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Use Key Backup
Key English Spanish (Mexico) State
keys_backup_settings_signature_from_unknown_device Backup has a signature from unknown session with ID %s.
keys_backup_settings_signature_from_this_user Backup has a valid signature from this user.
keys_backup_settings_valid_signature_from_this_device Backup has a valid signature from this session.
keys_backup_settings_valid_signature_from_verified_device Backup has a valid signature from verified session %s.
keys_backup_settings_valid_signature_from_unverified_device Backup has a valid signature from unverified session %s
keys_backup_settings_invalid_signature_from_verified_device Backup has a invalid signature from verified session %s
keys_backup_settings_invalid_signature_from_unverified_device Backup has a invalid signature from unverified session %s
keys_backup_settings_untrusted_backup To use Key Backup on this session, restore with your passphrase or recovery key now.
keys_backup_settings_deleting_backup Deleting backup…
keys_backup_settings_checking_backup_state Checking backup state
keys_backup_settings_delete_confirm_title Delete Backup
keys_backup_settings_delete_confirm_message Delete your backed up encryption keys from the server? You will no longer be able to use your recovery key to read encrypted message history.
secure_backup_banner_setup_line1 Secure Backup
secure_backup_banner_setup_line2 Safeguard against losing access to encrypted messages & data
keys_backup_banner_recover_line1 Never lose encrypted messages
keys_backup_banner_recover_line2 Use Key Backup
keys_backup_banner_update_line1 New secure message keys
keys_backup_banner_update_line2 Manage in Key Backup
keys_backup_banner_in_progress Backing up your keys. This may take several minutes…
secure_backup_setup Set Up Secure Backup
keys_backup_info_keys_all_backup_up All keys backed up
keys_backup_info_keys_backing_up Backing up %d key…
keys_backup_info_title_version Version
keys_backup_info_title_algorithm Algorithm
keys_backup_info_title_signature Signature
sas_verified Verified!
sas_got_it Got it
sas_incoming_request_notif_title Verification Request
sas_incoming_request_notif_content %s wants to verify your session
sas_error_unknown Unknown Error
identity_server_not_defined You are not using any identity server
Key English Spanish (Mexico) State
invite_unknown_users_dialog_submit Invite anyway
invite_users_to_room_action_invite INVITE
invite_users_to_room_failure We could not invite users. Please check the users you want to invite and try again.
invite_users_to_room_title Invite Users
inviting_users_to_room Inviting users…
it_may_take_some_time Please be patient, it may take some time.
jitsi_leave_conf_to_join_another_one_content Leave the current conference and switch to the other one?
join_anyway Join Anyway
joining_replacement_room Join replacement room
join_room Join Room Entrar Sala
join_space Join Space
keep_it_safe Keep it safe
key_authenticity_not_guaranteed The authenticity of this encrypted message can't be guaranteed on this device.
keys_backup_banner_in_progress Backing up your keys. This may take several minutes…
keys_backup_banner_recover_line1 Never lose encrypted messages
keys_backup_banner_recover_line2 Use Key Backup
keys_backup_banner_update_line1 New secure message keys
keys_backup_banner_update_line2 Manage in Key Backup
keys_backup_get_version_error Failed to get latest restore keys version (%s).
keys_backup_info_keys_all_backup_up All keys backed up
keys_backup_info_keys_backing_up Backing up %d key…
keys_backup_info_title_algorithm Algorithm
keys_backup_info_title_signature Signature
keys_backup_info_title_version Version
keys_backup_passphrase_error_decrypt Backup could not be decrypted with this passphrase: please verify that you entered the correct recovery passphrase.
keys_backup_passphrase_not_empty_error_message Please delete the passphrase if you want ${app_name} to generate a recovery key.
keys_backup_recovery_code_empty_error_message Please enter a recovery key
keys_backup_recovery_code_error_decrypt Backup could not be decrypted with this recovery key: please verify that you entered the correct recovery key.
keys_backup_restore_is_getting_backup_version Fetching backup version…
keys_backup_restore_key_enter_hint Enter Recovery Key
Component Translation Difference to current string
This translation Propagated Not translated Element Android/Element Android App
The following string has different context, but the same source.
Translated Element Android/Element Android App Usar copia de seguridad de la clave


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English Spanish (Mexico)
No related strings found in the glossary.

Source information

String age
4 years ago
Source string age
4 years ago
Translation file
library/ui-strings/src/main/res/values-es-rMX/strings.xml, string 1173