
Enter an identity server
Key English Basque State
manage_session_name_hint Custom session names can help you recognize your devices more easily.
manage_session_name_info Please be aware that session names are also visible to people you communicate with. %@
manage_session_name_info_link Learn more
manage_session_trusted Trusted by you Zuk fidagarritzat jota
manage_session_not_trusted Not trusted Ez fidagarritzat jota
manage_session_sign_out Sign out of this session Amaitu saio hau
manage_session_redirect You will be redirected to your server's authentication provider to complete sign out.
manage_session_redirect_error Functionality currently unavailable. Please contact your homeserver admin
manage_session_rename Rename session
manage_session_sign_out_other_sessions Sign out of all other sessions
user_sessions_settings Manage sessions
authenticated_session_flow_not_supported This app does not support the authentication mechanism on your homeserver.
identity_server_settings_title Identity server Identitate-zerbitzaria
identity_server_settings_description You are currently using %@ to discover and be discoverable by existing contacts you know. Orain %@ erabiltzen ari zara ezagunak aurkitzeko eta ezagunek zu aurkitzeko.
identity_server_settings_no_is_description You are not currently using an identity server. To discover and be discoverable by existing contacts, add one above. Orain ez duzu identitate-zerbitzaririk erabiltzen. Kontaktuak aurkitzeko eta aurkigarria izateko, gehitu bat goian.
identity_server_settings_place_holder Enter an identity server Sartu identitate-zerbitzari bat
identity_server_settings_add Add Gehitu
identity_server_settings_change Change Aldatu
identity_server_settings_disconnect_info Disconnecting from your identity server will mean you won’t be discoverable by other users and be able to invite others by email or phone. Zure identitate-zerbitzaritik deskonektatzean ez zara beste erabiltzaileentzat aurkigarria izango eta ezin izango dituzu besteak gonbidatu e-mail helbidea edo telefono zenbakia erabiliz.
identity_server_settings_disconnect Disconnect Deskonektatu
identity_server_settings_alert_no_terms_title Identity server has no terms of services Identitate-zerbitzariak ez du erabilera baldintzarik
identity_server_settings_alert_no_terms The identity server you have chosen does not have any terms of service. Only continue if you trust the owner of the server. Hautatu duzun identitate-zerbitzariak ez du erabilera baldintzarik. Jarraitu soilik zerbitzuaren jabea fidagarritzat jotzen baduzu.
identity_server_settings_alert_change_title Change identity server Aldatu identitate-zerbitzaria
identity_server_settings_alert_change Disconnect from the identity server %1$@ and connect to %2$@ instead? Deskonektatu %1$@ identitate-zerbitzaritik eta konektatu %2$@ zerbitzarira?
identity_server_settings_alert_disconnect_title Disconnect identity server Deskonektatu identitate-zerbitzaria
identity_server_settings_alert_disconnect Disconnect from the identity server %@? Deskonektatu %@ identitate-zerbitzaritik?
identity_server_settings_alert_disconnect_button Disconnect Deskonektatu
identity_server_settings_alert_disconnect_still_sharing_3pid You are still sharing your personal data on the identity server %@.

We recommend that you remove your email addresses and phone numbers from the identity server before disconnecting.
Oraindik datu pertsonalak partekatzen dituzu %@ identitate-zerbitzarian.

Deskonektatu aurretik identitate-zerbitzaritik e-mail helbideak eta telefonoak kentzea aholkatzen dizugu.
identity_server_settings_alert_disconnect_still_sharing_3pid_button Disconnect anyway Deskonektatu hala ere
identity_server_settings_alert_error_terms_not_accepted You must accept terms of %@ to set it as identity server. %@ zerbitzariko erabilera baldintzak onartu behar dituzu identitate-zerbitzari gisa ezartzeko.
identity_server_settings_alert_error_invalid_identity_server %@ is not a valid identity server. %@ ez da baliozko identitate-zerbitzari bat.
Key English Basque State
identity_server_settings_alert_change_title Change identity server Aldatu identitate-zerbitzaria
identity_server_settings_alert_disconnect Disconnect from the identity server %@? Deskonektatu %@ identitate-zerbitzaritik?
identity_server_settings_alert_disconnect_button Disconnect Deskonektatu
identity_server_settings_alert_disconnect_still_sharing_3pid You are still sharing your personal data on the identity server %@.

