
Face ID
Key English Chinese (Traditional) State
pin_protection_reset_alert_message To reset your PIN, you'll need to re-login and create a new one 若要重設 PIN 碼,需要重新登入並建立新的 PIN 碼
pin_protection_reset_alert_action_reset Reset 重設
pin_protection_mismatch_error_title PINs don't match PIN 碼並不相符
pin_protection_mismatch_error_message Please try again 請再試一次
pin_protection_mismatch_too_many_times_error_message If you can't remember your PIN, tap the forgot PIN button. 如果您忘了您的 PIN 碼,請點擊「忘記 PIN 碼」。
pin_protection_settings_section_header PIN PIN 碼
pin_protection_settings_section_header_with_biometrics PIN & %@ PIN 碼與 %@
pin_protection_settings_section_footer To reset your PIN, you'll need to re-login and create a new one. 若要重設 PIN 碼,需要重新登入並建立新的 PIN 碼。
pin_protection_settings_enabled_forced PIN enabled 啟用 PIN 碼
pin_protection_settings_enable_pin Enable PIN 啟用 PIN 碼
pin_protection_settings_change_pin Change PIN 變更 PIN 碼
pin_protection_not_allowed_pin For security reasons, this PIN isn’t available. Please try another PIN 為了安全理由,這個 PIN 碼已經無法使用。請嘗試其他 PIN 碼
pin_protection_explanatory Setting up a PIN lets you protect data like messages and contacts, so only you can access them by entering the PIN at the start of the app. 設定您的 PIN 碼讓您能夠保護訊息和聯絡人等資料,讓您在進入 APP 時輸入 PIN 碼,以存取這些資料。
pin_protection_kick_user_alert_message Too many errors, you've been logged out 錯誤太多次,已將您登出
biometrics_mode_touch_id Touch ID Touch ID
biometrics_mode_face_id Face ID Face ID
biometrics_settings_enable_x Enable %@ 開啟 %@
biometrics_setup_title_x Enable %@ 開啟 %@
biometrics_setup_enable_button_title_x Enable %@ 開啟 %@
biometrics_setup_subtitle Save yourself time 節省您的時間
biometrics_desetup_title_x Disable %@ 關閉 %@
biometrics_desetup_disable_button_title_x Disable %@ 關閉 %@
biometrics_usage_reason Authentication is needed to access your app 需要您的授權才能存取您的應用程式
biometrics_cant_unlocked_alert_title Can't unlock app 無法解鎖應用程式
biometrics_cant_unlocked_alert_message_x To unlock, use %@ or log back in and enable %@ again 若要解鎖,請使用 %@ 或是重新登入以再次啟用 %@
biometrics_cant_unlocked_alert_message_login Log back in 重新登入
biometrics_cant_unlocked_alert_message_retry Retry 重試
searchable_directory_create_new_room Create a new room 建立新的聊天室
searchable_directory_x_network %@ Network %@ 網路
searchable_directory_search_placeholder Name or ID 姓名或 ID
create_room_title New Room 新聊天室
Key English Chinese (Traditional) State
auth_softlogout_sign_in Sign In 登入
auth_submit Submit 送出
auth_untrusted_id_server The identity server is not trusted 這個身分伺服器不受信任
auth_user_id_placeholder Email or user name 電子郵件或使用者名稱
auth_username_in_use Username in use 使用者名稱已被使用
auth_user_name_placeholder User name 使用者名稱
auth_use_server_options Use custom server options (advanced) 使用自訂的伺服器選項(進階)
back Back 上一步
ban Ban 封鎖
biometrics_cant_unlocked_alert_message_login Log back in 重新登入
biometrics_cant_unlocked_alert_message_retry Retry 重試
biometrics_cant_unlocked_alert_message_x To unlock, use %@ or log back in and enable %@ again 若要解鎖,請使用 %@ 或是重新登入以再次啟用 %@
biometrics_cant_unlocked_alert_title Can't unlock app 無法解鎖應用程式
biometrics_desetup_disable_button_title_x Disable %@ 關閉 %@
biometrics_desetup_title_x Disable %@ 關閉 %@
biometrics_mode_face_id Face ID Face ID
biometrics_mode_touch_id Touch ID Touch ID
biometrics_settings_enable_x Enable %@ 開啟 %@
biometrics_setup_enable_button_title_x Enable %@ 開啟 %@
biometrics_setup_subtitle Save yourself time 節省您的時間
biometrics_setup_title_x Enable %@ 開啟 %@
biometrics_usage_reason Authentication is needed to access your app 需要您的授權才能存取您的應用程式
bug_crash_report_description Please describe what you did before the crash: 請描述您在當機前做了什麼:
bug_crash_report_title Crash Report 當機報告
bug_report_background_mode Continue in background 在背景繼續
bug_report_description Please describe the bug. What did you do? What did you expect to happen? What actually happened? 請描述此錯誤。您做了什麼?本來預期應該發生什麼?以及實際發生什麼?
bug_report_logs_description In order to diagnose problems, logs from this client will be sent with this bug report. If you would prefer to only send the text above, please untick: 為了診斷問題,此用戶端的記錄檔將會隨此錯誤報告送出。如果您只想傳送上面的文字,請取消勾選:
bug_report_progress_uploading Uploading report 上傳報告
bug_report_progress_zipping Collecting logs 收集記錄檔
bug_report_prompt The application has crashed last time. Would you like to submit a crash report? 應用程式上次當掉了,您要回報錯誤資訊嗎?


Face ID
Face ID
2 years ago
Browse all component changes

Things to check

Unchanged translation

Source and translation are identical



English Chinese (Traditional)
Face ID Face ID Element iOS

Source information

String age
4 years ago
Source string age
4 years ago
Translation file
Riot/Assets/zh_Hant.lproj/Vector.strings, string 1501