_chat Open chat Opna spjall
a11y_mute_microphone Mute the microphone Þagga niður í hljóðnema
a11y_unmute_microphone Unmute the microphone Kveikja á hljóðnema
a11y_stop_camera Stop the camera Stöðva myndavélina
a11y_start_camera Start the camera Ræsa myndavélina
bottom_sheet_setup_secure_backup_title Secure backup Varið öryggisafrit
bottom_sheet_setup_secure_backup_subtitle Safeguard against losing access to encrypted messages & data by backing up encryption keys on your server. Tryggðu þig gegn því að missa aðgang að dulrituðum skilaboðum og gögnum með því að taka öryggisafrit af dulritunarlyklunum á netþjóninum þinum.
bottom_sheet_setup_secure_backup_submit Set up Setja upp
bottom_sheet_setup_secure_backup_security_key_title Use a Security Key Nota öryggislykil
bottom_sheet_setup_secure_backup_security_key_subtitle Generate a security key to store somewhere safe like a password manager or a safe. Útbúðu öryggislykil til að geyma á öruggum stað, eins og í lykilorðastýringu eða jafnvel í peningaskáp.
bottom_sheet_setup_secure_backup_security_phrase_title Use a Security Phrase Nota öryggisfrasa
bottom_sheet_setup_secure_backup_security_phrase_subtitle Enter a secret phrase only you know, and generate a key for backup. Settu inn leynilegan frasa eða setningu sem aðeins þú þekkir, og útbúðu lykil fyrir öryggisafrit.
bottom_sheet_save_your_recovery_key_title Save your Security Key Vista öryggislykilinn þinn
Key English Icelandic State
huge Huge Flennistórt
identity_server Identity server Auðkennisþjónn
identity_server_consent_dialog_content_3 To discover existing contacts, you need to send contact info (email addresses and phone numbers) to your identity server. We hash your data before sending for privacy.
identity_server_consent_dialog_content_question Do you agree to send this info? Samþykkir þú að senda þessar upplýsingar?
identity_server_consent_dialog_title_2 Send email addresses and phone numbers to %s Senda tölvupóstföng og símanúmer til %s
identity_server_error_binding_error The association has failed.
identity_server_error_bulk_sha256_not_supported For your privacy, ${app_name} only supports sending hashed user email addresses and phone numbers.
identity_server_error_no_current_binding_error There is no current association with this identifier.
identity_server_error_no_identity_server_configured Please first configure an identity server. Stilltu fyrst auðkennisþjón.
identity_server_error_outdated_home_server This operation is not possible. The homeserver is outdated. Þessi aðgerð er ekki möguleg. Heimaþjónninn er úreltur.
identity_server_error_outdated_identity_server This identity server is outdated. ${app_name} support only API V2.
identity_server_error_terms_not_signed Please first accepts the terms of the identity server in the settings.
identity_server_not_defined You are not using any identity server Þú ert ekki að nota neinn auðkennisþjón
identity_server_set_alternative_notice Alternatively, you can enter any other identity server URL Annars geturðu sett inn slóð á hvaða auðkennisþjón sem er
identity_server_set_alternative_notice_no_default Enter the URL of an identity server Settu inn slóðina á auðkennisþjón
identity_server_set_alternative_submit Submit Senda inn
identity_server_set_default_notice Your homeserver (%1$s) proposes to use %2$s for your identity server Heimaþjónninn þinn (%1$s) stingur upp á að nota %2$s sem auðkenningarþjón fyrir þig
identity_server_set_default_submit Use %1$s Nota %1$s
identity_server_user_consent_not_provided The user consent has not been provided. Samþykki notandans hefur ekki verið gefið.
ignore_request_short_label Ignore Hunsa
import_e2e_keys_from_file Import e2e keys from file "%1$s". Flytja e2e-lykla inn úr skránni "%1$s".
incoming_video_call Incoming Video Call Innhringing myndsímtals
incoming_voice_call Incoming Voice Call Innhringing raddsímtals
initialize_cross_signing Initialize CrossSigning
initial_sync_request_content ${app_name} needs to perform a clear cache to be up to date, for the following reason:

Note that this action will restart the app and it may take some time.
${app_name} þarf að hreinsa skyndiminnið til að haldast uppfært, af eftirfarandi ástæðu:

Athugaðu að þessi aðgerð mun endurræsa forritið og það getur tekið nokkurn tíma.
initial_sync_request_reason_unignored_users - Some users have been unignored - Sumir tengiliðir hafa verið afhunsaðir
initial_sync_request_title Initial sync request Upphafleg samstillingarbeiðni
initial_sync_start_downloading Initial sync:
Downloading data…
Upphaf samstillingar:
Sæki gögn…
initial_sync_start_importing_account Initial sync:
Importing account…
Upphaf samstillingar:
Flyt inn notandaaðgang…
initial_sync_start_importing_account_crypto Initial sync:
Importing crypto
Upphaf samstillingar:
Flyt inn dulritunargögn
Component Translation Difference to current string
This translation Propagated Translated Element Android/Element Android App
The following string has different context, but the same source.
Translated Element Android/Element Android App


Senda inn
2 years ago
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English Icelandic
No related strings found in the glossary.

Source information

String age
4 years ago
Source string age
4 years ago
Translation file
library/ui-strings/src/main/res/values-is/strings.xml, string 2003