
Key English Basque State
identity_server_settings_disconnect_info Disconnecting from your identity server will mean you won’t be discoverable by other users and be able to invite others by email or phone. Zure identitate-zerbitzaritik deskonektatzean ez zara beste erabiltzaileentzat aurkigarria izango eta ezin izango dituzu besteak gonbidatu e-mail helbidea edo telefono zenbakia erabiliz.
identity_server_settings_disconnect Disconnect Deskonektatu
identity_server_settings_alert_no_terms_title Identity server has no terms of services Identitate-zerbitzariak ez du erabilera baldintzarik
identity_server_settings_alert_no_terms The identity server you have chosen does not have any terms of service. Only continue if you trust the owner of the server. Hautatu duzun identitate-zerbitzariak ez du erabilera baldintzarik. Jarraitu soilik zerbitzuaren jabea fidagarritzat jotzen baduzu.
identity_server_settings_alert_change_title Change identity server Aldatu identitate-zerbitzaria
identity_server_settings_alert_change Disconnect from the identity server %1$@ and connect to %2$@ instead? Deskonektatu %1$@ identitate-zerbitzaritik eta konektatu %2$@ zerbitzarira?
identity_server_settings_alert_disconnect_title Disconnect identity server Deskonektatu identitate-zerbitzaria
identity_server_settings_alert_disconnect Disconnect from the identity server %@? Deskonektatu %@ identitate-zerbitzaritik?
identity_server_settings_alert_disconnect_button Disconnect Deskonektatu
identity_server_settings_alert_disconnect_still_sharing_3pid You are still sharing your personal data on the identity server %@.

We recommend that you remove your email addresses and phone numbers from the identity server before disconnecting.
Oraindik datu pertsonalak partekatzen dituzu %@ identitate-zerbitzarian.

Deskonektatu aurretik identitate-zerbitzaritik e-mail helbideak eta telefonoak kentzea aholkatzen dizugu.
identity_server_settings_alert_disconnect_still_sharing_3pid_button Disconnect anyway Deskonektatu hala ere
identity_server_settings_alert_error_terms_not_accepted You must accept terms of %@ to set it as identity server. %@ zerbitzariko erabilera baldintzak onartu behar dituzu identitate-zerbitzari gisa ezartzeko.
identity_server_settings_alert_error_invalid_identity_server %@ is not a valid identity server. %@ ez da baliozko identitate-zerbitzari bat.
room_details_title Room Details Gelaren xehetasunak
room_details_title_for_dm Details
room_details_people Members Kideak
room_details_files Uploads Fitxategiak
room_details_polls Poll history
room_details_search Search room
room_details_integrations Integrations
room_details_settings Settings Ezarpenak
room_details_photo Room Photo Gelaren argazkia
room_details_photo_for_dm Photo
room_details_room_name Room Name Gelaren izena
room_details_room_name_for_dm Name
room_details_topic Topic Mintzagaia
room_details_favourite_tag Favourite Gogokoa
room_details_low_priority_tag Low priority Lehentasun baxua
room_details_notifs Notifications
room_details_mute_notifs Mute notifications Mututu jakinarazpenak
room_details_direct_chat Direct Chat Txat zuzena
Key English Basque State
room_details_history_section_anyone Anyone Edonork
room_details_history_section_members_only Members only (since the point in time of selecting this option) Kideak besterik ez (aukera hau hautatutako unetik)
room_details_history_section_members_only_since_invited Members only (since they were invited) Kideak besterik ez (gonbidatu zitzaienetik)
room_details_history_section_members_only_since_joined Members only (since they joined) Kideak besterik ez (elkartu zirenetik)
room_details_history_section_prompt_msg Changes to who can read history will only apply to future messages in this room. The visibility of existing history will be unchanged. Historiala nork irakurri dezakeen aldatzea gelak honetara aurrerantzean bidalitako mezuei besterik ez zaie aplikatuko. Badagoen historialaren ikusgaitasuna ez da aldatuko.
room_details_history_section_prompt_title Privacy warning Pribatutasun abisua
room_details_integrations Integrations
room_details_low_priority_tag Low priority Lehentasun baxua
room_details_mute_notifs Mute notifications Mututu jakinarazpenak
room_details_new_address Add new address Gehitu helbide berria
room_details_new_address_placeholder Add new address (e.g. #foo%@) Gehitu helbide berria (adib. #foo%@)
room_details_new_flair_placeholder Add new community ID (e.g. +foo%@) Gehitu komunitate ID berria (adib. +foo%@)
room_details_no_local_addresses This room has no local addresses Gela honek ez du tokiko helbiderik
room_details_no_local_addresses_for_dm This has no local addresses
room_details_notifs Notifications
room_details_people Members Kideak
room_details_photo Room Photo Gelaren argazkia
room_details_photo_for_dm Photo
room_details_polls Poll history
room_details_promote_room_suggest_title Suggest to space members
room_details_promote_room_title Promote room
room_details_room_name Room Name Gelaren izena
room_details_room_name_for_dm Name
room_details_save_changes_prompt Do you want to save changes? Mezuak gorde nahi dituzu?
room_details_search Search room
room_details_set_main_address Set as Main Address Ezarri helbide nagusi gisa
room_details_settings Settings Ezarpenak
room_details_title Room Details Gelaren xehetasunak
room_details_title_for_dm Details
room_details_topic Topic Mintzagaia


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7 years ago
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String age
7 years ago
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7 years ago
Translation file
Riot/Assets/eu.lproj/Vector.strings, string 833