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No cryptographic information available
Key English Basque State
settings_hs_admin_e2e_disabled Your server admin has disabled end-to-end encryption by default in private rooms & Direct Messages.
settings_active_sessions_list Active Sessions Saio aktiboak
settings_active_sessions_show_all Show All Sessions Erakutsi saio guztiak
settings_active_sessions_manage Manage Sessions Kudeatu saioak
settings_active_sessions_signout_device Sign out of this session Amaitu saio hau
settings_sessions_list Sessions
settings_server_name Server name
settings_server_version Server version
settings_server_upload_size_title Server file upload limit
settings_server_upload_size_content Your homeserver accepts attachments (files, media, etc.) with a size up to %s.
settings_server_upload_size_unknown The limit is unknown.
settings_server_room_versions Room Versions 👓
settings_server_default_room_version Default Version
settings_server_room_version_stable stable
settings_server_room_version_unstable unstable
settings_failed_to_get_crypto_device_info No cryptographic information available Ez dago informazio kriptografikorik eskuragarri
settings_active_sessions_verified_device_desc This session is trusted for secure messaging because you verified it: Saio hau fidagarritzat jotzen da mezu seguruetarako egiaztatu duzulako:
settings_active_sessions_unverified_device_desc Verify this session to mark it as trusted & grant it access to encrypted messages. If you didn’t sign in to this session your account may be compromised: Egiaztatu saio hau fidagarritzat markatzeko eta zifratutako mezuetara sarbidea emateko. Ez baduzu saio hau zuk hasi agian zure kontua konprometituta dago:
settings_active_sessions_count %d active session Saio aktibo %d
crosssigning_verify_this_session Verify this device Egiaztatu saio hau
crosssigning_verify_after_update App updated
crosssigning_cannot_verify_this_session Unable to verify this device
crosssigning_cannot_verify_this_session_desc You won’t be able to access encrypted message history. Reset your Secure Message Backup and verification keys to start fresh.
verification_verify_with_another_device Verify with another device
verification_verify_identity Verify your identity to access encrypted messages and prove your identity to others.
verification_open_other_to_verify Use an existing session to verify this one, granting it access to encrypted messages. Erabili aurreko saio bat saio hau egiaztatzeko, mezu zifratuetara sarbidea emanez.
verification_profile_verify Verify Egiaztatu
verification_profile_verified Verified Egiaztatuta
verification_profile_warning Warning Abisua
room_member_profile_failed_to_get_devices Failed to get sessions Ezin izan dira saioak jaso
room_member_profile_sessions_section_title Sessions Saioak
Key English Basque State
settings_discovery_show_identity_server_policy_title Show identity server policy
settings_display_name Display Name Pantaila-izena
settings_emails Email addresses
settings_emails_and_phone_numbers_summary Manage email addresses and phone numbers linked to your Matrix account
settings_emails_and_phone_numbers_title Emails and phone numbers
settings_emails_empty No email address has been added to your account
settings_enable_all_notif Enable notifications for this account Gaitu jakinarazpenak kontu honetarako
settings_enable_direct_share_summary Show recent chats in the system share menu
settings_enable_direct_share_title Enable direct share
settings_enable_this_device Enable notifications for this session Gaitu jakinarazpenak saio honetan
settings_encrypted_direct_messages Encrypted direct messages
settings_encrypted_group_messages Encrypted group messages
settings_export_trail Export Audit
settings_external_account_management Your account details are managed separately at %1$s.
settings_external_account_management_title Account
settings_failed_to_get_crypto_device_info No cryptographic information available Ez dago informazio kriptografikorik eskuragarri
settings_fail_to_update_password Failed to update password Huts egin du pasahitza eguneratzean
settings_fail_to_update_password_invalid_current_password The password is not valid Pasahitza baliogabea da
settings_general_title General Orokorra
settings_group_messages Group messages
settings_home_display Home display Hasiera pantaila
settings_home_server Homeserver Hasiera zerbitzaria
settings_hs_admin_e2e_disabled Your server admin has disabled end-to-end encryption by default in private rooms & Direct Messages.
settings_identity_server Identity server Identitate zerbitzaria
settings_ignored_users Ignored users Ezikusitako erabiltzaileak
settings_inline_url_preview Inline URL preview URL-en aurrebista
settings_inline_url_preview_summary Preview links within the chat when your homeserver supports this feature. Erakutsi txateko esteken aurrebista hasiera-zerbitzariak onartzen badu.
settings_integration_allow Allow integrations Baimendu integrazioak
settings_integration_manager Integration manager Integrazio kudeatzailea
settings_integrations Integrations Integrazioak


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English Basque
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Source information

String age
4 years ago
Source string age
4 years ago
Translation file
library/ui-strings/src/main/res/values-eu/strings.xml, string 1780