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2 years ago
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2 years ago
Main changes in this version: Various bug fixes and stability improvements.
Full changelog: https://github.com/element-hq/element-android/releases
Hlavné zmeny v tejto verzii: Rôzne opravy chýb a vylepšenia stability.
Úplný zoznam zmien: https://github.com/vector-im/element-android/releases
2 years ago
Resource update 2 years ago
User avatar bmarty

New strings to translate

Element Android / Element Android AppSlovak

New strings to translate 2 years ago
User avatar bmarty

New string to translate

Element Android / Element Android StoreSlovak

New string to translate 2 years ago
Resource update 2 years ago
Resource update 2 years ago
Main changes in this version: Enables the improved sign in and sign up journeys.
Full changelog: https://github.com/element-hq/element-android/releases
Hlavné zmeny v tejto verzii: Umožňuje vylepšené postupy prihlasovania a registrácie.
Úplný zoznam zmien: https://github.com/vector-im/element-android/releases
2 years ago
Main changes in this version: Enables the improved sign in and sign up journeys.
Full changelog: https://github.com/element-hq/element-android/releases
Hlavné zmeny v tejto verzii: Umožňuje vylepšené postupy prihlasovania a registrácie.
Úplný zoznam zmien: https://github.com/vector-im/element-android/releases
2 years ago
Unable to load map
This home server may not be configured to display maps.
Nie je možné načítať mapu
Tento domovský server nemusí byť nakonfigurovaný na zobrazovanie máp.
2 years ago
Open settings
Otvoriť nastavenia
2 years ago
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2 years ago
User avatar ouchadam

New strings to translate

Element Android / Element Android AppSlovak

New strings to translate 2 years ago
User avatar ouchadam

New strings to translate

Element Android / Element Android StoreSlovak

New strings to translate 2 years ago
Resource update 2 years ago
Resource update 2 years ago
Auto-approve Element Call widgets and grant camera / mic access
Automaticky schvaľovať miniaplikácie Element Call a udeliť prístup ku kamere/mikrofónu
2 years ago
Enable Element Call permission shortcuts
Zapnúť skratky na povolenie Element hovorov
2 years ago
