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You created the room
Key English Estonian State
notice_room_canonical_alias_alternative_added %1$s added the alternative address %2$s for this room. %1$s lisas sellele jututoale täiendava aadressi %2$s.
notice_room_canonical_alias_alternative_added_by_you You added the alternative address %1$s for this room. Sa lisasid sellele jututoale täiendava aadressi %1$s.
notice_room_canonical_alias_alternative_changed %1$s changed the alternative addresses for this room. %1$s muutis selle jututoa täiendavaid aadresse.
notice_room_canonical_alias_alternative_changed_by_you You changed the alternative addresses for this room. Sa muutsid selle jututoa täiendavaid aadresse.
notice_room_canonical_alias_alternative_removed %1$s removed the alternative address %2$s for this room. %1$s eemaldas selle jututoa täiendava aadressi %2$s.
notice_room_canonical_alias_alternative_removed_by_you You removed the alternative address %1$s for this room. Sa eemaldasid selle jututoa täiendava aadressi %1$s.
notice_room_canonical_alias_main_and_alternative_changed %1$s changed the main and alternative addresses for this room. %1$s muutis selle jututoa põhiaadressi ja täiendavaid aadresse.
notice_room_canonical_alias_main_and_alternative_changed_by_you You changed the main and alternative addresses for this room. Sa muutsid selle jututoa põhiaadressi ja täiendavaid aadresse.
notice_room_canonical_alias_no_change %1$s changed the addresses for this room. %1$s muutis selle jututoa aadresse.
notice_room_canonical_alias_no_change_by_you You changed the addresses for this room. Sa muutsid selle jututoa aadresse.
notice_room_canonical_alias_set %1$s set the main address for this room to %2$s. %1$s seadistas selle jututoa põhiaadressiks %2$s.
notice_room_canonical_alias_set_by_you You set the main address for this room to %1$s. Sina seadistasid selle jututoa põhiaadressiks %1$s.
notice_room_canonical_alias_unset %1$s removed the main address for this room. %1$s eemaldas selle jututoa põhiaadressi.
notice_room_canonical_alias_unset_by_you You removed the main address for this room. Sina eemaldasid selle jututoa põhiaadressi.
notice_room_created %1$s created the room Kasutaja %1$s lõi jututoa
notice_room_created_by_you You created the room Sa lõid jututoa
notice_room_guest_access_can_join %1$s has allowed guests to join the room. %1$s lubas külalistel selle jututoaga liituda.
notice_room_guest_access_can_join_by_you You have allowed guests to join the room. Sina lubasid külalistel selle jututoaga liituda.
notice_room_guest_access_forbidden %1$s has prevented guests from joining the room. %1$s seadistas, et külalised ei või selle jututoaga liituda.
notice_room_guest_access_forbidden_by_you You have prevented guests from joining the room. Sina seadistasid, et külalised ei või selle jututoaga liituda.
notice_room_invite %1$s invited %2$s %1$s saatis kutse kasutajale %2$s
notice_room_invite_by_you You invited %1$s Sina saatsid kutse kasutajale %1$s
notice_room_invite_no_invitee %s's invitation Kasutaja %s kutse
notice_room_invite_no_invitee_by_you Your invitation Sinu kutse
notice_room_invite_no_invitee_with_reason %1$s's invitation. Reason: %2$s Kasutaja %1$s kutse. Põhjus: %2$s
notice_room_invite_no_invitee_with_reason_by_you Your invitation. Reason: %1$s Sinu kutse. Põhjus %1$s
notice_room_invite_with_reason %1$s invited %2$s. Reason: %3$s %1$s saatis kutse kasutajale %2$s. Põhjus: %3$s
notice_room_invite_with_reason_by_you You invited %1$s. Reason: %2$s Sina saatsid kutse kasutajale %1$s. Põhjus: %2$s
notice_room_invite_you %1$s invited you %1$s saatis sulle kutse
notice_room_invite_you_with_reason %1$s invited you. Reason: %2$s %1$s saatis sulle kutse. Põhjus: %2$s


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English Estonian
room jututuba Element Android

Source information

String age
3 years ago
Source string age
3 years ago
Translation file
library/ui-strings/src/main/res/values-et/strings.xml, string 5