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Key English Basque State
settings_set_sync_timeout Sync request timeout Sinkronizazio eskaerak debora-muga gainditu du
settings_set_sync_delay Delay between each Sync Sinkronizazioen arteko itxaronaldia
seconds %d second
settings_version Version Bertsioa:
settings_olm_version olm version olm bertsioa
settings_crypto_version Crypto version
settings_app_term_conditions Terms & conditions Termino eta baldintzak
settings_acceptable_use_policy Acceptable Use Policy
settings_third_party_notices Third party notices Hirugarrengoen adierazpenak
settings_copyright Copyright Copyright-a
settings_privacy_policy Privacy policy Pribatutasun politika
settings_keep_media Keep media Mantendu media
settings_clear_cache Clear cache Garbitu cachea
settings_clear_media_cache Clear media cache Garbitu media cachea
settings_user_settings User settings Erabiltzaile-ezarpenak
settings_notifications Notifications Jakinarazpenak
settings_ignored_users Ignored users Ezikusitako erabiltzaileak
settings_other Other Bestea
settings_advanced Advanced Aurreratua
settings_integrations Integrations Integrazioak
settings_integrations_summary Use an integration manager to manage bots, bridges, widgets and sticker packs.
Integration managers receive configuration data, and can modify widgets, send room invites and set power levels on your behalf.
Erabili integrazio kudeatzaileren bat botak, zubiak, trepetak eta eranskailu multzoak kudeatzeko.
Integrazio kudeatzaileek konfigurazio datuak jasotzen dituzte, eta trepetak aldatu ditzakete, gelarako gonbidapenak bidali, eta botere mailak zure izenean ezarri.
settings_cryptography Cryptography Kriptografia
settings_cryptography_manage_keys Cryptography Keys Management Gako kriptografikoen kudeaketa
settings_notifications_targets Notification Targets Jakinarazpenen helburuak
settings_contact Local contacts Gailuko kontaktuak
settings_contacts_app_permission Contacts permission Kontaktuen baimena
settings_contacts_phonebook_country Phonebook country Telefono-liburuaren herrialdea
settings_home_display Home display Hasiera pantaila
settings_pin_missed_notifications Pin rooms with missed notifications Finkatu ikusi gabeko jakinarazpenak dituzten gelak
settings_pin_unread_messages Pin rooms with unread messages Finkatu irakurri gabeko mezuak dituzten gelak
settings_inline_url_preview Inline URL preview URL-en aurrebista
Key English Basque State
settings_notification_by_event Notification importance by event Jakinarazpenen garrantzia gertaerako
settings_notification_configuration Notifications configuration Jakinarazpenen ezarpena
settings_notification_default Default Notifications
settings_notification_emails_category Email notification
settings_notification_emails_enable_for_email Enable email notifications for %s
settings_notification_emails_no_emails To receive email with notification, please associate an email address to your Matrix account
settings_notification_error_on_update An error occurred when updating your notification preferences. Please try again.
settings_notification_keyword_contains_dot Keywords cannot start with '.'
settings_notification_keyword_contains_invalid_character Keywords cannot contain '%s'
settings_notification_mentions_and_keywords Mentions and Keywords
settings_notification_method Notification method
settings_notification_new_keyword Add new keyword
settings_notification_notify_me_for Notify me for
settings_notification_other Other
settings_notification_ringtone Notification sound Jakinarazpen-soinua
settings_notifications Notifications Jakinarazpenak
settings_notifications_targets Notification Targets Jakinarazpenen helburuak
settings_notification_troubleshoot Troubleshoot Notifications Egiaztatu arazoak jakinarazpenekin
settings_notification_your_keywords Your keywords
settings_old_password Current password Oraingo pasahitza
settings_olm_version olm version olm bertsioa
settings_opt_in_of_analytics Send analytics data Bidali analitiketarako datuak
settings_opt_in_of_analytics_summary ${app_name} collects anonymous analytics to allow us to improve the application. ${app_name}ek analitika anonimoak biltzen ditu aplikazioa hobetzeko.
settings_other Other Bestea
settings_other_third_party_notices Other third party notices Beste hirugarrengoen adierazpenak
settings_password Password Pasahitza
settings_password_updated Your password has been updated Zure pasahitza eguneratu da
settings_phone_number_empty No phone number has been added to your account
settings_phone_numbers Phone numbers
settings_pin_missed_notifications Pin rooms with missed notifications Finkatu ikusi gabeko jakinarazpenak dituzten gelak
Component Translation Difference to current string
This translation Propagated Translated Element Android/Element Android App
The following strings have different contexts, but the same source.
Translated Element Android/Element Android App
Not translated Element Android/Element Android App


No matching activity found.

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English Basque
No related strings found in the glossary.

Source information

String age
4 years ago
Source string age
4 years ago
Translation file
library/ui-strings/src/main/res/values-eu/strings.xml, string 732