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Other errors
Sorry, an error occurred
Key English Basque State
deactivate_account_delete_checkbox Please forget all messages I have sent when my account is deactivated (Warning: this will cause future users to see an incomplete view of conversations) Ahaztu bidali ditudan mezu guztiak kontua desaktibatzean (Abisua: Honekin etorkizuneko erabiltzaileek elkarrizketaren bertsio ez oso bat ikusiko dute)
deactivate_account_submit Deactivate Account Desaktibatu kontua
error_empty_field_enter_user_name Please enter a username. Sartu erabiltzaile-izena.
error_empty_field_your_password Please enter your password. Sartu zure pasahitza.
room_tombstone_versioned_description This room has been replaced and is no longer active. Gela hau ordeztu da eta ez dago jada aktibo
room_tombstone_continuation_link The conversation continues here Elkarrizketak hemen darrai
room_tombstone_continuation_description This room is a continuation of another conversation Gela hau aurreko elkarrizketa baten jarraipena da
room_tombstone_predecessor_link Click here to see older messages Egin klik hemen mezu zaharragoak ikusteko
resource_limit_contact_admin contact your service administrator kontaktatu zure zerbitzu administratzailea
resource_limit_soft_default This homeserver has exceeded one of its resource limits so <b>some users will not be able to log in</b>. Hasiera zerbitzari honek zure baliabide muga gainditu du <b>erabiltzaile batzuk ezin izango dute saioa hasi</b>.
resource_limit_hard_default This homeserver has exceeded one of its resource limits. Hasiera zerbitzari honek bere baliabide mugetako bat gainditu du.
resource_limit_soft_mau This homeserver has hit its Monthly Active User limit so <b>some users will not be able to log in</b>. Hasiera zerbitzari honek hilabeteko erabiltzaile aktiboen muga jo du <b>erabiltzaile batzuk ezin izango dute saioa hasi</b>.
resource_limit_hard_mau This homeserver has hit its Monthly Active User limit. Hasiera zerbitzari honek bere hilabeteko erabiltzaile aktiboen muga gainditu du.
resource_limit_soft_contact Please %s to get this limit increased. %s muga hau areagotzeko.
resource_limit_hard_contact Please %s to continue using this service. %s zerbitzu hau erabiltzen jarraitzeko.
unknown_error Sorry, an error occurred Errore bat gertatu da
merged_events_expand expand hedatu
merged_events_collapse collapse tolestu
generic_label_and_value %1$s: %2$s %1$s: %2$s
x_plus +%d %d+
no_valid_google_play_services_apk No valid Google Play Services APK found. Notifications may not work properly. Ez da baliozko Google Play Services APK-rik aurkitu. Jakinarazpenak agian ez dira ongi ibiliko.
passphrase_create_passphrase Create passphrase Sortu pasaesaldia
passphrase_confirm_passphrase Confirm passphrase Berretsi pasaesaldia
passphrase_enter_passphrase Enter passphrase Idatzi pasaesaldia
passphrase_passphrase_does_not_match Passphrase doesn’t match Pasaesaldiak berdinak izan behar dira
passphrase_empty_error_message Please enter a passphrase Idatzi pasaesaldia
passphrase_passphrase_too_weak Passphrase is too weak Pasaesaldia ahulegia da
keys_backup_passphrase_not_empty_error_message Please delete the passphrase if you want ${app_name} to generate a recovery key. Ezabatu pasaesaldia ${app_name} aplikazioak berreskuratze gako bat sortu dezan nahi baduzu.
keys_backup_setup_step1_title Never lose encrypted messages Ez galdu inoiz zifratutako mezuak
keys_backup_setup_step1_description Messages in encrypted rooms are secured with end-to-end encryption. Only you and the recipient(s) have the keys to read these messages.

Securely back up your keys to avoid losing them.
Zifratutako geletako mezuak muturretik muturrera zifratuta daude. Hartzaileak/ek eta zuk eta ez beste inork irakurri ditzakezue mezuok.

Egin zure gakoen babes-kopia segurua mezuak ez galtzeko.
keys_backup_setup Start using Key Backup Hasi gakoen babes-kopia erabiltzen
Key English Basque State
too_many_pin_failures Too many errors, you've been logged out
topic_prefix Topic:
trusted Trusted Fidagarria
two 2
two_and_some_others_read %1$s, %2$s and %3$d other read
two_users_read %1$s and %2$s read %1$s eta %2$s erabiltzaileek irakurria
unable_to_decrypt_some_events_in_poll Due to decryption errors, some votes may not be counted
unable_to_send_message Unable to send message Ezin izan da mezua bidali
unencrypted Unencrypted Zifratu gabe
unexpected_error Unexpected error Ustekabeko errorea
unifiedpush_distributor_background_sync Background synchronization
unifiedpush_distributor_fcm_fallback Google Services
unifiedpush_getdistributors_dialog_title Choose how to receive notifications
unignore Unignore Utzi ezikusteari
universal_link_malformed The link was malformed
unknown_error Sorry, an error occurred Errore bat gertatu da
unnamed_room Unnamed Room
unrecognized_command Unrecognized command: %s Komando ezezaguna: %s
updating_your_data Updating your data…
upgrade Upgrade
upgrade_private_room Upgrade private room
upgrade_public_room Upgrade public room
upgrade_public_room_from_to You'll upgrade this room from %1$s to %2$s.
upgrade_required Upgrade Required
upgrade_room_auto_invite Automatically invite users
upgrade_room_for_restricted Anyone in %s will be able to find and join this room - no need to manually invite everyone. You’ll be able to change this in room settings anytime.
upgrade_room_for_restricted_no_param Anyone in a parent space will be able to find and join this room - no need to manually invite everyone. You’ll be able to change this in room settings anytime.
upgrade_room_for_restricted_note Please note upgrading will make a new version of the room. All current messages will stay in this archived room.
upgrade_room_no_power_to_manage You need permission to upgrade a room
upgrade_room_update_parent_space Automatically update space parent


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English Basque
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Source information

Source string comment
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String age
4 years ago
Source string age
4 years ago
Translation file
library/ui-strings/src/main/res/values-eu/strings.xml, string 1088