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@endes123321 Joined on March 24, 2020

25 translations 2 suggestions 2 pending suggestions

Project Translated Untranslated Untranslated words Checks Suggestions Comments
[Deprecated] Riot Android Some of the components within this project have alerts. This translation is locked. 50% 79,578 508,689 7,094 853 186

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Use legacy verification.
Usar verificación clásica.
4 years ago
Set an email for account recovery, and later to be optionally discoverable by people who know you.
Configura un correo electrónico para la recuperación de la cuenta, y opcionalmente para encontrar personas conocidas.
4 years ago
Set an email for account recovery, and later to be optionally discoverable by people who know you.
Configura un correo electrónico para la recuperación de la cuenta, y más tarde configúralo ser descubierto opcionalmente por personas que te conozcanopcionalmente para encontrar personas conocidas
4 years ago
Set an email for account recovery, and later to be optionally discoverable by people who know you.
Configura un correo electrónico para la recuperación de la cuenta, y opcionalmente para encontrar personas conocidas
4 years ago
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