
Call ended
Key English Basque State
directory_server_picker_title Select a directory Hautatu direktorio bat
directory_server_all_rooms All rooms on %@ server %@ zerbitzariko gela guztiak
directory_server_all_native_rooms All native Matrix rooms Matrix gela natibo guztiak
directory_server_type_homeserver Type a homeserver to list public rooms from Idatzi hasiera zerbitzari bat honen gela publikoak zerrendatzeko
event_formatter_member_updates %tu membership changes %tu kidetza aldaketa
event_formatter_widget_added %@ widget added by %@ %@ trepeta gehitu du %@ erabiltzaileak
event_formatter_widget_removed %@ widget removed by %@ %@ trepeta kendu du %@ erabiltzaileak
event_formatter_jitsi_widget_added VoIP conference added by %@ VoIP konferentzia gehitu du %@ erabiltzaileak
event_formatter_jitsi_widget_removed VoIP conference removed by %@ VoIP konferentzia kendu du %@ erabiltzaileak
event_formatter_rerequest_keys_part1_link Re-request encryption keys Berreskatu zifratze gakoak
event_formatter_rerequest_keys_part2 from your other sessions. zure beste saioetatik.
event_formatter_message_edited_mention (edited) (editatua)
event_formatter_call_connecting Connecting…
event_formatter_call_ringing Ringing…
event_formatter_call_has_ended Call ended
event_formatter_call_has_ended_with_time Call ended • %@
event_formatter_call_incoming_voice Incoming voice call
event_formatter_call_incoming_video Incoming video call
event_formatter_call_active_voice Active voice call
event_formatter_call_active_video Active video call
event_formatter_call_you_declined Call declined
event_formatter_call_missed_voice Missed voice call
event_formatter_call_missed_video Missed video call
event_formatter_call_connection_failed Connection failed
event_formatter_call_back Call back
event_formatter_call_decline Decline
event_formatter_call_answer Answer
event_formatter_call_retry Retry
event_formatter_call_end_call End call
event_formatter_group_call Group call
Key English Basque State
encrypted_room_message_reply_to_placeholder Send an encrypted reply… Bidali zifratutako erantzun bat…
end_call End Call Amaitu deia
error Error Errorea
error_common_message An error occured. Please try again later. Errore bat gertatu da. Saiatu berriro geroago.
error_invite_3pid_with_no_identity_server Add an identity server in your settings to invite by email. Gehitu identitate-zerbitzari bat zure ezarpenetan e-maila erabiliz gonbidatzeko.
error_not_supported_on_mobile You can't do this from %@ mobile. Ezin duzu hau %@ mugikorretik egin.
error_user_already_logged_in It looks like you’re trying to connect to another homeserver. Do you want to sign out? Badirudi beste hasiera-zerbitzari batera konektatzen saiatzen ari zarela. Saioa amaitu nahi duzu?
event_formatter_call_active_video Active video call
event_formatter_call_active_voice Active voice call
event_formatter_call_answer Answer
event_formatter_call_back Call back
event_formatter_call_connecting Connecting…
event_formatter_call_connection_failed Connection failed
event_formatter_call_decline Decline
event_formatter_call_end_call End call
event_formatter_call_has_ended Call ended
event_formatter_call_has_ended_with_time Call ended • %@
event_formatter_call_incoming_video Incoming video call
event_formatter_call_incoming_voice Incoming voice call
event_formatter_call_missed_video Missed video call
event_formatter_call_missed_voice Missed voice call
event_formatter_call_retry Retry
event_formatter_call_ringing Ringing…
event_formatter_call_you_declined Call declined
event_formatter_group_call Group call
event_formatter_group_call_incoming %@ in %@
event_formatter_group_call_join Join
event_formatter_group_call_leave Leave
event_formatter_jitsi_widget_added VoIP conference added by %@ VoIP konferentzia gehitu du %@ erabiltzaileak
event_formatter_jitsi_widget_added_by_you You added VoIP conference
Component Translation Difference to current string
This translation Propagated Not translated Element iOS/Element iOS
The following string has different context, but the same source.
Translated Element iOS/Element iOS Deia amaitu da


No matching activity found.

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English Basque
No related strings found in the glossary.

Source information

String age
3 years ago
Source string age
3 years ago
Translation file
Riot/Assets/eu.lproj/Vector.strings, string 987