
Notify me with sound about messages sent just to me
Key English Japanese State
notification_settings_global_info Notification settings are saved to your user account and are shared between all clients which support them (including desktop notifications).

Rules are applied in order; the first rule which matches defines the outcome for the message.
So: Per-word notifications are more important than per-room notifications which are more important than per-sender notifications.
For multiple rules of the same kind, the first one in the list that matches takes priority.

ルールは順番に適用されます。 一致する最初のルールは、メッセージの結果を定義します。
notification_settings_per_word_notifications Per-word notifications 単語単位の通知
notification_settings_per_word_info Words match case insensitively, and may include a * wildcard. So:
foo matches the string foo surrounded by word delimiters (e.g. punctuation and whitespace or start/end of line).
foo* matches any such word that begins foo.
*foo* matches any such word which includes the 3 letters foo.
単語は大文字と小文字を区別せずに一致させ、*ワイルドカードを含めることができます。 よって、
fooは、区切り文字で囲まれた文字列foo(例 句読点や空白、行の開始/終了)と一致します。
notification_settings_always_notify Always notify 常に通知
notification_settings_never_notify Never notify 通知しない
notification_settings_word_to_match word to match 一致する単語
notification_settings_highlight Highlight ハイライト
notification_settings_custom_sound Custom sound カスタム音
notification_settings_per_room_notifications Per-room notifications ルーム単位の通知
notification_settings_per_sender_notifications Per-sender notifications 送信者単位の通知
notification_settings_select_room Select a room ルームを選択
notification_settings_other_alerts Other Alerts その他のアラート
notification_settings_contain_my_user_name Notify me with sound about messages that contain my user name 私のユーザー名を含むメッセージについて音で通知
notification_settings_contain_my_display_name Notify me with sound about messages that contain my display name 私の表示名を含むメッセージについて音で通知
notification_settings_just_sent_to_me Notify me with sound about messages sent just to me 私にのみ送信されたメッセージについて音で通知
notification_settings_invite_to_a_new_room Notify me when I am invited to a new room 新しいルームに招待されたときに通知
notification_settings_people_join_leave_rooms Notify me when people join or leave rooms 誰かがルームに参加もしくは退出したときに通知
notification_settings_receive_a_call Notify me when I receive a call 通話を受信したときに通知
notification_settings_suppress_from_bots Suppress notifications from bots ボットからの通知を抑制
notification_settings_by_default By default... 既定値では…
notification_settings_notify_all_other Notify for all other messages/rooms 他の全てのメッセージまたはルームについて通知
settings_config_identity_server Identity server: %@ IDサーバー:%@
call_connecting Connecting… 接続しています…
call_ringing Ringing… 呼び出しています…
call_ended Call ended 通話が終了しました
incoming_video_call Incoming Video Call ビデオ通話の着信中
incoming_voice_call Incoming Voice Call 音声通話の着信中
call_invite_expired Call Invite Expired 通話の招待の期限が切れました
call_remote_holded %@ held the call %@が通話を保留しました
call_holded You held the call 通話を保留しました
Key English Japanese State
notice_video_attachment video attachment 動画添付
notice_voice_broadcast_ended %@ ended a voice broadcast. %@が音声配信を終了しました。
notice_voice_broadcast_ended_by_you You ended a voice broadcast. 音声配信を終了しました。
notice_voice_broadcast_live Live broadcast ライブ配信
notification_settings_always_notify Always notify 常に通知
notification_settings_by_default By default... 既定値では…
notification_settings_contain_my_display_name Notify me with sound about messages that contain my display name 私の表示名を含むメッセージについて音で通知
notification_settings_contain_my_user_name Notify me with sound about messages that contain my user name 私のユーザー名を含むメッセージについて音で通知
notification_settings_custom_sound Custom sound カスタム音
notification_settings_disable_all Disable all notifications 全ての通知を無効にする
notification_settings_enable_notifications Enable notifications 通知を有効にする
notification_settings_enable_notifications_warning All notifications are currently disabled for all devices. 現在、全ての端末で全ての通知が無効になっています。
notification_settings_global_info Notification settings are saved to your user account and are shared between all clients which support them (including desktop notifications).

Rules are applied in order; the first rule which matches defines the outcome for the message.
So: Per-word notifications are more important than per-room notifications which are more important than per-sender notifications.
For multiple rules of the same kind, the first one in the list that matches takes priority.

ルールは順番に適用されます。 一致する最初のルールは、メッセージの結果を定義します。
notification_settings_highlight Highlight ハイライト
notification_settings_invite_to_a_new_room Notify me when I am invited to a new room 新しいルームに招待されたときに通知
notification_settings_just_sent_to_me Notify me with sound about messages sent just to me 私にのみ送信されたメッセージについて音で通知
notification_settings_never_notify Never notify 通知しない
notification_settings_notify_all_other Notify for all other messages/rooms 他の全てのメッセージまたはルームについて通知
notification_settings_other_alerts Other Alerts その他のアラート
notification_settings_people_join_leave_rooms Notify me when people join or leave rooms 誰かがルームに参加もしくは退出したときに通知
notification_settings_per_room_notifications Per-room notifications ルーム単位の通知
notification_settings_per_sender_notifications Per-sender notifications 送信者単位の通知
notification_settings_per_word_info Words match case insensitively, and may include a * wildcard. So:
foo matches the string foo surrounded by word delimiters (e.g. punctuation and whitespace or start/end of line).
foo* matches any such word that begins foo.
*foo* matches any such word which includes the 3 letters foo.
単語は大文字と小文字を区別せずに一致させ、*ワイルドカードを含めることができます。 よって、
fooは、区切り文字で囲まれた文字列foo(例 句読点や空白、行の開始/終了)と一致します。
notification_settings_per_word_notifications Per-word notifications 単語単位の通知
notification_settings_receive_a_call Notify me when I receive a call 通話を受信したときに通知
notification_settings_room_rule_title Room: '%@' ルーム:'%@'
notification_settings_select_room Select a room ルームを選択
notification_settings_suppress_from_bots Suppress notifications from bots ボットからの通知を抑制
notification_settings_word_to_match word to match 一致する単語


User avatar deleted-1629

Translation changed

Element iOS / Element iOSJapanese

Notify me with sound about messages sent just to me
a year ago
User avatar deleted-1629

Translation changed

Element iOS / Element iOSJapanese

Notify me with sound about messages sent just to me
a year ago
Browse all component changes


English Japanese
messages メッセージ Element iOS
Notify 通知 Element iOS
Pinned Messages 固定メッセージ Element iOS
Sent 送信済 Element iOS
sent to and from 送受信される Element iOS

Source information

String age
2 years ago
Source string age
2 years ago
Translation file
Riot/Assets/ja.lproj/Vector.strings, string 2381