When you share your location to people, Element needs access to show them a map.
Gdy udostępniasz innym swoją lokalizację, Element potrzebuje dostępu, aby pokazać im mapę.
2 years ago
Component unlocked 2 years ago
Merged repository 2 years ago
Component locked 2 years ago
When you share your location to people, Element needs access to show them a map.
Zum Teilen deines Standorts benötigt Element Zugriff, damit es dir eine Karte zeigen kann.
2 years ago
Component unlocked 2 years ago
Merged repository 2 years ago
Pushed changes 2 years ago
Pushed changes 2 years ago
Merged repository 2 years ago
Component locked 2 years ago
Repository outdated. 2 years ago
When you share your location to people, Element needs access to show them a map.
Когда вы сообщаете людям свое местоположение, Element будет необходим доступ, чтобы показать им карту.
2 years ago
Component unlocked 2 years ago
Merged repository 2 years ago
Pushed changes 2 years ago
Pushed changes 2 years ago
Merged repository 2 years ago
Component locked 2 years ago
When you share your location to people, Element needs access to show them a map.
Kur u tregoni vendndodhjen tuaj të tjerëve, Element-it i duhet hyrje për t’u shfaqur një hartë.
2 years ago
