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Key English Esperanto State
qr_code_login_try_again Try again
qr_code_login_confirm_security_code Confirm
qr_code_login_confirm_security_code_description Please ensure that you know the origin of this code. By linking devices, you will provide someone with full access to your account.
rich_text_editor_format_bold Apply bold format Apliki grasan formaton
rich_text_editor_format_italic Apply italic format Apliki kursivan formaton
rich_text_editor_format_strikethrough Apply strikethrough format Apliki forstrekitan formaton
rich_text_editor_format_underline Apply underline format Apliki substrekan formaton
rich_text_editor_link Set link Agordi ligilon
rich_text_editor_numbered_list Toggle numbered list Baskuligi numeritan liston
rich_text_editor_bullet_list Toggle bullet list Baskuligi kuglan liston
rich_text_editor_indent Indent Indenti
rich_text_editor_unindent Unindent Malindenti
rich_text_editor_quote Toggle quote Baskuligi citaĵon
rich_text_editor_inline_code Apply inline code format Apliki enlinian kodformaton
rich_text_editor_code_block Toggle code block Baskuligi kodblokon
rich_text_editor_full_screen_toggle Toggle full screen mode Baskuligi plenekranan reĝimon
set_link_text Text
set_link_link Link
set_link_create Create a link
set_link_edit Edit link
message_reply_to_prefix In reply to
message_reply_to_sender_sent_file sent a file.
message_reply_to_sender_sent_audio_file sent an audio file.
message_reply_to_sender_sent_voice_message sent a voice message.
message_reply_to_sender_sent_image sent an image.
message_reply_to_sender_sent_video sent a video.
message_reply_to_sender_sent_sticker sent a sticker.
message_reply_to_sender_created_poll created a poll.
message_reply_to_sender_ended_poll ended a poll.
message_reply_to_poll_preview Poll
message_reply_to_ended_poll_preview Ended poll
Key English Esperanto State
resource_limit_hard_default This homeserver has exceeded one of its resource limits. Ĉi tiu hejmservilo superis je unu el siaj limoj de rimedoj.
resource_limit_hard_mau This homeserver has hit its Monthly Active User limit. Ĉi tiu hejmservilo atingis sian monatan limon de aktivaj uzantoj.
resource_limit_soft_contact Please %s to get this limit increased. Bonvolu %s por plialtigi ĉi tiun limon.
resource_limit_soft_default This homeserver has exceeded one of its resource limits so <b>some users will not be able to log in</b>. Ĉi tiu hejmservilo jam superis je unu el siaj limoj de rimedoj; <b>iuj uzantoj do ne povos saluti</b>.
resource_limit_soft_mau This homeserver has hit its Monthly Active User limit so <b>some users will not be able to log in</b>. Ĉi tiu hejmservilo atingis sian monatan limon de aktivaj uzantoj; <b>iuj uzantoj do ne povos saluti</b>.
restart_the_application_to_apply_changes Restart the application for the change to take effect. Rekomencu la aplikaĵon por ke la ŝanĝo ekvalidu.
_resume Resume
review_unverified_sessions_description Review to ensure your account is safe
review_unverified_sessions_title You have unverified sessions
rich_text_editor_bullet_list Toggle bullet list Baskuligi kuglan liston
rich_text_editor_code_block Toggle code block Baskuligi kodblokon
rich_text_editor_format_bold Apply bold format Apliki grasan formaton
rich_text_editor_format_italic Apply italic format Apliki kursivan formaton
rich_text_editor_format_strikethrough Apply strikethrough format Apliki forstrekitan formaton
rich_text_editor_format_underline Apply underline format Apliki substrekan formaton
rich_text_editor_full_screen_toggle Toggle full screen mode Baskuligi plenekranan reĝimon
rich_text_editor_indent Indent Indenti
rich_text_editor_inline_code Apply inline code format Apliki enlinian kodformaton
rich_text_editor_link Set link Agordi ligilon
rich_text_editor_numbered_list Toggle numbered list Baskuligi numeritan liston
rich_text_editor_quote Toggle quote Baskuligi citaĵon
rich_text_editor_unindent Unindent Malindenti
room_add_matrix_apps Add Matrix apps Aldoni aplikaĵojn de Matrix
room_alias_action_publish Publish this address Publikigi ĉi tiun adreson
room_alias_action_unpublish Unpublish this address Malpublikigi ĉi tiun adreson
room_alias_address_empty No other published addresses yet. Neniuj aliaj adresoj ankoraŭ publikiĝis.
room_alias_address_empty_can_add No other published addresses yet, add one below. Neniuj aliaj adresoj ankoraŭ publikiĝis, aldonu iun ĉi-sube.
room_alias_address_hint New published address (e.g. #alias:server) Nova publikigita adreso (ekz. #kromnomo:servilo)
room_alias_delete_confirmation Delete the address "%1$s"? Ĉu forigi la adreson «%1$s»?
room_alias_local_address_add Add a local address Aldoni lokan adreson


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Baskuligi plenekranan reĝimon
9 months ago
Browse all component changes


English Esperanto
Doze mode dorma reĝimo Element Android
main screen ĉefekrano Element Android

Source information

String age
a year ago
Source string age
a year ago
Translation file
library/ui-strings/src/main/res/values-eo/strings.xml, string 2622