
Unsupported attachment: %@
Key English Basque State
notice_room_power_level_intro_for_dm The power level of members are:
notice_room_power_level_acting_requirement The minimum power levels that a user must have before acting are: Hemen aritu ahal izateko erabiltzaileak behar duen botere maila:
notice_room_power_level_event_requirement The minimum power levels related to events are: Gertaerekin lotutako gutxieneko botere maila:
notice_room_aliases The room aliases are: %@ Gelaren ezizenak: %@
notice_room_aliases_for_dm The aliases are: %@
notice_room_related_groups The groups associated with this room are: %@ Gela honekin lotura duten taldeak hauek dira: %@
notice_encrypted_message Encrypted message Zifratutako mezua
notice_encryption_enabled_ok %@ turned on end-to-end encryption. %@ erabiltzaileak zifratzea gaitu du.
notice_encryption_enabled_unknown_algorithm %1$@ turned on end-to-end encryption (unrecognised algorithm %2$@). %1$@ erabiltzaileak zifratzea gaitu du. (%2$@ algoritmo ezezaguna).
notice_image_attachment image attachment irudi-eranskina
notice_audio_attachment audio attachment audio-eranskina
notice_video_attachment video attachment bideo-eranskina
notice_location_attachment location attachment kokaleku-eranskina
notice_file_attachment file attachment fitxategi-eranskina
notice_invalid_attachment invalid attachment eranskin baliogabea
notice_unsupported_attachment Unsupported attachment: %@ Onartu gabeko eranskina: %@
notice_feedback Feedback event (id: %@): %@ Informazio gertaera (id: %@): %@
notice_redaction %@ redacted an event (id: %@) %@ erabiltzaileak gertaera bat kendu du (id: %@)
notice_error_unsupported_event Unsupported event Onartu gabeko gertaera
notice_error_unexpected_event Unexpected event Ustekabeko gertaera
notice_error_unknown_event_type Unknown event type Gertaera mota ezezaguna
notice_error_unformattable_event ** Unable to render message. Please report a bug
notice_room_history_visible_to_anyone %@ made future room history visible to anyone. %@ erabiltzaileak etorkizuneko gelaren historiala ikusgai jarri du edonorentzat.
notice_room_history_visible_to_members %@ made future room history visible to all room members. %@ erabiltzaileak etorkizuneko gelaren historiala ikusgai jarri du gelako kide guztientzat, gonbidapena egiten zaienetik.
notice_room_history_visible_to_members_for_dm %@ made future messages visible to all room members.
notice_room_history_visible_to_members_from_invited_point %@ made future room history visible to all room members, from the point they are invited. %@ erabiltzaileak etorkizuneko gelaren historiala ikusgai jarri du gelako kide guztientzat, gonbidapena egiten zaienetik.
notice_room_history_visible_to_members_from_invited_point_for_dm %@ made future messages visible to everyone, from when they get invited.
notice_room_history_visible_to_members_from_joined_point %@ made future room history visible to all room members, from the point they joined. %@ erabiltzaileak etorkizuneko gelaren historiala ikusgai jarri du gelako kide guztientzat, elkartzen direnetik.
notice_room_history_visible_to_members_from_joined_point_for_dm %@ made future messages visible to everyone, from when they joined.
notice_crypto_unable_to_decrypt ** Unable to decrypt: %@ ** ** Ezin izan da deszifratu: %@ **
notice_crypto_error_unknown_inbound_session_id The sender's session has not sent us the keys for this message. Igorlearen saioak ez dizkigu mezu honetarako gakoak bidali.
Key English Basque State
notice_room_third_party_registered_invite %@ accepted the invitation for %@ %@ erabiltzaileak %@ gelarako gonbidapena onartu du
notice_room_third_party_registered_invite_by_you You accepted the invitation for %@
notice_room_third_party_revoked_invite %@ revoked the invitation for %@ to join the room %@ erabiltzaileak %@ gelara elkartzeko gonbidapena indargabetu du
notice_room_third_party_revoked_invite_by_you You revoked the invitation for %@ to join the room
notice_room_third_party_revoked_invite_by_you_for_dm You revoked %@'s invitation
notice_room_third_party_revoked_invite_for_dm %@ revoked %@'s invitation
notice_room_topic_removed %@ removed the topic %@ erabiltzaileak gelaren mintzagaia kendu du
notice_room_topic_removed_by_you You removed the topic
notice_room_unban %@ unbanned %@ %@ erabiltzaileak debekua kendu dio %@ erabiltzaileari
notice_room_unban_by_you You unbanned %@
notice_room_withdraw %@ withdrew %@'s invitation %@ erabiltzaileak %@ erabiltzailearen gonbidapena atzera bota du
notice_room_withdraw_by_you You withdrew %@'s invitation
notice_sticker sticker eranskailua
notice_topic_changed %@ changed the topic to "%@". %@ erabiltzaileak mintzagaia honetara aldatu du: %@
notice_topic_changed_by_you You changed the topic to "%@".
notice_unsupported_attachment Unsupported attachment: %@ Onartu gabeko eranskina: %@
notice_video_attachment video attachment bideo-eranskina
notice_voice_broadcast_ended %@ ended a voice broadcast.
notice_voice_broadcast_ended_by_you You ended a voice broadcast.
notice_voice_broadcast_live Live broadcast
notification_settings_always_notify Always notify Jakinarazi beti
notification_settings_by_default By default... Lehenetsita…
notification_settings_contain_my_display_name Notify me with sound about messages that contain my display name Jakinarazi niri soinuarekin nire pantaila-izena duten mezuak daudenean
notification_settings_contain_my_user_name Notify me with sound about messages that contain my user name Jakinarazi niri soinuarekin nire erabiltzaile izena duten mezuak daudenean
notification_settings_custom_sound Custom sound Soinu pertsonalizatua
notification_settings_disable_all Disable all notifications Desgaitu jakinarazpen guztiak
notification_settings_enable_notifications Enable notifications Gaitu jakinarazpenak
notification_settings_enable_notifications_warning All notifications are currently disabled for all devices. Jakinarazpen guztiak desgaituta daude gailu guztientzat.
notification_settings_global_info Notification settings are saved to your user account and are shared between all clients which support them (including desktop notifications).

Rules are applied in order; the first rule which matches defines the outcome for the message.
So: Per-word notifications are more important than per-room notifications which are more important than per-sender notifications.
For multiple rules of the same kind, the first one in the list that matches takes priority.
Jakinarazpen ezarpenak zure erabiltzaile kontuan gordetzen dira eta onartutako bezeroen artean partekatzen dira (mahaigaineko jakinarazpenak barne).

Arauak ordenan aplikatzen dira; bat datorren lehen arauak zehazten du zer gertatzen den mezuarekin.
Beraz: Hitzen jakinarazpenak gelen jakinarazpenak baino garrantzitsuagoak dira, eta hauek igorleen jakinarazpenak baino garrantzitsuagoak.
Mota bereko arauentzat, zerrendan bat datorren lehenak lehentasuna hartzen du.
notification_settings_highlight Highlight Nabarmendu


No matching activity found.

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English Basque
No related strings found in the glossary.

Source information

String age
2 years ago
Source string age
2 years ago
Translation file
Riot/Assets/eu.lproj/Vector.strings, string 2096