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This room’s internal ID
Key English Indonesian State
room_settings_space_access_public_description Anyone can find the space and join Siapa saja dapat menemukan space ini dan bergabung
room_settings_room_access_restricted_title Space members only Anggota space saja
room_settings_room_access_restricted_description Anyone in a space with this room can find and join it. Only admins of this room can add it to a space. Siapa saja di space dengan ruangan ini dapat menemukan dan bergabung. Hanya admin ruangan ini yang dapat menambahkannya ke space.
room_create_member_of_space_name_can_join Members of Space %s can find, preview and join. Anggota space %s dapat menemukan, pratinjau, dan bergabung.
allow_space_member_to_find_and_access Allow space members to find and access. Izinkan anggota space untuk menemukan dan akses.
spaces_which_can_access Spaces which can access Space yang dapat diakses
decide_which_spaces_can_access Decide which spaces can access this room. If a space is selected its members will be able to find and join Room name. Tentukan space mana yang dapat mengakses ruangan ini. Jika space dipilih, anggotanya dapat menemukan dan bergabung dengan nama Ruangan.
select_spaces Select spaces Pilih space
tap_to_edit_spaces Tap to edit spaces Ketuk untuk mengedit space
decide_who_can_find_and_join Decide who can find and join this room. Tentukan siapa yang dapat menemukan dan bergabung ruangan ini.
space_you_know_that_contains_this_room Space you know that contain this room Space yang Anda tahu berisi ruangan ini
other_spaces_or_rooms_you_might_not_know Other spaces or rooms you might not know Space atau ruangan lain yang mungkin tidak Anda ketahui
room_settings_banned_users_title Banned users Pengguna yang dicekal
room_settings_banned_users_count %d banned user %d pengguna yang dicekal
room_settings_category_advanced_title Advanced Lanjutan
room_settings_room_internal_id This room’s internal ID ID internal ruangan ini
room_settings_room_version_title Room version Versi ruangan
room_settings_labs_pref_title Labs Uji Coba
room_settings_labs_warning_message These are experimental features that may break in unexpected ways. Use with caution. Ini adalah fitur uji coba dan mungkin rusak tanpa terduga. Hati-hati menggunakannya.
room_settings_set_main_address Set as main address Tentukan sebagai alamat utama
room_settings_unset_main_address Unset as main address Tidak tentukan sebagai alamat utama
settings_theme Theme Tema
encryption_information_decryption_error Decryption error Kesalahan dekripsi
encryption_information_device_name Public name Nama perangkat
encryption_information_device_key Session key Kunci perangkat
encryption_export_e2e_room_keys Export E2E room keys Ekspor kunci ruangan terenkripsi
encryption_export_room_keys Export room keys Ekspor ruangan kunci
encryption_export_room_keys_summary Export the keys to a local file Ekspor kunci ke berkas lokal
encryption_export_export Export Ekspor
encryption_export_notice Please create a passphrase to encrypt the exported keys. You will need to enter the same passphrase to be able to import the keys. Harap buat frasa sandi untuk mengenkripsi kunci yang diekspor. Anda harus memasukkan frasa sandi yang sama untuk dapat mengimpor kunci.
encryption_exported_successfully Keys successfully exported Kunci berhasil diekspor
Key English Indonesian State
room_settings_permissions_title Room permissions Izin ruangan
room_settings_read_history_entry_anyone Anyone Siapa pun
room_settings_read_history_entry_members_only_invited Members only (since they were invited) Hanya anggota (dimulai sejak mereka diundang)
room_settings_read_history_entry_members_only_joined Members only (since they joined) Hanya anggota (sejak mereka bergabung)
room_settings_read_history_entry_members_only_option_time_shared Members only (since the point in time of selecting this option) Hanya anggota (dimulai sejak opsi ini dipilih)
room_settings_room_access_entry_knock Anyone can knock on the room, members can then accept or reject Siapa saja dapat mengetuk ruangan, anggota kemudian dapat menerima atau menolak
room_settings_room_access_entry_unknown Unknown access setting (%s) Pengaturan akses yang tidak diketahui (%s)
room_settings_room_access_private_description Only people invited can find and join Hanya orang yang diundang yang dapat menemukan dan bergabung
room_settings_room_access_private_invite_only_title Private (Invite Only) Pribadi (Undangan Saja)
room_settings_room_access_private_title Private Pribadi
room_settings_room_access_public_description Anyone can find the room and join Siapa saja dapat menemukan ruangan ini dan bergabung
room_settings_room_access_public_title Public Publik
room_settings_room_access_restricted_description Anyone in a space with this room can find and join it. Only admins of this room can add it to a space. Siapa saja di space dengan ruangan ini dapat menemukan dan bergabung. Hanya admin ruangan ini yang dapat menambahkannya ke space.
room_settings_room_access_restricted_title Space members only Anggota space saja
room_settings_room_access_title Room access Akses ruangan
room_settings_room_internal_id This room’s internal ID ID internal ruangan ini
room_settings_room_notifications_account_settings Account settings Pengaturan akun
room_settings_room_notifications_encryption_notice Please note that mentions & keyword notifications are not available in encrypted rooms on mobile. Harap dicatat bahwa pemberitahuan sebutan & kata kunci tidak tersedia dalam ruangan terenkripsi di ponsel.
room_settings_room_notifications_manage_notifications You can manage notifications in %1$s. Anda dapat mengelola notifikasi di %1$s.
room_settings_room_notifications_notify_me Notify me for Beri tahu saya untuk
room_settings_room_read_history_dialog_subtitle Changes to who can read history will only apply to future messages in this room. The visibility of existing history will be unchanged. Perubahan siapa yang dapat membaca riwayat hanya akan berlaku untuk pesan berikutnya di ruangan ini. Visibilitas riwayat yang ada tidak akan berubah.
room_settings_room_read_history_rules_pref_dialog_title Who can read history? Siapa yang dapat membaca riwayat?
room_settings_room_read_history_rules_pref_title Room History Readability Singkapan Riwayat Ruangan
room_settings_room_version_title Room version Versi ruangan
room_settings_save_success You changed room settings successfully Anda berhasil mengubah pengaturan ruangan
room_settings_set_avatar Set avatar Atur avatar
room_settings_set_main_address Set as main address Tentukan sebagai alamat utama
room_settings_space_access_public_description Anyone can find the space and join Siapa saja dapat menemukan space ini dan bergabung
room_settings_space_access_title Space access Akses space
room_settings_topic Topic Topik


This room’s internal ID
ID internal ruangan ini
3 years ago
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English Indonesian
Room Ruangan Element Android

Source information

String age
4 years ago
Source string age
4 years ago
Translation file
library/ui-strings/src/main/res/values-in/strings.xml, string 905