
Take photo or video
Key English Chinese (Traditional) State
room_event_action_delete Delete 刪除
room_event_action_delete_confirmation_title Delete unsent message 刪除未傳送的訊息
room_event_action_delete_confirmation_message Are you sure you want to delete this unsent message? 您確定要刪除這則未傳送的訊息嗎?
room_event_action_cancel_send Cancel Send 取消傳送
room_event_action_cancel_download Cancel Download 取消下載
room_event_action_view_encryption Encryption Information 加密資訊
room_event_action_reply Reply 回覆
room_event_action_reply_in_thread Thread 討論串
room_event_action_edit Edit 編輯
room_event_action_reaction_show_all Show all 顯示全部
room_event_action_reaction_show_less Show less 顯示更少
room_event_action_reaction_history Reaction history 反應紀錄
room_event_copy_link_info Link copied to clipboard. 已將連結複製到剪貼簿。
room_warning_about_encryption End-to-end encryption is in beta and may not be reliable.

You should not yet trust it to secure data.

Devices will not yet be able to decrypt history from before they joined the room.

Encrypted messages will not be visible on clients that do not yet implement encryption.



room_event_failed_to_send Failed to send 傳送失敗
room_action_camera Take photo or video 拍照或錄影
room_action_send_photo_or_video Send photo or video 傳送照片或影片
room_action_send_sticker Send sticker 傳送貼圖
room_action_send_file Send file 傳送檔案
room_action_reply Reply 回覆
room_action_report Report room
room_action_report_prompt_reason Reason for reporting this room
room_replacement_information This room has been replaced and is no longer active. 這個聊天室已被取代,且不再使用。
room_replacement_link The conversation continues here. 對話在此繼續。
room_predecessor_information This room is a continuation of another conversation. 此聊天室是另一個對話的延續。
room_predecessor_link Tap here to see older messages. 點擊此處以檢視更早以前的訊息。
room_resource_limit_exceeded_message_contact_1 Please
room_resource_limit_exceeded_message_contact_2_link contact your service administrator 聯絡您的服務管理員
room_resource_limit_exceeded_message_contact_3 to continue using this service. 以繼續使用此服務。
room_resource_usage_limit_reached_message_1_default This homeserver has exceeded one of its resource limits so 此家伺服器已超出其中一項資源上限,所以
room_resource_usage_limit_reached_message_1_monthly_active_user This homeserver has hit its Monthly Active User limit so 此家伺服器已超出每月活躍使用者上限,所以
Key English Chinese (Traditional) State
room_access_settings_screen_public_message Anyone can find and join. 任何人都可以找到並加入。
room_access_settings_screen_restricted_message Let anyone in a space find and join.
You’ll be asked to confirm which spaces.
room_access_settings_screen_setting_room_access Setting room access 設定進入聊天室的權限
room_access_settings_screen_title Who can access this room? 誰可以使用此聊天室?
room_access_settings_screen_upgrade_alert_auto_invite_switch Automatically invite members to new room 自動邀請成員到新的聊天室
room_access_settings_screen_upgrade_alert_message Anyone in %@ will be able to find and join this room - no need to manually invite everyone. You’ll be able to change this in room settings anytime. 任何在 %@ 的人都能找到並加入此聊天室,不需手動邀請所有人。您可以在聊天室的設定中隨時變更此設定。
room_access_settings_screen_upgrade_alert_message_no_param Anyone in a parent space will be able to find and join this room - no need to manually invite everyone. You’ll be able to change this in room settings anytime. 母聊天空間中的任何人都可以找到並加入此聊天室,不需要手動邀請所有人。您隨時都可以在聊天室設定中變更此設定。
room_access_settings_screen_upgrade_alert_note Please note upgrading will make a new version of the room. All current messages will stay in this archived room. 請注意,升級會建立新版的聊天室。目前的所有訊息都將封存在此聊天室中。
room_access_settings_screen_upgrade_alert_title Upgrade room 升級聊天室
room_access_settings_screen_upgrade_alert_upgrade_button Upgrade 升級
room_access_settings_screen_upgrade_alert_upgrading Upgrading room 升級聊天室
room_access_settings_screen_upgrade_required Upgrade required 必須升級
room_access_space_chooser_known_spaces_section Spaces you know containing %@ 您知道的含有 %@ 的聊天空間
room_access_space_chooser_other_spaces_section Other spaces or rooms 其他的聊天空間或聊天室
room_access_space_chooser_other_spaces_section_info These are likely things other admins of %@ are a part of. 看來已有其他 %@ 的管理員參與。
room_action_camera Take photo or video 拍照或錄影
room_action_reply Reply 回覆
room_action_report Report room
room_action_report_prompt_reason Reason for reporting this room
room_action_send_file Send file 傳送檔案
room_action_send_photo_or_video Send photo or video 傳送照片或影片
room_action_send_sticker Send sticker 傳送貼圖
room_avatar_view_accessibility_hint Change room avatar 變更聊天室大頭照
room_avatar_view_accessibility_label avatar 大頭照
room_command_ban_user_description Bans user with given id 使用 ID 來禁止使用者
room_command_change_display_name_description Changes your display nickname 變更您的顯示名稱
room_command_change_room_topic_description Sets the room topic 設定聊天室主題
room_command_discard_session_description Forces the current outbound group session in an encrypted room to be discarded 強制使現行在已加密聊天室的外部工作階段失效
room_command_emote_description Displays action 顯示動作
room_command_error_unknown_command Invalid or unhandled command 無效或是無法處理的指令


Take photo or video
a year ago
Take photo or video
3 years ago
Browse all component changes


English Chinese (Traditional)
No related strings found in the glossary.

Source information

String age
5 years ago
Source string age
5 years ago
Translation file
Riot/Assets/zh_Hant.lproj/Vector.strings, string 481