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Key English Basque State
username Username Erabiltzaile-izena
logout Sign out Amaitu saioa
hs_url Homeserver URL Hasiera zerbitzariaren URL-a
hs_client_url Homeserver API URL
search Search Bilatu
start_voice_call Start Voice Call Hasi ahots deia
start_video_call Start Video Call Hasi bideo deia
option_send_voice Send voice Bidali ahotsa
start_voice_call_prompt_msg Are you sure that you want to start a voice call? Ziur ahots-dei bat hasi nahi duzula?
start_video_call_prompt_msg Are you sure that you want to start a video call? Ziur bideo-dei bat hasi nahi duzula?
call_failed_no_connection ${app_name} Call Failed
call_failed_no_connection_description Failed to establish real time connection.
Please ask the administrator of your homeserver to configure a TURN server in order for calls to work reliably.
call_select_sound_device Select Sound Device
sound_device_phone Phone
sound_device_speaker Speaker
sound_device_headset Headset
sound_device_wireless_headset Wireless Headset
call_switch_camera Switch Camera
call_camera_front Front
call_camera_back Back
call_format_turn_hd_off Turn HD off
call_format_turn_hd_on Turn HD on
call_start_screen_sharing Share screen
call_stop_screen_sharing Stop screen sharing
option_send_files Send files Bidali fitxategiak
option_send_sticker Send sticker Bidali eranskailua
option_take_photo_video Take photo or video Atera argazkia edo bideoa
option_take_photo Take photo Atera argazkia
option_take_video Take video Grabatu bideoa
option_always_ask Always ask
use_as_default_and_do_not_ask_again Use as default and do not ask again
Key English Basque State
small Small Txikia
soft_logout_clear_data_dialog_content Clear all data currently stored on this device?
Sign in again to access your account data and messages.
Gailu honetan gordetako datu guztiak ezabatu?

Hasi saioa berriro zure kontuaren datuak eta mezuak atzitzeko.
soft_logout_clear_data_dialog_e2e_warning_content You’ll lose access to secure messages unless you sign in to recover your encryption keys. Zure mezu zifratuetara sarbidea galduko duzu ez baduzu saioa hasten zifratze gakoak berreskuratzeko.
soft_logout_clear_data_dialog_title Clear data Garbitu datuak
soft_logout_clear_data_notice Warning: Your personal data (including encryption keys) is still stored on this device.

Clear it if you’re finished using this device, or want to sign in to another account.
Abisua: Zure datu pertsonalak (zure zifratze gakoak barne) gailu honetan daude oraindik.

Garbitu ezazu gailu hau erabiltzen bukatu duzunean, edo beste kontu batekin saioa hasi nahi duzunean.
soft_logout_clear_data_submit Clear all data Garbitu datu guztiak
soft_logout_clear_data_title Clear personal data Garbitu datu pertsonalak
soft_logout_signin_e2e_warning_notice Sign in to recover encryption keys stored exclusively on this device. You need them to read all of your secure messages on any device. Hasi saioa gailu honetan besterik gorde ez diren zifratze gakoak berreskuratzeko. Zure mezu seguruak beste gailuetan irakurri ahal izateko behar dituzu.
soft_logout_signin_notice Your homeserver (%1$s) admin has signed you out of your account %2$s (%3$s). Zure hasiera zerbitzariaren administratzaileak (%1$s) zure %2$s kontuaren saioa amaitu du (%3$s).
soft_logout_signin_password_hint Password Pasahitza
soft_logout_signin_submit Sign in Hasi saioa
soft_logout_signin_title Sign in Hasi saioa
soft_logout_sso_not_same_user_error The current session is for user %1$s and you provide credentials for user %2$s. This is not supported by ${app_name}.
Please first clear data, then sign in again on another account.
Oraingo saioa %1$s erabiltzailearena da eta %2$s erabiltzailearen kredentzialak eman dituzu. ${app_name}-k ez du hau onartzen.
Aurretik garbitu datuak, gero hasi saioa berriro beste kontu batekin.
soft_logout_title You’re signed out Saioa amaitu duzu
some_devices_will_not_be_able_to_decrypt ⚠ There are unverified devices in this room, they won’t be able to decrypt messages you send.
sound_device_headset Headset
sound_device_phone Phone
sound_device_speaker Speaker
sound_device_wireless_headset Wireless Headset
space_add_child_title Add rooms
space_add_existing_rooms Add existing rooms and space
space_add_existing_rooms_only Add existing rooms
space_add_existing_spaces Add existing spaces
space_add_space_to_any_space_you_manage Add a space to any space you manage.
space_explore_activity_title Explore rooms
space_explore_filter_no_result_description Some results may be hidden because they’re private and you need an invite to them.
space_explore_filter_no_result_title No results found
space_leave_prompt_msg_as_admin You're the only admin of this space. Leaving it will mean no one has control over it.
space_leave_prompt_msg_only_you You are the only person here. If you leave, no one will be able to join in the future, including you.
space_leave_prompt_msg_private You won't be able to rejoin unless you are re-invited.


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English Basque
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Source information

String age
3 years ago
Source string age
3 years ago
Translation file
library/ui-strings/src/main/res/values-eu/strings.xml, string 387