
URL must start with http[s]://
Key English Basque State
delete Delete Ezabatu
action_logout Logout Amaitu saioa
create_room Create Room Sortu gela
login Login Hasi saioa
create_account Create Account Sortu kontua
membership_invite Invited Gonbidatuta
membership_leave Left Atera da
membership_ban Banned Debekatua
num_members_one %@ user erabiltzaile %@
num_members_other %@ users %@ erabiltzaile
kick Remove from chat Kanporatu
ban Ban Debekatu
unban Un-ban Kendu debekua
message_unsaved_changes There are unsaved changes. Leaving will discard them. Gorde gabeko aldaketak daude. Irtenez gero baztertuko dira.
login_error_already_logged_in Already logged in Saioa hasita zegoen jada
login_error_must_start_http URL must start with http[s]:// http[s]:// gisa hasi behar da URLa
invitation_message I'd like to chat with you with matrix. Please, visit the website to have more information. Zurekin hitz egin nahiko nuke matrix erabilita, zoaz webgunera informazio gehiagorako.
settings_title_config Configuration Konfigurazioa
settings_title_notifications Notifications Jakinarazpenak
notification_settings_disable_all Disable all notifications Desgaitu jakinarazpen guztiak
notification_settings_enable_notifications Enable notifications Gaitu jakinarazpenak
notification_settings_enable_notifications_warning All notifications are currently disabled for all devices. Jakinarazpen guztiak desgaituta daude gailu guztientzat.
notification_settings_global_info Notification settings are saved to your user account and are shared between all clients which support them (including desktop notifications).

Rules are applied in order; the first rule which matches defines the outcome for the message.
So: Per-word notifications are more important than per-room notifications which are more important than per-sender notifications.
For multiple rules of the same kind, the first one in the list that matches takes priority.
Jakinarazpen ezarpenak zure erabiltzaile kontuan gordetzen dira eta onartutako bezeroen artean partekatzen dira (mahaigaineko jakinarazpenak barne).

Arauak ordenan aplikatzen dira; bat datorren lehen arauak zehazten du zer gertatzen den mezuarekin.
Beraz: Hitzen jakinarazpenak gelen jakinarazpenak baino garrantzitsuagoak dira, eta hauek igorleen jakinarazpenak baino garrantzitsuagoak.
Mota bereko arauentzat, zerrendan bat datorren lehenak lehentasuna hartzen du.
notification_settings_per_word_notifications Per-word notifications Hitzen jakinarazpenak
notification_settings_per_word_info Words match case insensitively, and may include a * wildcard. So:
foo matches the string foo surrounded by word delimiters (e.g. punctuation and whitespace or start/end of line).
foo* matches any such word that begins foo.
*foo* matches any such word which includes the 3 letters foo.
Hitzak ez dituzte bereizten maiuskula eta minuskulak, eta * komodina izan dezakete. Beraz:
mar bat dator mar katearekin hitz mugatzaileez inguratuta dagoenean (adib. puntuazioa, zuriunea, lerro hasiera edo bukaera).
mar* bat dator mar-ez hasten den edozein hitzekin.
*mar* bat dator edozein posiziotan mar duten hitzekin.
notification_settings_always_notify Always notify Jakinarazi beti
notification_settings_never_notify Never notify Ez jakinarazi inoiz
notification_settings_word_to_match word to match behatu beharreko hitza
notification_settings_highlight Highlight Nabarmendu
notification_settings_custom_sound Custom sound Soinu pertsonalizatua
notification_settings_per_room_notifications Per-room notifications Gelen jakinarazpenak
Key English Basque State
location_sharing_static_share_title Send my current location
location_sharing_title Location
login Login Hasi saioa
login_create_account Create account: Sortu kontua:
login_desktop_device Desktop Mahaigainekoa
login_display_name_placeholder Display name (e.g. Bob Obson) Pantaila-izena (adib. Urko Etxeberria)
login_email_info Specify an email address lets other users find you on Matrix more easily, and will give you a way to reset your password in the future. Zehaztu e-mail helbide bat beste Matrix erabiltzaileek zu errazago aurkitzeko, e-mail helbidea izateak ere etorkizunean pasahitza aldatzea ahalbidetuko dizu.
login_email_placeholder Email address E-mail helbidea
login_error_already_logged_in Already logged in Saioa hasita zegoen jada
login_error_bad_json Malformed JSON Gaizki osatutako JSON
login_error_do_not_support_login_flows Currently we do not support any or all login flows defined by this homeserver Orain ez ditugu onartzen hasiera zerbitzari honek zehaztutako saio hasiera metodo guztiak, edo batere
login_error_forbidden Invalid username/password Erabiltzaile-izen / pasahitz baliogabea
login_error_forgot_password_is_not_supported Forgot password is not currently supported Oraindik ezin da aplikazioarekin pasahitza berreskuratu
login_error_limit_exceeded Too many requests have been sent Eskaera gehiegi bidali dira
login_error_login_email_not_yet The email link which has not been clicked yet Oraindik erabili ez den e-maileko esteka
login_error_must_start_http URL must start with http[s]:// http[s]:// gisa hasi behar da URLa
login_error_no_login_flow We failed to retrieve authentication information from this homeserver Huts egin du autentifikazio informazioa hasiera zerbitzari honetatik jasotzean
login_error_not_json Did not contain valid JSON Ez zuen baliozko JSON-ik
login_error_registration_is_not_supported Registration is not currently supported Oraindik ezin da aplikazioarekin erregistratu
login_error_resource_limit_exceeded_contact_button Contact Administrator Kontaktatu administratzailea

Please contact your service administrator to continue using this service.

Jarri kontaktuan zerbitzuaren administratzailearekin zerbitzu hau erabiltzen jarraitzeko.
login_error_resource_limit_exceeded_message_default This homeserver has exceeded one of its resource limits. Hasiera zerbitzari honek bere baliabide mugetako bat gainditu du.
login_error_resource_limit_exceeded_message_monthly_active_user This homeserver has hit its Monthly Active User limit. Hasiera zerbitzari honek bere hilabeteko erabiltzaile aktiboen muga gainditu du.
login_error_resource_limit_exceeded_title Resource Limit Exceeded Baliabide muga gaindituta
login_error_title Login Failed Saio hasierak huts egin du
login_error_unknown_token The access token specified was not recognised Ez da ezagutzen zehaztutako sarbide katea
login_error_user_in_use This user name is already used Erabiltzaile-izen hau hartuta dago
login_home_server_info Your homeserver stores all your conversations and account data Zure hasiera-zerbitzariak gordetzen ditu zure elkarrizketa guztiak eta kontuaren datuak
login_home_server_title Homeserver URL: Hasiera-zerbitzariaren URLa:
login_identity_server_info Matrix provides identity servers to track which emails etc. belong to which Matrix IDs. Only currently exists. Matrixek identitate zerbitzariak hornitzen ditu e-mailak eta abar zein Matrix ID-ri dagokien jakiteko, Orain da dagoen bakarra.


No matching activity found.

Browse all component changes


English Basque
No related strings found in the glossary.

Source information

String age
2 years ago
Source string age
2 years ago
Translation file
Riot/Assets/eu.lproj/Vector.strings, string 2359