We recommend that you remove your email addresses and phone numbers from the identity server before disconnecting.
Oraindik datu pertsonalak partekatzen dituzu %@ identitate-zerbitzarian.

Deskonektatu aurretik identitate-zerbitzaritik e-mail helbideak eta telefonoak kentzea aholkatzen dizugu.
identity_server_settings_alert_disconnect_still_sharing_3pid_button Disconnect anyway Deskonektatu hala ere
identity_server_settings_alert_disconnect_title Disconnect identity server Deskonektatu identitate-zerbitzaria
identity_server_settings_alert_error_invalid_identity_server %@ is not a valid identity server. %@ ez da baliozko identitate-zerbitzari bat.
identity_server_settings_alert_error_terms_not_accepted You must accept terms of %@ to set it as identity server. %@ zerbitzariko erabilera baldintzak onartu behar dituzu identitate-zerbitzari gisa ezartzeko.
identity_server_settings_alert_no_terms The identity server you have chosen does not have any terms of service. Only continue if you trust the owner of the server. Hautatu duzun identitate-zerbitzariak ez du erabilera baldintzarik. Jarraitu soilik zerbitzuaren jabea fidagarritzat jotzen baduzu.
identity_server_settings_alert_no_terms_title Identity server has no terms of services Identitate-zerbitzariak ez du erabilera baldintzarik
identity_server_settings_change Change Aldatu
identity_server_settings_description You are currently using %@ to discover and be discoverable by existing contacts you know. Orain %@ erabiltzen ari zara ezagunak aurkitzeko eta ezagunek zu aurkitzeko.
identity_server_settings_disconnect Disconnect Deskonektatu
identity_server_settings_disconnect_info Disconnecting from your identity server will mean you won’t be discoverable by other users and be able to invite others by email or phone. Zure identitate-zerbitzaritik deskonektatzean ez zara beste erabiltzaileentzat aurkigarria izango eta ezin izango dituzu besteak gonbidatu e-mail helbidea edo telefono zenbakia erabiliz.
identity_server_settings_no_is_description You are not currently using an identity server. To discover and be discoverable by existing contacts, add one above. Orain ez duzu identitate-zerbitzaririk erabiltzen. Kontaktuak aurkitzeko eta aurkigarria izateko, gehitu bat goian.
identity_server_settings_place_holder Enter an identity server Sartu identitate-zerbitzari bat
identity_server_settings_title Identity server Identitate-zerbitzaria
ignore Ignore Ezikusi
ignore_user Ignore User
image_picker_action_camera Take photo Atera argazkia
image_picker_action_library Choose from library Hautatu liburutegitik
incoming_video_call Incoming Video Call Bideo-deia jasotzen
incoming_voice_call Incoming Voice Call Ahots-deia jasotzen
invitation_message I'd like to chat with you with matrix. Please, visit the website to have more information. Zurekin hitz egin nahiko nuke matrix erabilita, zoaz webgunera informazio gehiagorako.
invite Invite Gonbidatu
invite_friends_action Invite friends to %@
invite_friends_share_text Hey, talk to me on %@: %@
invite_to Invite to %@
invite_user Invite matrix User Gonbidatu matrix erabiltzailea
join Join Elkartu


User avatar Osoitz

New translation

Element iOS / Element iOSBasque

Enter an identity server
Sartu identitate-zerbitzari bat
4 years ago
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English Basque
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String age
4 years ago
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4 years ago
Translation file
Riot/Assets/eu.lproj/Vector.strings, string 815