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Confirm Removal
Key English Basque State
qr_code_scanned_by_other_yes Yes Bai
qr_code_scanned_by_other_no No Ez
no_connectivity_to_the_server_indicator Connectivity to the server has been lost Zerbitzariarekin konexioa galdu da
no_connectivity_to_the_server_indicator_airplane Airplane mode is on Hegaldi modua ezarrita dago
settings_dev_tools Dev Tools Garapen tresnak
settings_account_data Account Data Kontuaren datuak
delete_account_data_warning Delete the account data of type %1$s?

Use with caution, it may lead to unexpected behavior.
verification_cannot_access_other_session Use a Recovery Passphrase or Key Erabili berreskuratze metodo bat
verification_use_passphrase If you can’t access an existing session Ezin baduzu badagoen saio bat erabili
enter_secret_storage_invalid Cannot find secrets in storage Ezin izan da sekreturik aurkitu biltegian
message_action_item_redact Remove… Kendu…
share_confirm_room Do you want to send this attachment to %1$s? Eranskin hau %1$s gelara bidali nahi duzu?
send_images_with_original_size Send image with the original size Bidali irudia jatorrizko tamainan
send_videos_with_original_size Send video with the original size
send_images_and_video_with_original_size Send media with the original size
delete_event_dialog_title Confirm Removal Berretsi kentzea
delete_event_dialog_content Are you sure you wish to remove (delete) this event? Note that if you delete a room name or topic change, it could undo the change. Ziur gertaera hau kendu (ezabatu) nahi duzula? Jakin gelaren izenaren edo mintzagaiaren aldaketa ezabatzen baduzu, aldaketa desegin daitekeela.
delete_event_dialog_reason_checkbox Include a reason Eman arrazoi bat
delete_event_dialog_reason_hint Reason for redacting Kentzeko arrazoia
event_redacted_by_user_reason_with_reason Event deleted by user, reason: %1$s Erabiltzaileak kendu du gertaera, arrazoia: %1$s
event_redacted_by_admin_reason_with_reason Event moderated by room admin, reason: %1$s Gelako moderatzaile batek kendu du gertaera, arrazoia: %1$s
keys_backup_restore_success_title_already_up_to_date Keys are already up to date! Gakoak egunean daude jada!
login_default_session_public_name ${app_name} Android ${app_name} Android
settings_key_requests Key Requests Gako eskaerak
settings_export_trail Export Audit
settings_nightly_build Nightly build
settings_nightly_build_update Get the latest build (note: you may have trouble to sign in)
e2e_use_keybackup Unlock encrypted messages history Desblokeatu zifratutako mezuen historiala
refresh Refresh Freskatu
new_session New login. Was this you? Saio berria. Zu izan zara?
verify_new_session_notice Use this session to verify your new one, granting it access to encrypted messages. Erabili saio hau berria egiaztatzeko, honela mezu zifratuetara sarbidea emanez.
Key English Basque State
crypto_error_withheld_generic You cannot access this message because the sender purposely did not send the keys
crypto_error_withheld_unverified You cannot access this message because your session is not trusted by the sender
dark_theme Dark Theme Azal iluna
deactivate_account_content This will make your account permanently unusable. You will not be able to log in, and no one will be able to re-register the same user ID. This will cause your account to leave all rooms it is participating in, and it will remove your account details from your identity server. <b>This action is irreversible</b>.

Deactivating your account <b>does not by default cause us to forget messages you have sent</b>. If you would like us to forget your messages, please tick the box below.

Message visibility in Matrix is similar to email. Our forgetting your messages means that messages you have sent will not be shared with any new or unregistered users, but registered users who already have access to these messages will still have access to their copy.
Honek kontua behin betirako erabilgaitza bihurtuko du. Ezin izango duzu saioa hasi, eta ezin izango du beste inork ID hori erabili. Kontua dagoen gela guztietatik aterako da, eta kontuaren xehetasunak identitate-zerbitzaritik ezabatuko dira. <b>Ekintza hau ezin da desegin</b>. Kontua desaktibatzean <b>ez dira zuk bidalitako mezuak ahaztuko.</b> Mezuak ahaztea nahi baduzu markatu beheko kutxa. Matrix-eko mezuen ikusgaitasuna e-mail sistemaren antekoa da. Guk zure mezuak ahaztean ez dizkiogu erabiltzaile berriei edo izena eman ez dutenei erakutsiko, baina jada zure mezuak jaso dituzten erregistratutako erabiltzaileen bere kopia izaten jarraituko dute.
deactivate_account_delete_checkbox Please forget all messages I have sent when my account is deactivated (Warning: this will cause future users to see an incomplete view of conversations) Ahaztu bidali ditudan mezu guztiak kontua desaktibatzean (Abisua: Honekin etorkizuneko erabiltzaileek elkarrizketaren bertsio ez oso bat ikusiko dute)
deactivate_account_submit Deactivate Account Desaktibatu kontua
deactivate_account_title Deactivate Account Desaktibatu kontua
decide_which_spaces_can_access Decide which spaces can access this room. If a space is selected its members will be able to find and join Room name.
decide_who_can_find_and_join Decide who can find and join this room.
default_message_emote_confetti sends confetti 🎉
default_message_emote_snow sends snowfall ❄️
delete_account_data_warning Delete the account data of type %1$s?

Use with caution, it may lead to unexpected behavior.
delete_event_dialog_content Are you sure you wish to remove (delete) this event? Note that if you delete a room name or topic change, it could undo the change. Ziur gertaera hau kendu (ezabatu) nahi duzula? Jakin gelaren izenaren edo mintzagaiaren aldaketa ezabatzen baduzu, aldaketa desegin daitekeela.
delete_event_dialog_reason_checkbox Include a reason Eman arrazoi bat
delete_event_dialog_reason_hint Reason for redacting Kentzeko arrazoia
delete_event_dialog_title Confirm Removal Berretsi kentzea
delete_poll_dialog_content Are you sure you want to remove this poll? You won't be able to recover it once removed.
delete_poll_dialog_title Remove poll
denied_permission_camera To perform this action, please grant the Camera permission from the system settings.
denied_permission_generic Some permissions are missing to perform this action, please grant the permissions from the system settings.
denied_permission_voice_message To send voice messages, please grant the Microphone permission.
device_manager_current_session_title Current session
device_manager_device_title Device
device_manager_filter_bottom_sheet_title Filter
device_manager_filter_option_all_sessions All sessions
device_manager_filter_option_inactive Inactive
device_manager_filter_option_inactive_description Inactive for %1$d day or longer
device_manager_filter_option_unverified Unverified
device_manager_filter_option_unverified_description Not ready for secure messaging
device_manager_filter_option_verified Verified


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English Basque
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Source information

String age
3 years ago
Source string age
3 years ago
Translation file
library/ui-strings/src/main/res/values-eu/strings.xml, string 1821