@Grreby3affdbbe85c84f59 Joined on May 27, 2022
25 suggestions 22 pending suggestions
Project | Translated | Untranslated | Untranslated words | Checks | Suggestions | Comments | |
Element iOS | 56% | 54,153 | 308,612 | 658 | 102 | 530 | |
Nothing to list here.
Nothing to list here.
Rules are applied in order; the first rule which matches defines the outcome for the message.
So: Per-word notifications are more important than per-room notifications which are more important than per-sender notifications.
For multiple rules of the same kind, the first one in the list that matches takes priority.
Pravidla jsou aplikovaná v pořadí: první pravidlo které odpovídá definuje výsledek zprávy.
Pro několik pravidel stejného typu, první pravidlo v seznamu které odpovídá bere prioritu.