
// MARK: - Home
Welcome to %@,
Key English Basque State
group_rooms_filter_rooms Filter community rooms Iragazi komunitateko gelak
home_context_menu_favourite Favourite
home_context_menu_leave Leave
home_context_menu_low_priority Low priority
home_context_menu_make_dm Move to People
home_context_menu_make_room Move to Rooms
home_context_menu_mark_as_read Mark as read
home_context_menu_mark_as_unread Mark as unread
home_context_menu_mute Mute
home_context_menu_normal_priority Normal priority
home_context_menu_notifications Notifications
home_context_menu_unfavourite Remove from Favourites
home_context_menu_unmute Unmute
home_empty_view_information The all-in-one secure chat app for teams, friends and organisations. Tap the + button below to add people and rooms.
home_empty_view_title Welcome to %@,
homeserver_connection_lost Could not connect to the homeserver. Ezin izan da hasiera zerbitzarira konektatu.
home_syncing Syncing
identity_server_settings_add Add Gehitu
identity_server_settings_alert_change Disconnect from the identity server %1$@ and connect to %2$@ instead? Deskonektatu %1$@ identitate-zerbitzaritik eta konektatu %2$@ zerbitzarira?
identity_server_settings_alert_change_title Change identity server Aldatu identitate-zerbitzaria
identity_server_settings_alert_disconnect Disconnect from the identity server %@? Deskonektatu %@ identitate-zerbitzaritik?
identity_server_settings_alert_disconnect_button Disconnect Deskonektatu
identity_server_settings_alert_disconnect_still_sharing_3pid You are still sharing your personal data on the identity server %@.

We recommend that you remove your email addresses and phone numbers from the identity server before disconnecting.
Oraindik datu pertsonalak partekatzen dituzu %@ identitate-zerbitzarian.

Deskonektatu aurretik identitate-zerbitzaritik e-mail helbideak eta telefonoak kentzea aholkatzen dizugu.
identity_server_settings_alert_disconnect_still_sharing_3pid_button Disconnect anyway Deskonektatu hala ere
identity_server_settings_alert_disconnect_title Disconnect identity server Deskonektatu identitate-zerbitzaria
identity_server_settings_alert_error_invalid_identity_server %@ is not a valid identity server. %@ ez da baliozko identitate-zerbitzari bat.
identity_server_settings_alert_error_terms_not_accepted You must accept terms of %@ to set it as identity server. %@ zerbitzariko erabilera baldintzak onartu behar dituzu identitate-zerbitzari gisa ezartzeko.
identity_server_settings_alert_no_terms The identity server you have chosen does not have any terms of service. Only continue if you trust the owner of the server. Hautatu duzun identitate-zerbitzariak ez du erabilera baldintzarik. Jarraitu soilik zerbitzuaren jabea fidagarritzat jotzen baduzu.
identity_server_settings_alert_no_terms_title Identity server has no terms of services Identitate-zerbitzariak ez du erabilera baldintzarik


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English Basque
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Source string comment
// MARK: - Home
String age
3 years ago
Source string age
3 years ago
Translation file
Riot/Assets/eu.lproj/Vector.strings, string 1553