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Key English Basque State
room_event_action_view_in_room View in room
room_event_action_permalink Copy link to message Esteka iraunkorra
room_event_action_view_source View Source Ikusi iturburua
room_event_action_view_decrypted_source View Decrypted Source Ikusi deszifratutako iturria
room_event_action_report Report content Salatu edukia
room_event_action_report_prompt_reason Reason for reporting this content Eduki hau salatzeko arrazoia
room_event_action_kick_prompt_reason Reason for removing this user Erabiltzaile hau kanporatzeko arrazoia
room_event_action_ban_prompt_reason Reason for banning this user Erabiltzaile hau debekatzeko arrazoia
room_event_action_report_prompt_ignore_user Do you want to hide all messages from this user? Erabiltzaile honen mezu guztiak ezkutatu nahi dituzu?
room_event_action_save Save Gorde
room_event_action_resend Resend Birbidali
room_event_action_delete Delete Ezabatu
room_event_action_delete_confirmation_title Delete unsent message
room_event_action_delete_confirmation_message Are you sure you want to delete this unsent message?
room_event_action_cancel_send Cancel Send Utzi bidalketa
room_event_action_cancel_download Cancel Download Utzi deskarga
room_event_action_view_encryption Encryption Information Zifratze informazioa
room_event_action_reply Reply Erantzun
room_event_action_reply_in_thread Thread
room_event_action_edit Edit Editatu
room_event_action_reaction_show_all Show all Erakutsi denak
room_event_action_reaction_show_less Show less Erakutsi gutxiago
room_event_action_reaction_history Reaction history Erreakzioen historiala
room_event_copy_link_info Link copied to clipboard.
room_warning_about_encryption End-to-end encryption is in beta and may not be reliable.

You should not yet trust it to secure data.

Devices will not yet be able to decrypt history from before they joined the room.

Encrypted messages will not be visible on clients that do not yet implement encryption.
Muturretik muturrera zifratzea beta egoeran dago eta agian ez dabil behar bezala.

Ez zenuke datuak babesteko erabili behar oraindik.

Gailuek ezin izango dute gelara elkartu aurreko historiala deszifratu.

Zifratutako mezuak ez dira zifratzea oraindik ezarrita ez duten beste gailuetan ikusiko.
room_event_failed_to_send Failed to send Bidalketak huts egin du
room_action_camera Take photo or video Atera argazkia edo bideoa
room_action_send_photo_or_video Send photo or video Bidali argazki edo bideoa
room_action_send_sticker Send sticker Bidali eranskailua
room_action_send_file Send file Bidali fitxategia
room_action_reply Reply Erantzun
Key English Basque State
room_directory_no_public_room No public rooms available Ez dago gela publikorik eskuragarri
room_displayname_all_other_members_left %@ (Left)
room_displayname_empty_room Empty room Gela hutsa
room_displayname_more_than_two_members %@ and %@ others
room_displayname_two_members %@ and %@ %@ eta %@
room_does_not_exist %@ does not exist Ez da %@ existitzen
room_do_not_have_permission_to_post You do not have permission to post to this room Ez duzu gela honetara mezuak bidaltzeko baimenik
room_error_cannot_load_timeline Failed to load timeline Huts egin du denbora lerroa kargatzean
room_error_join_failed_empty_room It is not currently possible to join an empty room. Ezin da oraingoz hutsik dagoen gela batetara berriro sartu.
room_error_join_failed_title Failed to join room Huts egin du gelara elkartzean
room_error_name_edition_not_authorized You are not authorized to edit this room name Ez duzu gela honen izena aldatzeko baimenik
room_error_timeline_event_not_found The application was trying to load a specific point in this room's timeline but was unable to find it Aplikazioa gela honen denbora lerroko puntu zehatz bat kargatzen saiatu da baina ezin izan du aurkitu
room_error_timeline_event_not_found_title Failed to load timeline position Huts egin du denbora-lerroko puntua kargatzean
room_error_topic_edition_not_authorized You are not authorized to edit this room topic Ez duzu gela honen mintzagaia aldatzeko baimenik
room_event_action_ban_prompt_reason Reason for banning this user Erabiltzaile hau debekatzeko arrazoia
room_event_action_cancel_download Cancel Download Utzi deskarga
room_event_action_cancel_send Cancel Send Utzi bidalketa
room_event_action_copy Copy Kopiatu
room_event_action_delete Delete Ezabatu
room_event_action_delete_confirmation_message Are you sure you want to delete this unsent message?
room_event_action_delete_confirmation_title Delete unsent message
room_event_action_edit Edit Editatu
room_event_action_end_poll End poll
room_event_action_forward Forward
room_event_action_kick_prompt_reason Reason for removing this user Erabiltzaile hau kanporatzeko arrazoia
room_event_action_more More Gehiago
room_event_action_permalink Copy link to message Esteka iraunkorra
room_event_action_quote Quote Aipua
room_event_action_reaction_history Reaction history Erreakzioen historiala
room_event_action_reaction_more %@ more
Component Translation Difference to current string
This translation Propagated Translated Element iOS/Element iOS
The following string has different context, but the same source.
Translated Element iOS/Element iOS


User avatar Osoitz

Translation changed

Element iOS / Element iOSBasque

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Utzi deskarga
7 years ago
User avatar Osoitz

Translation uploaded

Element iOS / Element iOSBasque

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Utzi deskarga
7 years ago
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English Basque
No related strings found in the glossary.

Source information

String age
7 years ago
Source string age
7 years ago
Translation file
Riot/Assets/eu.lproj/Vector.strings, string 470