This room contains unknown sessions which have not been verified.
This means there is no guarantee that the sessions belong to the users they claim to.
We recommend you go through the verification process for each session before continuing, but you can resend the message without verifying if you prefer.
This means there is no guarantee that the sessions belong to the users they claim to.
We recommend you go through the verification process for each session before continuing, but you can resend the message without verifying if you prefer.
Taxxamt-a deg-s tiɣimiyin tarussinin ur nettwasenqed ara.
Aya yebɣa ad d-yini ulac aḍman belli tɣimiyin-a d tidet n yiseqdacen i d-temmal.
Ad ak·akem-nwelleh ad tuɣaleḍ ɣer ukala n usenqed n yal tiɣimit send akemmel, maca tzemreḍ ad talseḍ tuzna n yizen war asenqed ma yella tebɣiḍ.
Aya yebɣa ad d-yini ulac aḍman belli tɣimiyin-a d tidet n yiseqdacen i d-temmal.
Ad ak·akem-nwelleh ad tuɣaleḍ ɣer ukala n usenqed n yal tiɣimit send akemmel, maca tzemreḍ ad talseḍ tuzna n yizen war asenqed ma yella tebɣiḍ.