• Servers matching %s are now banned.
• Seva zinazolingana %s sasa zimezuiliwa.
4 months ago
%d server ACLs change
%d server ACLs changes
%d seva ACLs hubadilika
%d seva ACLs zabadilika
4 months ago
You changed the server ACLs for this room.
Ulibadilisha ACL za seva za chumba hiki.
4 months ago
%s changed the server ACLs for this room.
%s alibadilisha ACL za seva za chumba hiki.
4 months ago
• Servers matching IP literals are banned.
• Seva zinazolingana maandishi ya IP haziruhusiwi.
4 months ago
• Servers matching IP literals are banned.
• Seva zinazolingana maandishi ya IP haziruhusiwi.
4 months ago
• Servers matching IP literals are allowed.
Seva zinazolingana maandishi ya IP zinaruhusiwa.
4 months ago
• Servers matching IP literals are allowed.
Seva zinazolingana maandishi ya IP zinaruhusiwa.
4 months ago
• Servers matching %s are allowed.
Seva zinazolingana %s zinaruhusiwa.
4 months ago
• Servers matching %s are allowed.
• Seva zinazolingana %s zinaruhusiwa.
4 months ago
• Servers matching %s are banned.
• Seva zinazolingana %s zimeungua.
4 months ago
You set the server ACLs for this room.
Umeweka ACL za seva za chumba hiki.
4 months ago
%s set the server ACLs for this room.
%s weka ACL za seva za chumba hiki.
4 months ago
You upgraded here.
imeboreshwa hapa.
4 months ago
%s upgraded here.
%s imeboreshwa hapa.
4 months ago
You upgraded this room.
Umeboresha chamba hiki.
4 months ago
You upgraded this room.
Umeboresha chamba hiki
4 months ago
%s upgraded this room.
%s hakijaboreshwa chumba hiki.
4 months ago
4 months ago
all room members.
wanachama wote wa chumba.
4 months ago
