Source Translation Glossary
access 获取权限 Element iOS
account 账户 Element iOS
add to 添加到 Element iOS
admin 管理员 Element iOS
autocomplete 自动补全 Element iOS
bot 机器人 Element iOS
bridge 桥接 Element iOS
call 通话 Element iOS
Call back 回拨 Element iOS
communities 社群 Element iOS
community 社区 Element iOS
cross-signing 交叉签名 Element iOS
Details 详细信息 Element iOS
discover 发现 Element iOS
display name 显示名称 Element iOS
email 电子邮件 Element iOS
email address 邮箱地址 Element iOS
end-to-end 端到端 Element iOS
favourite 收藏 Element iOS
group calls 群组通话 Element iOS
guest 游客 Element iOS
homeserver 家服务器 Element iOS
home server 主服务器 Element iOS
identity server 身份认证服务器 Element iOS
integration 集成 Element iOS
invite 邀请 Element iOS
key 密钥 Element iOS
list 列表 Element iOS
Matrix Matrix Element iOS
Matrix ID Matrix ID Element iOS
message 消息 Element iOS
moderator 协管员 Element iOS
passphrase 口令词组 Element iOS
phone number 电话号码 Element iOS
platform 平台 Element iOS
power level 权力级别 Element iOS
privilege 特权 Element iOS
profile 用户资料 Element iOS
reaction 反应 Element iOS
request 请求 Element iOS
Riot Riot Element iOS Element iOS
room 房间 Element iOS
SDK SDK Element iOS
send 发送 Element iOS
session 会话 Element iOS
Sign out 登出 Element iOS
sticker 贴纸 Element iOS
stickerpack 贴纸包 Element iOS
thread 消息列 Element iOS
timeline 时间线 Element iOS
topic 话题 Element iOS
trust 信任 Element iOS
URL URL Element iOS
username 用户名 Element iOS
verification 验证 Element iOS
verify 验证 Element iOS
version 版本 Element iOS
widget 挂件 Element iOS
User avatar Interstellar750

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Element iOSChinese (Simplified) Element iOS

11 months ago
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Element iOSChinese (Simplified) Element iOS

a year ago
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a year ago
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Element iOSChinese (Simplified) Element iOS

2 years ago
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Element iOSChinese (Simplified) Element iOS

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Element iOSChinese (Simplified) Element iOS

2 years ago
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Element iOSChinese (Simplified) Element iOS

2 years ago
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Element iOSChinese (Simplified) Element iOS

2 years ago
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Element iOSChinese (Simplified) Element iOS

2 years ago
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Element iOSChinese (Simplified) Element iOS

2 years ago
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