
Are you sure?
Key English Icelandic State
auth_reset_password_error_unauthorized Failed to verify email address: make sure you clicked the link in the email Gat ekki sannprófað tölvupóstfang: gakktu úr skugga um að þú hafir smellt á tengilinn í tölvupóstinum
auth_reset_password_error_not_found Your email address does not appear to be associated with a Matrix ID on this homeserver. Tölvupóstfangið þitt lítur ekki út fyrir að vera tengt við Matrix-auðkenni á þessum heimaþjóni.
auth_reset_password_error_is_required No identity server is configured: add one in server options to reset your Matrix account password. Enginn auðkennisþjónn er stilltur: bættu við einum slíkum í stillingum fyrir netþjónninn til að geta endurstillt Matrix-lykilorðið þitt.
auth_reset_password_success_message Your Matrix account password has been reset.

You have been logged out of all sessions and will no longer receive push notifications. To re-enable notifications, re-log in on each device.
Matrix-ykilorðið þitt hefur verið endurstillt.

Þú hefur verið skráður út af öllum tækjum og munt ekki lengur fá ýti-tilkynningar. Til að endurvirkja tilkynningar, þarf að skrá sig aftur inn á hverju tæki fyrir sig.
auth_add_email_and_phone_warning Registration with email and phone number at once is not supported yet until the api exists. Only the phone number will be taken into account. You may add your email to your profile in settings.
auth_accept_policies Please review and accept the policies of this homeserver: Yfirfarðu og samþykktu reglur þessa heimaþjóns:
auth_autodiscover_invalid_response Invalid homeserver discovery response
auth_softlogout_signed_out You’re signed out Þú ert skráð/ur út
auth_softlogout_sign_in Sign In Skrá inn
auth_softlogout_reason Your homeserver (%1$@) admin has signed you out of your account %2$@ (%3$@).
auth_softlogout_recover_encryption_keys Sign in to recover encryption keys stored exclusively on this device. You need them to read all of your secure messages on any device.
auth_softlogout_clear_data Clear personal data Hreinsa persónuleg gögn
auth_softlogout_clear_data_message_1 Warning: Your personal data (including encryption keys) is still stored on this device.
auth_softlogout_clear_data_message_2 Clear it if you're finished using this device, or want to sign in to another account.
auth_softlogout_clear_data_button Clear all data Hreinsa öll gögn
auth_softlogout_clear_data_sign_out_title Are you sure? Ertu viss?
auth_softlogout_clear_data_sign_out_msg Are you sure you want to clear all data currently stored on this device? Sign in again to access your account data and messages.
auth_softlogout_clear_data_sign_out Sign out Skrá út
social_login_list_title_continue Continue with Halda áfram með
social_login_list_title_sign_in Or Eða
social_login_list_title_sign_up Or Eða
social_login_button_title_continue Continue with %@ Halda áfram með %@
social_login_button_title_sign_in Sign In with %@ Skrá inn með %@
social_login_button_title_sign_up Sign Up with %@ Skrá inn með %@
error_user_already_logged_in It looks like you’re trying to connect to another homeserver. Do you want to sign out? Það lítur út fyrir að þú sért að reyna að tengjast öðrum heimaþjóni. Viltu skrá þig út?
room_creation_title New Chat Nýtt spjall
room_creation_account Account Notandaaðgangur
room_creation_appearance Appearance Útlit
room_creation_appearance_name Name Heiti
room_creation_appearance_picture Chat picture (optional) Mynd spjalls (valfrjálst)
room_creation_privacy Privacy Friðhelgi
Key English Icelandic State
auth_reset_password_error_unauthorized Failed to verify email address: make sure you clicked the link in the email Gat ekki sannprófað tölvupóstfang: gakktu úr skugga um að þú hafir smellt á tengilinn í tölvupóstinum
auth_reset_password_message To reset your Matrix account password, enter the email address linked to your account: Til að endursetja Matrix-lykilorðið þitt, settu þá inn tölvupóstfangið sem tengt er notandaaðgangnum þínum:
auth_reset_password_missing_email The email address linked to your account must be entered. Það þarf að setja inn tölvupóstfangið sem tengt er notandaaðgangnum þínum.
auth_reset_password_missing_password A new password must be entered. Það verður að setja inn nýtt lykilorð.
auth_reset_password_next_step_button I have verified my email address Ég hef staðfest tölvupóstfangið mitt
auth_reset_password_success_message Your Matrix account password has been reset.

You have been logged out of all sessions and will no longer receive push notifications. To re-enable notifications, re-log in on each device.
Matrix-ykilorðið þitt hefur verið endurstillt.

Þú hefur verið skráður út af öllum tækjum og munt ekki lengur fá ýti-tilkynningar. Til að endurvirkja tilkynningar, þarf að skrá sig aftur inn á hverju tæki fyrir sig.
auth_return_to_login Return to login screen Fara aftur í innskráningargluggann
auth_send_reset_email Send Reset Email Senda endurstillingarpóst
auth_skip Skip Sleppa
auth_softlogout_clear_data Clear personal data Hreinsa persónuleg gögn
auth_softlogout_clear_data_button Clear all data Hreinsa öll gögn
auth_softlogout_clear_data_message_1 Warning: Your personal data (including encryption keys) is still stored on this device.
auth_softlogout_clear_data_message_2 Clear it if you're finished using this device, or want to sign in to another account.
auth_softlogout_clear_data_sign_out Sign out Skrá út
auth_softlogout_clear_data_sign_out_msg Are you sure you want to clear all data currently stored on this device? Sign in again to access your account data and messages.
auth_softlogout_clear_data_sign_out_title Are you sure? Ertu viss?
auth_softlogout_reason Your homeserver (%1$@) admin has signed you out of your account %2$@ (%3$@).
auth_softlogout_recover_encryption_keys Sign in to recover encryption keys stored exclusively on this device. You need them to read all of your secure messages on any device.
auth_softlogout_signed_out You’re signed out Þú ert skráð/ur út
auth_softlogout_sign_in Sign In Skrá inn
auth_submit Submit Senda inn
auth_untrusted_id_server The identity server is not trusted Þessum auðkennisþjóni er ekki treyst
auth_user_id_placeholder Email or user name Tölvupóstfang eða notandanafn
auth_username_in_use Username in use Notandanafn er í notkun
auth_user_name_placeholder User name Notandanafn
auth_use_server_options Use custom server options (advanced) Nota sérsniðna valkosti vefþjóns (ítarlegt)
back Back Til baka
ban Ban Banna
biometrics_cant_unlocked_alert_message_login Log back in Skráðu þig aftur inn
biometrics_cant_unlocked_alert_message_retry Retry Reyna aftur
Component Translation Difference to current string
This translation Propagated Translated Element iOS/Element iOS
The following strings have different contexts, but the same source.
Translated Element iOS/Element iOS
Translated Element iOS/Element iOS


User avatar sveinki

Translation uploaded

Element iOS / Element iOSIcelandic

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Ertu viss?
2 years ago
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English Icelandic
No related strings found in the glossary.

Source information

String age
5 years ago
Source string age
5 years ago
Translation file
Riot/Assets/is.lproj/Vector.strings, string 262