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Key English Indonesian State
create_room_topic_hint Topic Topik
create_room_settings_section Room settings Pengaturan ruangan
create_room_public_title Public Publik
create_room_public_description Anyone will be able to join this room Siapa saja dapat bergabung ruangan ini
create_room_federation_error The room has been created, but some invitations have not been sent for the following reason:

Ruangan telah dibuat, tetapi beberapa undangan belum terkirim karena alasan berikut:

create_room_unknown_users_dialog_content Unable to find profiles for the Matrix IDs listed below. Would you like to start a chat anyway?

Tidak dapat menemukan profil untuk ID Matrix yang dicantumkan di bawah. Apakah Anda ingin memulai percakapan saja?

create_room_unknown_users_dialog_submit Start chat anyway Mulai percakapan saja
keys_backup_unable_to_get_trust_info An error occurred getting trust info Sebuah kesalahan terjadi mendapatkan info kepercyaan
keys_backup_unable_to_get_keys_backup_data An error occurred getting keys backup data Sebuah kesalahan terjadi mendapatkan data cadangan kunci
import_e2e_keys_from_file Import e2e keys from file "%1$s". Impor kunci E2E dari file "%1$s".
settings_sdk_version Matrix SDK Version Versi SDK Matrix
settings_other_third_party_notices Other third party notices Pemberitahuan pihak ketiga lainnya
navigate_to_room_when_already_in_the_room You are already viewing this room! Anda telah menampilkan ruangan ini!
navigate_to_thread_when_already_in_the_thread You are already viewing this thread! Anda sudah menampilkan utasan ini!
settings_general_title General Umum
settings_preferences Preferences Preferensi
settings_security_and_privacy Security & Privacy Keamanan & Privasi
settings_push_rules Push Rules Aturan Push
settings_push_rules_no_rules No push rules defined Tidak ada aturan push yang ditentukan
settings_push_gateway_no_pushers No registered push gateways Tidak ada gateway dorong terdaftar
push_gateway_item_app_id App ID: ID Aplikasi:
push_gateway_item_push_key Push Key: Kunci Dorongan:
push_gateway_item_app_display_name App Display Name: Nama Tampilan Aplikasi:
push_gateway_item_device_name Session Display Name: Nama Tampilan Sesi:
push_gateway_item_device_id Session ID: ID Sesi:
push_gateway_item_url Url: Url:
push_gateway_item_format Format: Format:
push_gateway_item_profile_tag Profile tag: Tag profil:
push_gateway_item_enabled Enabled: Diaktifkan:
preference_voice_and_video Voice & Video Suara & Video
preference_root_help_about Help & About Bantuan & Tentang
Key English Indonesian State
settings_notification_troubleshoot Troubleshoot Notifications Periksa Keadaan Pemberitahuan
settings_notification_your_keywords Your keywords Kata kunci Anda
settings_old_password Current password Sandi lama
settings_olm_version olm version Versi Olm
settings_opt_in_of_analytics Send analytics data Kirim data analitik
settings_opt_in_of_analytics_summary ${app_name} collects anonymous analytics to allow us to improve the application. ${app_name} mengumpulkan data analitik anonim dalam upaya kami meningkatkan aplikasi.
settings_other Other Lainnya
settings_other_third_party_notices Other third party notices Pemberitahuan pihak ketiga lainnya
settings_password Password Sandi
settings_password_updated Your password has been updated Kata sandi Anda telah diperbaharui
settings_phone_number_empty No phone number has been added to your account Tidak ada nomor telepon yang ditambahkan ke akun Anda
settings_phone_numbers Phone numbers Nomor telepon
settings_pin_missed_notifications Pin rooms with missed notifications Semat ruangan yang pemberitahuannya terlewatkan
settings_pin_unread_messages Pin rooms with unread messages Pin ruangan dengan pesan yang belum dibaca
settings_play_shutter_sound Play shutter sound Putar suara rana
settings_preferences Preferences Preferensi
settings_presence Presence Presensi
settings_presence_user_always_appears_offline Offline mode Mode luring
settings_presence_user_always_appears_offline_summary If enabled, you will always appear offline to other users, even when using the application. Jika diaktifkan, Anda akan selalu terlihat luring kepada pengguna lain, bahkan ketika menggunakan aplikasi.
settings_preview_media_before_sending Preview media before sending Pratinjau media sebelum dikirim
settings_privacy_policy Privacy policy Kebijakan privasi
settings_profile_picture Profile Picture Gambar Profil
settings_push_gateway_no_pushers No registered push gateways Tidak ada gateway dorong terdaftar
settings_push_rules Push Rules Aturan Push
settings_push_rules_no_rules No push rules defined Tidak ada aturan push yang ditentukan
settings_rageshake Rageshake Rageshake
settings_rageshake_detection_threshold Detection threshold Ambang deteksi
settings_rageshake_detection_threshold_summary Shake your phone to test the detection threshold Goyangkan ponsel Anda untuk menguji ambang deteksi
settings_remove_three_pid_confirmation_content Remove %s? Hapus %s?
settings_room_directory_show_all_rooms Show rooms with explicit content Tampilkan ruangan dengan konten eksplisit


2 years ago
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English Indonesian
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String age
3 years ago
Source string age
3 years ago
Translation file
library/ui-strings/src/main/res/values-in/strings.xml, string 1251