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Key English Spanish State
action_dismiss Dismiss Descartar
action_reset Reset Resetear
action_proceed_to_reset Proceed to reset
action_learn_more Learn more Aprender más
action_next Next Siguiente
action_got_it Got it De acuerdo
action_select_all Select all Seleccionar todo
action_deselect_all Deselect all Deseleccionar todo
action_stop Yes, Stop Sí, Detener
copied_to_clipboard Copied to clipboard Copiado al portapapeles
action_thread_view_in_room View in room Ver en la sala
action_thread_copy_link_to_thread Copy link to thread Copiar enlace al hilo
dialog_title_confirmation Confirmation Confirmación
dialog_title_warning Warning Advertencia
dialog_title_error Error Error
dialog_title_success Success Correcto
dialog_edit_hint New value Nuevo valor
bottom_action_notification Notifications Notificaciones
bottom_action_favourites Favorites Favoritos
bottom_action_people People Personas
bottom_action_rooms Rooms Salas y Grupos
home_filter_placeholder_home Filter room names Filtrar salas
home_layout_preferences Layout preferences Ajustes de disposición
home_layout_preferences_filters Show filters Mostrar filtros
home_layout_preferences_recents Show recents Mostrar recientes
home_layout_preferences_sort_by Sort by Ordenar por
home_layout_preferences_sort_activity Activity Actividad
home_layout_preferences_sort_name A - Z A - Z
labs_enable_new_app_layout_title Enable new layout Habilitar nueva disposición
labs_enable_new_app_layout_summary A simplified Element with optional tabs Una versión simplificada de Element con pestañas opcionales
labs_enable_deferred_dm_title Enable deferred DMs Habilita MDs pospuestos
Key English Spanish State
dev_tools_event_content_hint Event content Contenido del evento
dev_tools_explore_room_state Explore Room State Explora el Estado de Sala
dev_tools_form_hint_event_content Event Content Contenido del evento
dev_tools_form_hint_state_key State Key Clave de estado
dev_tools_form_hint_type Type Tipo
dev_tools_menu_name Dev Tools Herramientas de Desarrollador
dev_tools_send_custom_event Send Custom Event Enviar Evento Personalizado
dev_tools_send_custom_state_event Send Custom State Event Enviar Estado del Evento Personalizado
dev_tools_send_state_event Send State Event Enviar Estado del Evento
dev_tools_state_event State Events Estado de los Eventos
dev_tools_success_event Event sent! ¡Evento enviado!
dev_tools_success_state_event State event sent! ¡Estado del evento enviado!
dialog_edit_hint New value Nuevo valor
dialog_title_confirmation Confirmation Confirmación
dialog_title_error Error Error
dialog_title_success Success Correcto
dialog_title_warning Warning Advertencia
dialog_user_consent_content To continue using the %1$s homeserver you must review and agree to the terms and conditions. Para continuar utilizando el servidor doméstico %1$s, debes revisar y aceptar los términos y condiciones.
dialog_user_consent_submit Review now Revisar ahora
direct_chats_header Conversations Conversaciones
directory_add_a_new_server Add a new server Añadir un nuevo servidor
directory_add_a_new_server_error Can't find this server or its room list No se pudo encontrar este servidor o su lista de salas
directory_add_a_new_server_error_already_added This server is already present in the list Este servidor ya está presente en esta lista
directory_add_a_new_server_prompt Enter the name of a new server you want to explore. Introduce el nombre del servidor que quieras explorar.
directory_server_all_rooms_on_server All rooms on %s server Todas las salas en el servidor %s
directory_server_native_rooms All native %s rooms Todas las salas nativas de %s
directory_server_placeholder Server name Nombre del servidor
directory_your_server Your server Tu servidor
direct_room_created_summary_item %s joined. %s se ha unido.
direct_room_created_summary_item_by_you You joined. Tú te has unido.


4 years ago
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English Spanish
No related strings found in the glossary.

Source information

String age
4 years ago
Source string age
4 years ago
Translation file
library/ui-strings/src/main/res/values-es/strings.xml, string 319