
End Call
Key English Basque State
start_video_call Start Video Call Hasi bideo deia
mention Mention Aipamena
select_account Select an account Hautatu kontu bat
attach_media Attach Media from Library Erantsi media liburutegitik
capture_media Take Photo/Video Atera argazkia / bideoa
invite_user Invite matrix User Gonbidatu matrix erabiltzailea
reset_to_default Reset to default Leheneratu lehenetsitakora
resend_message Resend the message Birbidali mezua
select_all Select All Hautatu guztia
deselect_all Deselect All
cancel_upload Cancel Upload Utzi igoera
cancel_download Cancel Download Utzi deskarga
show_details Show Details Erakutsi xehetasunak
answer_call Answer Call Erantzun deia
reject_call Reject Call Ukatu deia
end_call End Call Amaitu deia
resume_call Resume
ignore Ignore Ezikusi
ignore_user Ignore User
unignore Unignore Berriro aintzat hartu
notice_avatar_changed_too (avatar was changed too) (abatarra ere aldatu da)
notice_room_name_removed %@ removed the room name %@ erabiltzaileak gelaren izena kendu du
notice_room_name_removed_for_dm %@ removed the name
notice_room_topic_removed %@ removed the topic %@ erabiltzaileak gelaren mintzagaia kendu du
notice_event_redacted <redacted%@>
notice_event_redacted_by by %@ nork: %@
notice_event_redacted_reason [reason: %@] [arrazoia: %@]
notice_profile_change_redacted %@ updated their profile %@ %@ erabiltzaileak bere %@ profila eguneratu du
notice_room_created %@ created and configured the room. %@ erabiltzaileak gela sortu du
notice_room_created_for_dm %@ joined.
notice_room_join_rule The join rule is: %@ Elkartzeko baldintza: %@
Key English Basque State
e2e_room_key_request_start_verification Start verification… Hasi egiaztatzea…
e2e_room_key_request_title Encryption key request Zifratze-gako eskaera
edit Edit
emoji_picker_activity_category Activities Jarduerak
emoji_picker_flags_category Flags Banderak
emoji_picker_foods_category Food & Drink Janaria eta edaria
emoji_picker_nature_category Animals & Nature Animaliak eta natura
emoji_picker_objects_category Objects Objektuak
emoji_picker_people_category Smileys & People Irribarretxoak eta jendea
emoji_picker_places_category Travel & Places Bidaiak eta tokiak
emoji_picker_symbols_category Symbols Sinboloak
emoji_picker_title Reactions Erreakzioak
enable Enable
encrypted_room_message_placeholder Send an encrypted message… Bidali zifratutako mezua…
encrypted_room_message_reply_to_placeholder Send an encrypted reply… Bidali zifratutako erantzun bat…
end_call End Call Amaitu deia
error Error Errorea
error_common_message An error occured. Please try again later. Errore bat gertatu da. Saiatu berriro geroago.
error_invite_3pid_with_no_identity_server Add an identity server in your settings to invite by email. Gehitu identitate-zerbitzari bat zure ezarpenetan e-maila erabiliz gonbidatzeko.
error_not_supported_on_mobile You can't do this from %@ mobile. Ezin duzu hau %@ mugikorretik egin.
error_user_already_logged_in It looks like you’re trying to connect to another homeserver. Do you want to sign out? Badirudi beste hasiera-zerbitzari batera konektatzen saiatzen ari zarela. Saioa amaitu nahi duzu?
event_formatter_call_active_video Active video call
event_formatter_call_active_voice Active voice call
event_formatter_call_answer Answer
event_formatter_call_back Call back
event_formatter_call_connecting Connecting…
event_formatter_call_connection_failed Connection failed
event_formatter_call_decline Decline
event_formatter_call_end_call End call
event_formatter_call_has_ended Call ended


No matching activity found.

Browse all component changes


English Basque
No related strings found in the glossary.

Source information

String age
2 years ago
Source string age
2 years ago
Translation file
Riot/Assets/eu.lproj/Vector.strings, string 2056