
Please launch %@ on another device that can decrypt the message so it can send the keys to this session.
Key English Basque State
service_terms_modal_information_description_integration_manager An integration manager lets you add features from third parties.
service_terms_modal_policy_checkbox_accessibility_hint Check to accept %@ Markatu %@ onartzeko
deactivate_account_title Deactivate Account Desaktibatu kontua
deactivate_account_informations_part1 This will make your account permanently unusable. You will not be able to log in, and no one will be able to re-register the same user ID. This will cause your account to leave all rooms it is participating in, and it will remove your account details from your identity server. Honek kontua behin betirako erabilgaitza bihurtuko du. Ezin izango duzu saioa hasi, eta ezin izango du beste inork ID hori erabili. Kontua dagoen gela guztietatik aterako da, eta kontuaren xehetasunak identitate-zerbitzaritik ezabatuko dira.
deactivate_account_informations_part2_emphasize This action is irreversible. Ekintza hau ezin da desegin.

Deactivating your account

Zure kontua desaktibatzen
deactivate_account_informations_part4_emphasize does not by default cause us to forget messages you have sent. ez du lehenetsita guk zuk bidalitako mezuak ahaztea eragingo
deactivate_account_informations_part5 If you would like us to forget your messages, please tick the box below

Message visibility in Matrix is similar to email. Our forgetting your messages means that messages you have sent will not be shared with any new or unregistered users, but registered users who already have access to these messages will still have access to their copy.
Guk zure mezuak ahaztea nahi baduzu markatu beheko kutxa.

Matrix-eko mezuen ikusgaitasuna e-mail sistemaren antekoa da. Guk zure mezuak ahaztean ez dizkiogu erabiltzaile berriei edo izena eman ez dutenei erakutsiko, baina jada zure mezuak jaso dituzten erregistratutako erabiltzaileen bere kopia izaten jarraituko dute.
deactivate_account_forget_messages_information_part1 Please forget all messages I have sent when my account is deactivated ( Ahaztu bidali ditudan mezu guztiak kontua desaktibatzean (
deactivate_account_forget_messages_information_part2_emphasize Warning Abisua
deactivate_account_forget_messages_information_part3 : this will cause future users to see an incomplete view of conversations) : Honekin etorkizuneko erabiltzaileek elkarrizketaren bertsio ez oso bat ikusiko dute)
deactivate_account_validate_action Deactivate account Desaktibatu kontua
deactivate_account_password_alert_title Deactivate Account Desaktibatu kontua
deactivate_account_password_alert_message To continue, please enter your Matrix account password Jarraitzeko sartu zure pasahitza
rerequest_keys_alert_title Request Sent Eskaria bidalita
rerequest_keys_alert_message Please launch %@ on another device that can decrypt the message so it can send the keys to this session. Abiatu %@ mezua deszifratu dezakeen beste gailuren batean handik hona gakoak bidali ahal izateko.
secure_key_backup_setup_intro_title Secure Backup
secure_key_backup_setup_intro_info Safeguard against losing access to encrypted messages & data by backing up encryption keys on your server.
secure_key_backup_setup_intro_use_security_key_title Use a Security Key
secure_key_backup_setup_intro_use_security_key_info Generate a security key to store somewhere safe like a password manager or a safe.
secure_key_backup_setup_intro_use_security_passphrase_title Use a Security Phrase
secure_key_backup_setup_intro_use_security_passphrase_info Enter a secret phrase only you know, and generate a key for backup.
secure_key_backup_setup_existing_backup_error_title A backup for messages already exists
secure_key_backup_setup_existing_backup_error_info Unlock it to reuse it in the secure backup or delete it to create a new messages backup in the secure backup.
secure_key_backup_setup_existing_backup_error_unlock_it Unlock it
secure_key_backup_setup_existing_backup_error_delete_it Delete it
secure_key_backup_setup_cancel_alert_title Are your sure?
secure_key_backup_setup_cancel_alert_message If you cancel now, you may lose encrypted messages & data if you lose access to your logins.

You can also set up Secure Backup & manage your keys in Settings.
secure_backup_setup_banner_title Secure Backup
secure_backup_setup_banner_subtitle Safeguard against losing access to encrypted messages & data
key_backup_setup_title Key Backup Gakoen babes-kopia
Key English Basque State
poll_timeline_votes_count %lu votes
power_level Power Level Botere maila
preview Preview Aurreikusi
private Private Pribatua
public Public Publikoa
public_room_section_title Public Rooms (at %@): Gela publikoak (%@ zerbitzarian):
rage_shake_prompt You seem to be shaking the phone in frustration. Would you like to submit a bug report? Telefonoa amorruz astintzen zabiltzala dirudi. Akats baten berri eman nahi duzu?
reaction_history_title Reactions Erreakzioak
read_receipts_list Read Receipts List Irakurragirien zerrenda
receipt_status_read Read: Irakurri:
redact Remove Kendu
register_error_title Registration Failed Erregistratzeak huts egin du
reject_call Reject Call Ukatu deia
remove Remove Kendu
rename Rename Aldatu izena
rerequest_keys_alert_message Please launch %@ on another device that can decrypt the message so it can send the keys to this session. Abiatu %@ mezua deszifratu dezakeen beste gailuren batean handik hona gakoak bidali ahal izateko.
rerequest_keys_alert_title Request Sent Eskaria bidalita
resend Resend Birbidali
resend_message Resend the message Birbidali mezua
reset_to_default Reset to default Leheneratu lehenetsitakora
resume_call Resume
retry Retry Saiatu berriro
room_accessibility_call Call Deitu
room_accessibility_hangup Hang up Eseki
room_accessibility_integrations Integrations Integrazioak
room_accessibility_record_voice_message Record Voice Message
room_accessibility_record_voice_message_hint Double-tap and hold to record.
room_accessibility_search Search Bilatu
room_accessibility_thread_more More
room_accessibility_threads Threads


User avatar Osoitz

New translation

Element iOS / Element iOSBasque

Please launch %@ on another device that can decrypt the message so it can send the keys to this session.
Abiatu Riot mezua deszifratu dezakeen beste gailuren batean handik hona gakoak bidali ahal izateko.
4 years ago
User avatar Osoitz

New translation

Element iOS / Element iOSBasque

Please launch %@ on another device that can decrypt the message so it can send the keys to this session.
Abiatu Riot mezua deszifratu dezakeen beste gailuren batean handik hona gakoak bidali ahal izateko.
6 years ago
Browse all component changes

Things to check

Has been translated

Last translation was "Abiatu Riot mezua deszifratu dezakeen beste gailuren batean handik hona gakoak bidali ahal izateko.".

Fix string



English Basque
No related strings found in the glossary.

Source information

String age
6 years ago
Source string age
6 years ago
Translation file
Riot/Assets/eu.lproj/Vector.strings, string 1144