User avatar Osoitz

Translation completed

Element iOS / Element iOSBasque

Translation completed 6 years ago
User avatar None

Committed changes

Element iOS / Element iOSBasque

Committed changes 6 years ago
User avatar Osoitz

New translation

Element iOS / Element iOSBasque

View Decrypted Source
Ikusi deszifratutako iturria
6 years ago
User avatar manuroe

Resource update

Element iOS / Element iOSBasque

Resource update 6 years ago
User avatar manuroe

Found duplicated string

Element iOS / Element iOSBasque

Found duplicated string 6 years ago
User avatar manuroe

Found duplicated string

Element iOS / Element iOSBasque

Found duplicated string 6 years ago
User avatar Osoitz

Translation completed

Element iOS / Element iOS (Dialogs)Basque

Translation completed 6 years ago
User avatar None

Committed changes

Element iOS / Element iOS (Dialogs)Basque

Committed changes 6 years ago
They will be shared with your identity server to help find your contacts on Matrix.
KZure kontaktuen liburua Riot erabiltzaileak e-mail edotatik Riot edo Matrix jada darabiltenak erakusteko, zure kontaktu liburuko e-mail helbideak eta telefono zenbakiak bidez bilatzeko erabiltzen daali ditzakegu identitate zerbitzarira. New Vector enpresak ez ditu datu hauek gordetzen edo beste ezertarako erabiltzen. Informazio gehiagorako ikusi pribatutasun politikari buruzko orria aplikazioaren ezarpenetan.
6 years ago
User avatar Osoitz

Translation completed

Element iOS / Element iOSBasque

Translation completed 6 years ago
User avatar None

Committed changes

Element iOS / Element iOSBasque

Committed changes 6 years ago
User avatar Osoitz

New translation

Element iOS / Element iOSBasque

Tap here to see older messages.
Egin klik hemen mezu zaharrak ikusteko.
6 years ago
User avatar Osoitz

New translation

Element iOS / Element iOSBasque

This room is a continuation of another conversation.
Gela hau aurreko elkarrizketa baten jarraipena da.
6 years ago
User avatar Osoitz

New translation

Element iOS / Element iOSBasque

The conversation continues here.
Elkarrizketak hemen darrai.
6 years ago
User avatar Osoitz

New translation

Element iOS / Element iOSBasque

This room has been replaced and is no longer active.
Gela hau ordeztu da eta ez dago aktibo jada.
6 years ago
User avatar Osoitz

New translation

Element iOS / Element iOSBasque

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Bidali erantzun bat…
6 years ago
User avatar Osoitz

New translation

Element iOS / Element iOSBasque

Send an encrypted reply…
Bidali zifratutako erantzun bat…
6 years ago
User avatar Osoitz

New translation

Element iOS / Element iOSBasque

Send a reply (unencrypted)…
Bidali erantzun bat (zifratu gabea)…
6 years ago
Resource update 6 years ago
User avatar manuroe

Resource update

Element iOS / Element iOSBasque

Resource update 6 years ago
