
// Contacts
Matrix Users
Key English Icelandic State
attachment_original Actual Size (%@) Raunstærð (%@)
attachment_small Small (~%@) Lítið (~%@)
attachment_medium Medium (~%@) Miðlungs (~%@)
attachment_large Large (~%@) Stórt (~%@)
attachment_small_with_resolution Small %@ (~%@) Lítið %@ (~%@)
attachment_medium_with_resolution Medium %@ (~%@) Miðlungs %@ (~%@)
attachment_large_with_resolution Large %@ (~%@) Stórt %@ (~%@)
attachment_cancel_download Cancel the download? Hætta við niðurhalið?
attachment_cancel_upload Cancel the upload? Hætta við innsendinguna?
attachment_multiselection_size_prompt Do you want to send images as: Viltu senda myndir sem:
attachment_multiselection_original Actual Size Raunstærð
attachment_e2e_keys_file_prompt This file contains encryption keys exported from a Matrix client.
Do you want to view the file content or import the keys it contains?
attachment_e2e_keys_import Import... Flytja inn...
attachment_unsupported_preview_title Unable to preview Ekki tókst að forskoða
attachment_unsupported_preview_message This file type is not supported. Þessi skráategund er ekki studd.
contact_mx_users Matrix Users Matrix-notendur
contact_local_contacts Local Contacts Tengiliðir á tæki
search_no_results No Results Engar niðurstöður
search_searching Search in progress... Leit í gangi...
format_time_s s sek
format_time_m m mín
format_time_h h klst
format_time_d d d
e2e_import_room_keys Import room keys Flytja inn dulritunarlykla spjallrásar
e2e_import_prompt This process allows you to import encryption keys that you had previously exported from another Matrix client. You will then be able to decrypt any messages that the other client could decrypt.
The export file is protected with a passphrase. You should enter the passphrase here, to decrypt the file.
e2e_import Import Flytja inn
e2e_passphrase_enter Enter passphrase Settu inn lykilsetningu
e2e_export_room_keys Export room keys Flytja út dulritunarlykla spjallrásar
e2e_export_prompt This process allows you to export the keys for messages you have received in encrypted rooms to a local file. You will then be able to import the file into another Matrix client in the future, so that client will also be able to decrypt these messages.
The exported file will allow anyone who can read it to decrypt any encrypted messages that you can see, so you should be careful to keep it secure.
e2e_export Export Flytja út
e2e_passphrase_confirm Confirm passphrase Staðfestu lykilsetningu
Key English Icelandic State
call_transfer_users Users Notendur
call_video_with_user Video call with %@ Myndsímtal við %@
call_voice_with_user Voice call with %@ Raddsímtal við %@
camera Camera Myndavél
camera_access_not_granted %@ doesn't have permission to use Camera, please change privacy settings
camera_access_not_granted_for_call Video calls require access to the Camera but %@ doesn't have permission to use it
camera_unavailable The camera is unavailable on your device Myndavélin er ekki aðgengileg á tækinu þínu
cancel Cancel Hætta við
cancel_download Cancel Download Hætta við niðurhal
cancel_upload Cancel Upload Hætta við innsendingu
capture_media Take Photo/Video Taka ljósmynd/myndskeið
close Close Loka
collapse collapse fella saman
confirm Confirm Staðfesta
contact_local_contacts Local Contacts Tengiliðir á tæki
contact_mx_users Matrix Users Matrix-notendur
contacts_address_book_matrix_users_toggle Matrix users only Einungis notendur Matrix
contacts_address_book_no_contact No local contacts Engir tengiliðir á tæki
contacts_address_book_no_identity_server No identity server configured Enginn auðkennisþjónn stilltur
contacts_address_book_permission_denied You didn't allow %@ to access your local contacts Þú heimilaðir %@ ekki aðgang að tengiliðum á tækinu
contacts_address_book_permission_denied_alert_message To enable contacts, go to your device settings. Til að virkja tengiliði, skaltu fara í stillingar tækisins þíns.
contacts_address_book_permission_denied_alert_title Contacts disabled Tengiliðir óvirkir
contacts_address_book_permission_required Permission required to access local contacts Heimild þarf til að fá aðgang að tengiliðum á tækinu
contacts_address_book_section LOCAL CONTACTS TENGILIÐIR Á TÆKI
contacts_user_directory_offline_section USER DIRECTORY (offline) SKRÁ YFIR NOTENDUR (ónettengd)
contacts_user_directory_section USER DIRECTORY SKRÁ YFIR NOTENDUR
continue Continue Halda áfram
copy_button_name Copy Afrita
country_picker_title Choose a country Veldu land
create Create Búa til


User avatar sveinki

Translation uploaded

Element iOS / Element iOSIcelandic

Matrix Users
2 years ago
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English Icelandic
No related strings found in the glossary.

Source information

Source string comment
// Contacts
String age
2 years ago
Source string age
2 years ago
Translation file
Riot/Assets/is.lproj/Vector.strings, string 2226