
Confirm PIN to change PIN
Key English Indonesian State
secrets_reset_warning_title If you reset everything Jika Anda mengatur ulang semua
secrets_reset_warning_message You will restart with no history, no messages, trusted devices or trusted users. Anda akan memulai ulang tanpa riwayat, tanpa pesan, perangkat tepercaya, atau pengguna tepercaya.
secrets_reset_reset_action Reset Atur Ulang
secrets_reset_authentication_message Enter your Matrix account password to confirm Masukkan kata sandi akun Matrix Anda untuk mengkonfirmasi
cross_signing_setup_banner_title Set up encryption Siapkan enkripsi
cross_signing_setup_banner_subtitle Verify your other devices easier Verifikasi perangkat Anda yang lain dengan mudah
major_update_title Riot is now %@ Riot sekarang adalah %@
major_update_information We're excited to announce we've changed name! Your app is up to date and you're signed in to your account. Kami senang mengumumkan bahwa kami telah mengubah nama kami! Aplikasi Anda telah diperbarui dan Anda masuk ke akun Anda.
major_update_learn_more_action Learn more Pelajari lebih lanjut
major_update_done_action Got it Mengerti
pin_protection_choose_pin_welcome_after_login Welcome back. Selamat datang kembali.
pin_protection_choose_pin_welcome_after_register Welcome. Selamat datang.
pin_protection_choose_pin Create a PIN for security Buat sebuah PIN untuk keamanan
pin_protection_confirm_pin Confirm your PIN Konfirmasi PIN Anda
pin_protection_confirm_pin_to_disable Confirm PIN to disable PIN Konfirmasi PIN untuk menonaktifkan PIN
pin_protection_confirm_pin_to_change Confirm PIN to change PIN Konfirmasi PIN untuk mengubah PIN
pin_protection_enter_pin Enter your PIN Masukkan PIN Anda
pin_protection_forgot_pin Forgot PIN Lupa PIN
pin_protection_reset_alert_title Reset PIN Atur Ulang PIN
pin_protection_reset_alert_message To reset your PIN, you'll need to re-login and create a new one Untuk mengatur ulang PIN, Anda harus masuk kembali dan buat yang baru lagi
pin_protection_reset_alert_action_reset Reset Atur Ulang
pin_protection_mismatch_error_title PINs don't match PIN tidak cocok
pin_protection_mismatch_error_message Please try again Mohon coba lagi
pin_protection_mismatch_too_many_times_error_message If you can't remember your PIN, tap the forgot PIN button. JIka Anda lupa PIN Anda, ketuk tombol lupa PIN.
pin_protection_settings_section_header PIN PIN
pin_protection_settings_section_header_with_biometrics PIN & %@ PIN & %@
pin_protection_settings_section_footer To reset your PIN, you'll need to re-login and create a new one. Untuk mengatur ulang PIN, Anda harus masuk lagi dan buat yang baru.
pin_protection_settings_enabled_forced PIN enabled PIN diaktifkan
pin_protection_settings_enable_pin Enable PIN Aktifkan PIN
pin_protection_settings_change_pin Change PIN Ubah PIN
pin_protection_not_allowed_pin For security reasons, this PIN isn’t available. Please try another PIN Untuk keamanan, PIN ini tidak tersedia. Coba PIN yang lain
Key English Indonesian State
password_validation_info_header Your password should meet the criteria below: Kata sandi Anda harusnya memenuhi kriteria di bawah:
people_conversation_section CONVERSATIONS OBROLAN
people_empty_view_information Chat securely with anyone.Tap the + to start adding people. Obrol dengan aman dengan siapa saja. Ketuk + untuk mulai menambahkan orang.
people_empty_view_title People Orang
people_invites_section INVITES UNDANGAN
people_no_conversation No conversations Tidak ada obrolan
photo_library_access_not_granted %@ doesn't have permission to access photo library, please change privacy settings %@ tidak memiliki izin untuk mengakses perpustakaan foto, mohon ubah pengaturan privasi
pill_message Message Pesan
pill_message_from Message from %@ Pesan dari %@
pill_message_in Message in %@ Pesan di %@
pill_room_fallback_display_name Space/Room Space/Ruangan
pin_protection_choose_pin Create a PIN for security Buat sebuah PIN untuk keamanan
pin_protection_choose_pin_welcome_after_login Welcome back. Selamat datang kembali.
pin_protection_choose_pin_welcome_after_register Welcome. Selamat datang.
pin_protection_confirm_pin Confirm your PIN Konfirmasi PIN Anda
pin_protection_confirm_pin_to_change Confirm PIN to change PIN Konfirmasi PIN untuk mengubah PIN
pin_protection_confirm_pin_to_disable Confirm PIN to disable PIN Konfirmasi PIN untuk menonaktifkan PIN
pin_protection_enter_pin Enter your PIN Masukkan PIN Anda
pin_protection_explanatory Setting up a PIN lets you protect data like messages and contacts, so only you can access them by entering the PIN at the start of the app. Menyiapkan PIN memungkinkan Anda melindungi data seperti pesan dan kontak, jadi hanya Anda yang dapat mengaksesnya dengan memasukkan PIN di awal aplikasi.
pin_protection_forgot_pin Forgot PIN Lupa PIN
pin_protection_kick_user_alert_message Too many errors, you've been logged out Terlalu banyak kesalahan, Anda telah dikeluarkan
pin_protection_mismatch_error_message Please try again Mohon coba lagi
pin_protection_mismatch_error_title PINs don't match PIN tidak cocok
pin_protection_mismatch_too_many_times_error_message If you can't remember your PIN, tap the forgot PIN button. JIka Anda lupa PIN Anda, ketuk tombol lupa PIN.
pin_protection_not_allowed_pin For security reasons, this PIN isn’t available. Please try another PIN Untuk keamanan, PIN ini tidak tersedia. Coba PIN yang lain
pin_protection_reset_alert_action_reset Reset Atur Ulang
pin_protection_reset_alert_message To reset your PIN, you'll need to re-login and create a new one Untuk mengatur ulang PIN, Anda harus masuk kembali dan buat yang baru lagi
pin_protection_reset_alert_title Reset PIN Atur Ulang PIN
pin_protection_settings_change_pin Change PIN Ubah PIN
pin_protection_settings_enabled_forced PIN enabled PIN diaktifkan


Confirm PIN to change PIN
Konfirmasi PIN untuk mengubah PIN
2 years ago
Browse all component changes


English Indonesian
No related strings found in the glossary.

Source information

String age
3 years ago
Source string age
3 years ago
Translation file
Riot/Assets/id.lproj/Vector.strings, string 1482