Pushed changes a year ago
Merged repository a year ago
Component locked a year ago
They will be shared with your identity server to help find your contacts on Matrix.
ElementDe kommer att visa dina kontakter så du kan bjuda in dem att chattadelas med din identitetsserver för att hjälpa dig att hitta dina kontakter på Matrix.
2 years ago
Allow access to photos to upload photos and videos from your library.
Bildbiblioteket används för att skicka bilder och videorGe åtkomst till bilder för att ladda upp bilder och videor från ditt bibliotek.
2 years ago
The camera is used to make video calls, or take and upload photos and videos.
Kameran används för att ta bilder och videor, och ringa videosamtalringa videosamtal, eller att ta och ladda upp bilder och videor.
2 years ago
Repository outdated. 2 years ago
They will be shared with your identity server to help find your contacts on Matrix.
Element mun birta tengiliðina þína svo þú getir boðið þeim að spjallaÞeim verður deilt með auðkennisþjóninum þínum til að þú getir fundið tengiliðina þína á Matrix.
2 years ago
Allow access to photos to upload photos and videos from your library.
Myndasafnið er notaðLeyfðu aðgang að myndum til að geta sendat myndir og myndskeið úr myndasafninu.
2 years ago
The camera is used to make video calls, or take and upload photos and videos.
Myndavélin er notuð fyrir myndsímtöl og til að taka myndir og myndskeið og fyrir myndsímtöl.
2 years ago
Component unlocked 2 years ago
Merged repository 2 years ago
Component locked 2 years ago
Repository outdated. 2 years ago
Pushed changes 2 years ago
Merged repository 2 years ago
They will be shared with your identity server to help find your contacts on Matrix.
Element affichera vos contactsIls seront partagés avec votre serveur d’identité pour que vous puissiez les inviter à parlervos contacts à utiliser Matrix.
2 years ago
Allow access to photos to upload photos and videos from your library.
La photothèque est utiliséAutorisez l’accès à la photothèque pour envoyer des photos et des vidéos.
2 years ago
The camera is used to make video calls, or take and upload photos and videos.
L’appareil photo est utilisé pour prendre des photos, des vidéos et pour passer des appelsles appels vidéo ainsi que prendre et envoyer des photos et vidéos.
2 years ago
They will be shared with your identity server to help find your contacts on Matrix.
Element pokażZostaną one udostępnione Ttwoje kontakty, dzięki czemu możesz je zaprosić do czatumu serwerowi tożsamości, aby ułatwić ci znalezienie kontaktów w sieci Matrix.
2 years ago
