
// Group Details // Group Details
Community Details
Key English Basque State
room_access_space_chooser_known_spaces_section Spaces you know containing %@
room_access_space_chooser_other_spaces_section Other spaces or rooms
room_access_space_chooser_other_spaces_section_info These are likely things other admins of %@ are a part of.
room_suggestion_settings_screen_nav_title Suggest room
room_suggestion_settings_screen_title Make a room suggested in a space
room_suggestion_settings_screen_message Suggested rooms are promoted to space members as good ones to join.
room_notifs_settings_notify_me_for Notify me for
room_notifs_settings_all_messages All Messages
room_notifs_settings_mentions_and_keywords Mentions and Keywords only
room_notifs_settings_none None
room_notifs_settings_done_action Done
room_notifs_settings_cancel_action Cancel
room_notifs_settings_manage_notifications You can manage notifications in %@
room_notifs_settings_account_settings Account settings
room_notifs_settings_encrypted_room_notice Please note that mentions & keyword notifications are not available in encrypted rooms on mobile.
group_details_title Community Details Komunitatearen xehetasunak
group_details_home Home Hasiera
group_details_people People Jendea
group_details_rooms Rooms Gelak
group_home_one_member_format 1 member kide 1
group_home_multi_members_format %tu members %tu kide
group_home_one_room_format 1 room gela 1
group_home_multi_rooms_format %tu rooms %tu gela
group_invitation_format %@ has invited you to join this community %@ erabiltzaileak komunitate honetara elkartzera gonbidatu zaitu
group_participants_add_participant Add participant Gehitu parte-hartzailea
group_participants_leave_prompt_title Leave group Atera taldetik
group_participants_leave_prompt_msg Are you sure you want to leave the group? Ziur taldetik atera nahi duzula?
group_participants_remove_prompt_title Confirmation Berrespena
group_participants_remove_prompt_msg Are you sure you want to remove %@ from this group? Ziur %@ taldetik kendu nahi duzula?
group_participants_invite_prompt_title Confirmation Berrespena
group_participants_invite_prompt_msg Are you sure you want to invite %@ to this group? Ziur %@ taldera gonbidatu nahi duzula?
Key English Basque State
file_upload_error_unsupported_file_type_message File type not supported. Fitxategi mota ez onartua.
find_your_contacts_button_title Find your contacts
find_your_contacts_footer This can be disabled anytime from settings.
find_your_contacts_identity_service_error Unable to connect to the identity server.
find_your_contacts_message Let %@ show your contacts so you can quickly start chatting with those you know best.
find_your_contacts_title Start by listing your contacts
format_time_d d e
format_time_h h h
format_time_m m m
format_time_s s s
gdpr_consent_not_given_alert_message To continue using the %@ homeserver you must review and agree to the terms and conditions. %@ hasiera-zerbitzaria erabiltzen jarraitzeko erabilera baldintzak irakurri eta onartu behar dituzu.
gdpr_consent_not_given_alert_review_now_action Review now Berrikusi orain
group_details_home Home Hasiera
group_details_people People Jendea
group_details_rooms Rooms Gelak
group_details_title Community Details Komunitatearen xehetasunak
group_home_multi_members_format %tu members %tu kide
group_home_multi_rooms_format %tu rooms %tu gela
group_home_one_member_format 1 member kide 1
group_home_one_room_format 1 room gela 1
group_invitation_format %@ has invited you to join this community %@ erabiltzaileak komunitate honetara elkartzera gonbidatu zaitu
group_invite_section INVITES GONBIDAPENAK
group_participants_add_participant Add participant Gehitu parte-hartzailea
group_participants_filter_members Filter community members Iragazi komunitateko kideak
group_participants_invite_another_user Search / invite by User ID or Name Bilatu / gonbidatu erabiltzaile ID-a edo izena erabiliz
group_participants_invited_section INVITED GONBIDATUTA
group_participants_invite_malformed_id Malformed ID. Should be a Matrix ID like '@localpart:domain' Gaizki osatutako IDa. Matrix ID bat izan behar da, honelakoa '@erabiltzailea:domeinua'
group_participants_invite_malformed_id_title Invite Error Gonbidapen errorea
group_participants_invite_prompt_msg Are you sure you want to invite %@ to this group? Ziur %@ taldera gonbidatu nahi duzula?
group_participants_invite_prompt_title Confirmation Berrespena


User avatar Osoitz

New translation

Element iOS / Element iOSBasque

Community Details
Komunitatearen xehetasunak
6 years ago
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English Basque
No related strings found in the glossary.

Source information

Source string comment
// Group Details // Group Details
String age
6 years ago
Source string age
6 years ago
Translation file
Riot/Assets/eu.lproj/Vector.strings, string 942