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Connecting to device
Key English Estonian State
qr_code_login_header_failed_other_device_already_signed_in_description The other device is already signed in. Teine seade on juba võrku loginud.
qr_code_login_header_failed_other_device_not_signed_in_description The other device must be signed in. Teine seade peab olema võrku loginud.
qr_code_login_header_failed_invalid_qr_code_description That QR code is invalid. See QR-kood on vigane.
qr_code_login_header_failed_user_cancelled_description The sign in was cancelled on the other device. Sisselogimine katkestati teises seadmes.
qr_code_login_header_failed_homeserver_is_not_supported_description The homeserver doesn't support sign in with QR code. Koduserver ei toeta muude seadmete võrku logimise võimalust.
qr_code_login_new_device_instruction_1 Open the app on your other device Ava sama rakendus oma teises seades
qr_code_login_new_device_instruction_2 Go to Settings -> Security & Privacy Ava Seadistused -> Turvalisus ja privaatsus
qr_code_login_new_device_instruction_3 Select 'Show QR code' Vali „Näita QR-koodi“
qr_code_login_link_a_device_scan_qr_code_instruction_1 Start at the sign in screen Alusta sisselogimisvaatest
qr_code_login_link_a_device_scan_qr_code_instruction_2 Select 'Sign in with QR code' Vali „Logi võrku QR-koodi abil“
qr_code_login_link_a_device_show_qr_code_instruction_1 Start at the sign in screen Alusta sisselogimisvaatest
qr_code_login_link_a_device_show_qr_code_instruction_2 Select 'Scan QR code' Vali „Loe QR-koodi“
qr_code_login_show_qr_code_button Show QR code in this device Näita selles seadmes QR-koodi
qr_code_login_signing_in_a_mobile_device Signing in a mobile device? Kas logid sisse nutiseadmest?
qr_code_login_scan_qr_code_button Scan QR code Loe QR-koodi
qr_code_login_connecting_to_device Connecting to device Loon ühendust seadmega
qr_code_login_signing_in Signing you in Logime sind võrku
qr_code_login_status_no_match No match? Ei klapi?
qr_code_login_try_again Try again Proovi uuesti
qr_code_login_confirm_security_code Confirm Kinnita
qr_code_login_confirm_security_code_description Please ensure that you know the origin of this code. By linking devices, you will provide someone with full access to your account. Palun vaata, et sa kindlasti tead, kust see QR-kood kuvatakse. Sellisel viisil seadmete sidumisel sa annad oma kasutajakontole täiemahulise ligipääsu.
rich_text_editor_format_bold Apply bold format Kasuta paksu kirja
rich_text_editor_format_italic Apply italic format Kasuta kaldkirja
rich_text_editor_format_strikethrough Apply strikethrough format Kasuta läbijoonitud kirja
rich_text_editor_format_underline Apply underline format Kasuta allajoonitud kirja
rich_text_editor_link Set link Seadista linki
rich_text_editor_numbered_list Toggle numbered list Lülita nummerdatud loend sisse/välja
rich_text_editor_bullet_list Toggle bullet list Lülita täpploend sisse/välja
rich_text_editor_indent Indent Lisa taandrida
rich_text_editor_unindent Unindent Eemalda taandrida
rich_text_editor_quote Toggle quote Lülita tsiteerimine sisse/välja
Key English Estonian State
preference_voice_and_video Voice & Video Heli ja video
private_space Private space Privaatne kogukonnakeskus
public_space Public space Avalik kogukonnakeskus
push_gateway_item_app_display_name App Display Name: Rakenduse kuvatav nimi:
push_gateway_item_app_id App ID: Rakenduse ID:
push_gateway_item_device_id Session ID: Sessiooni tunnus:
push_gateway_item_device_name Session Display Name: Sessiooni nimi:
push_gateway_item_enabled Enabled: Kasutusel:
push_gateway_item_format Format: Vorming:
push_gateway_item_profile_tag Profile tag: Profiili silt:
push_gateway_item_push_key Push Key: Tõuketeenuse võti:
push_gateway_item_url Url: URL:
qr_code QR code QR-kood
qr_code_login_confirm_security_code Confirm Kinnita
qr_code_login_confirm_security_code_description Please ensure that you know the origin of this code. By linking devices, you will provide someone with full access to your account. Palun vaata, et sa kindlasti tead, kust see QR-kood kuvatakse. Sellisel viisil seadmete sidumisel sa annad oma kasutajakontole täiemahulise ligipääsu.
qr_code_login_connecting_to_device Connecting to device Loon ühendust seadmega
qr_code_login_header_connected_description Check your signed in device, the code below should be displayed. Confirm that the code below matches with that device: Vaata seadet, kus sa oled Matrix'i võtku loginud - seal peaks nüüd kuvatama QR-koodi. Kinnita, et allpool toodud QR-kood on sama kui tolles seadmes kuvatav kood:
qr_code_login_header_connected_title Secure connection established Turvaline ühendus on olemas
qr_code_login_header_failed_denied_description The request was denied on the other device. Teine seade lükkas päringu tagasi.
qr_code_login_header_failed_device_is_not_supported_description Linking with this device is not supported. Sidumine selle seadmega ei ole toetatud.
qr_code_login_header_failed_e2ee_security_issue_description A security issue was encountered setting up secure messaging. One of the following may be compromised: Your homeserver; Your internet connection(s); Your device(s); Turvalise sõnumivahetuse ülesseadmisel tekkis turvaviga. Üks kolmest võib olla sattunud vale osapoole kontrolli alla: sinu koduserver, sinu internetiühendus või sinu seade;
qr_code_login_header_failed_homeserver_is_not_supported_description The homeserver doesn't support sign in with QR code. Koduserver ei toeta muude seadmete võrku logimise võimalust.
qr_code_login_header_failed_invalid_qr_code_description That QR code is invalid. See QR-kood on vigane.
qr_code_login_header_failed_other_description The request failed. Päring ei õnnestunud.
qr_code_login_header_failed_other_device_already_signed_in_description The other device is already signed in. Teine seade on juba võrku loginud.
qr_code_login_header_failed_other_device_not_signed_in_description The other device must be signed in. Teine seade peab olema võrku loginud.
qr_code_login_header_failed_timeout_description The linking wasn’t completed in the required time. Sidumine ei lõppenud etteantud aja jooksul.
qr_code_login_header_failed_title Unsuccessful connection Seoste loomine ei õnnestunud
qr_code_login_header_failed_user_cancelled_description The sign in was cancelled on the other device. Sisselogimine katkestati teises seadmes.
qr_code_login_header_scan_qr_code_description Use the camera on this device to scan the QR code shown on your other device: Kasuta selle seadme kaamerat ja logi sisse teises seadmes kuvatud QR-koodi alusel:


Connecting to device
Loon ühendust seadmega
a year ago
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English Estonian
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a year ago
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a year ago
Translation file
library/ui-strings/src/main/res/values-et/strings.xml, string 2604